
Aug 18, 2020
Yeah again a post about politics if you are annoyed by it you don't have to read it.

I mean Putin (indirectlyI) kills pregnant women and their children. Not by accident he wants to demoralize the civilians with that. This is pretty sick. Supporting using chemical weapons in Syria. So much torture of innocent people. Even bombing a country which has a very similar ethnicity. Russia and Ukraine have a similar history. Their countries were once united. Now his own people have to suffer due to the sanctions while he can sit in his billion dollar mansion.

I don't think Putin is a psychopath. Remote diagnosis don't have a god reputation so I rather should not elaborate on that. I ask myself if he has sometimes maybe a little bit of doubts about his actions. Maybe he is too delusional for that. Biden once alledgedly said to Putin that the Russian leader had no soul. Putin has killed so many innocent people. Maybe you stop caring about that fact after the first 10.000 deaths of which you were responsible for.

I ask myself if he ever had a nightmare about the people he has (indirectly) killed. I could imagine only at the beginning. He is probably way beyond the point that he feels any empathy for them. Probably it is highly individual how people cope with such heinous crimes. Some might be mentally ill and others are for example shaped by their childhood. I could make a lot of speculation now but there are way too many explanations for that.

What do think about the topic? Do you think Putin has something like a conscience?
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Jul 7, 2021
It is years of training in kgb plus the ideology. You can see what people can do when they believe in higher purpose (he wants to restore soviet union)
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Aug 18, 2020
It is years of training in kgb plus the ideology. You can see what people can do when they believe in higher purpose (he wants to restore soviet union)
Yeah I think it is true that his time at KGB plays a role in that.
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Oblivion Access

Oblivion Access

I don't know anything
Jul 5, 2019
I will never defend Putin, making innocent bystanders pay the toll for your bloodthirsty ambitions is fucked. I still think it's quite telling we only care when it's white Europeans suffering this fate. When the US is doing the same shit to brown people nobody seems to give half a fuck.
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Oct 21, 2018
I don't know how anyone with any semblance of a conscience could commit such unspeakable atrocities as he has and still be able to live with themselves. He's just been slaughtering innocent people left and right (for many years) and walking around with that stupid fucking smirk on his face while people suffer the severe consequences of all of his depraved bullshit. He's a monster.
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Jun 14, 2019
Ukraine's not his first rodeo. He probably has ASPD. A lot of them do well in the power structure we have.

I will never defend Putin, making innocent bystanders pay the toll for your bloodthirsty ambitions is fucked. I still think it's quite telling we only care when it's white Europeans suffering this fate. When the US is doing the same shit to brown people nobody seems to give half a fuck.
I don't actually believe this. While in no way unanimous because of powerful post 9/11 propaganda, Americans heavily protested the war in Iraq. They hit the streets for Iraq and it was all we talked about for quite awhile. I took that all in even as a kid and remember the pushback about unjust actions in Iraq. Same for Vietnam. The Syrian war and refugee crisis was addressed heavily by the West. Not to mention Palestine is a constant conversation over here even though support for Israel persists in the Christian community. It's never been completely ignored. The media takes control of the narrative giving certain areas little coverage. Most people are wage slaves with children and don't have time to research every military operation going on. Whatever the news covers while we're rushing around in the morning is what we talk about. Civilians are doing the best they can.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Ukraine's not his first rodeo. He probably has ASPD. A lot of them do well in the power structure we have.

I don't actually believe this. While in no way unanimous because of powerful post 9/11 propaganda, Americans heavily protested the war in Iraq. They hit the streets for Iraq and it was all we talked about for quite awhile. I took that all in even as a kid and remember the pushback about unjust actions in Iraq. Same for Vietnam. The Syrian war and refugee crisis was addressed heavily by the West. Not to mention Palestine is a constant conversation over here even though support for Israel persists in the Christian community. It's never been completely ignored. The media takes control of the narrative giving certain areas little coverage. Most people are wage slaves with children and don't have time to research every military operation going on. Whatever the news covers while we're rushing around in the morning is what we talk about. Civilians are doing the best they can.
I think this is correct in that there are always going to be pockets of protests from right-thinking people, in the same way there are protests in Russia despite the patronising western notion of your average Russian being an unthinking android incapable of any thought beyond what Putin tells them to think. It does remain accurate however that western governments were inclined to blind-eye Chechnya whilst waging imperial wars of their own and were cheered by the media for doing so, and now these same people are doing their very best performative liberal handwringing over Ukraine whilst still arming Saudi Arabia and chastising anyone who expresses solidarity with the Palestinian cause (which in the UK *is* completely ignored) as a raging antisemite. Much of the public revulsion towards Putin and sympathy with the people of Ukraine now, whilst correct, is very heavily orchestrated and choreographed in a way other causes, which may reflect very badly upon our political and media classes, are definitely not.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Psychopaths have little to no empathy and/or regard for human life. Putin's ego is off the charts. He is a multi-term billionaire often wearing $20,000 worth of stuff when the average monthly income is like $250. These type of people feel they are part of a higher calling when in fact they are evil, deluded, and completely out of touch with reality. He sees himself as doing his country a service and that he will go down in the history books as a unifying leader that helped to grow the nation.

In that context, civilian life is a non-issue, and if women and children have to die as collateral damage then so be it. It's beyond disgusting, but these people are wired and conditioned differently to you and I.
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May 8, 2019
probably they sleep the same way as do "monsters" like george w. bush and others
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Oct 19, 2021
It's actually very easy to do- some people choose to care about some people but not others. For example, most people in the world have a t.v., and yet people who are starving to death might say- how can they spend money on t.v.'s when they could spend money on food for us instead and keep us from starving to death? We all have some degree of ethical blind spots. In his case this is much bigger in scope and much bigger in damage done, but the bottom line is- a person can choose to care about some people and not others.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
What do think about the topic? Do you think Putin has something like a conscience?

Let's leave aside the bloodthirsty bastard Poo-tin for a moment. We must look beyond the satanic scum being Poo-tin.

Poo-tin is sitting in his palatial bunker hidden in a heavily fortified location somwhere in the Ural mountains. He is the one solely responsible for this genocide and heinous crimes against humanity, no doubt.

Having said that, who is actually committing these crimes? It's not Poo-tin himself, he is only issuing orders. It's the barbaric Russian invaders in Ukraine who are committing these heinous crimes against humanity, and the Russian savages know very well they are committing these crimes with their own hands. It's not as if they are doing this for the first time either. They did the same in Chechnya, they did (and still are doing) the same in Syria alongside the As-sadist pigs they prop up, and they did the same in more places like Georgia, Libya, CAR etc.

So, it's not a question of one filthy creature alone. It's the entire chain of command from Poo-tin through his fellow KGB/FSB thugs, his generals, his propagandists, his financiers (Russkie mafiocrats), his police thugs, his officers all the way down to his conscripted soldiers who are all guilty for committing genocide & heinous crimes against humanity.

The questions that need to be asked are - Do they have a conscience? How can they sleep at night?

No, no, no, I will never buy the excuse that they were merely following orders. Following orders is never an excuse for committing such heinous crimes. They are active participants, all of them.

They have a choice, not to follow orders. In fact, quite a few conscientious ones are doing that now. Those Russian invaders who do have a conscience are either deserting, or surrendering to Ukrainians, or sabotaging themselves deliberately (by punching holes in their vehicles' fuel tanks etc.) Heck, we have even heard of conscientious Russian invaders who are shooting themselves in their own legs with Ukrainian ammunition, so they are taken off the battlefields and to hospitals

Plus, we have heard of some units of Russians flatly refusing orders to be sent to bolster the genocidal savages in Ukraine. Belarusian troops & officers mutinied when they came to know they were ordered to invade Ukraine, forcing the Belarusian Chief of Staff to offer his resignation to the tin-pot tyrant Lukashenko.

So the pathetic excuse of merely following orders cannot be accepted at all. They have several choices when it comes to not following orders.

Yet they choose to follow orders! So they are collectively & individually responsible for the heinous crimes they are committing. The question needs to be asked to all of them, not to just Poo-tin.

Oh! Lest I forget, what about all the shameless genocide apologists cheering on and celebrating this genocide and heinous crimes against humanity? There are plenty of such filthy bastards everywhere, not only in Russia. Yes, it's Russians in Russia and neighbouring countries who are cheering on and celebrating this genocide by rallying around the letter Z, which is the 卐 of the 21st century.

Elsewhere, it's an equal combination of far right scumbags and far left (commie) scumbags. The far right Nazis, fascists & imperialists in several countries are celebrating Poo-tin as their new messiah, while the commie scumbags are also celebrating his heinous crimes by gleefully waving the bloody Red flag of the long-dead evil empire (USSR), that is deliberately flown on some tanks & vehicles of the barbaric Russian invaders carrying the letter Z (or V, O, A & X).

You should see the disgusting scene in my country. The fascist pigs & commie pigs hate each other to the core in my country. They attack each other and brutally murder each other in cold blood all the time. Yet, both are united in celebrating and cheering on Poo-tin and his genocide in Ukraine. This only confirms what I've believed for a long time - fascists/Nazis/imperialists and commies are equally despicable scum beings the world over. They are as evil as each other!
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Jul 11, 2021
Those people can sleep easily at night because they trick themselves (and everybody else) into believing they actually do the right thing and that the other ones are the villains who shouldn't be sleeping at night
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Doesn't Putin believe he's trying to eliminate the Nazis from Ukraine? You can get comfortable with anything and sleep perfectly fine as long as you brand your targets as Nazis or other deplorable people.


Aug 23, 2020
Doesn't Putin believe he's trying to eliminate the Nazis from Ukraine?
Nah, I don't think he genuinely believes this one. If he genuinely believes anything he says, then it's probably the whole "why should I not sleep soundly if George W Bush does?" thing. This part of the rhetoric goes something like this: there are two world superpowers (Russia+China and the West headed by USA), they are in the great battle of Good and Evil and they are the only ones who matters, all other third world countries are expendable in the grand scheme of things, and since Ukraine is no longer allied with Russia but hasn't really been picked up by the West either (not in EU, NATO etc.) it is now demoted to a third world country in the classic meaning of this expression. Since the West did horrible atrocious things in other expendable third world countries, Russia is perfectly justified to do the same if it serves it's geopolitical interests. This war is a fight against the Very Evil West, the whole Ukraine is nothing but a collateral and it's okay because it's not as important as the world superpowers. Utopia justifies sacrifices. Makes sense if you're a Russian politician or even an average Russian or pro-Russian citizen. (Makes you want to scream and bang your head against the wall when you're in Ukraine and you're basically told "welp, Bush and his army killed a lot of innocent people in the Middle East so why is it wrong for Putin and his army to kill you and your family?", but that is not the point).

Speaking more generally, of course Putin isn't unique in his cruelty (sadly). What goes through the heads of the world leaders that start cruel wars? Well, most of the time it's one of two things. They are either complete sociopaths with no empathy and a narcissistic streak that pushes them to unleash massive violence in the name of their own pride and power - or they are genuinely convinced that what they are doing is being done for the greater good and the victims are necessary sacrifices. It can be some combination of the two in different proportions. This is the danger of trying to "make the world a better place" - when your goal is as massive and all encompassing as that, it starts to justify any means and it's often impossible to step back for a moment and realize that the line between "good with a shotgun" and obvious evil has been crossed. All horrible wars, political cleansings, bloody revolutions and other horrifying historical events were started with some noble-sounding reasoning provided and it's hard to tell which leaders just fed their people those pretty lies and which ones genuinely believed them themselves.

Death of one is a tragedy, death of thousands is a statistic. Your life, your dignity and suffering only matter while you're living your average normal life, but once you find yourself in the middle of "historic events" they don't matter anymore. There are hundred of books analyzing what was going through the minds of Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin and Mao, and barely a throwaway paragraph or two in the history books about individual examples picked out among the millions of average people affected by actions of those "great leaders". So it's not surprising that those leaders consider themselves so much more important that the millions they affect during their lifetime.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Not sure about Mao, etc., but I know that both Hitler and Stalin both have brutal father figures that ultimately caused them to abandon empathy and crave domination. And in both cases, there were geographic regions in urgent need of historic reform. Putin is merely an distant echo of much darker times of the early Soviet era, though that is no consolation for those who are affected directly (and I'm not talking about petrol prices!), nor can we assume that this couldn't escalate out of control from this point.

I've long been of the opinion that narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder need to be compulsory education in school. There are plenty of them amongst the billionaire class, upper management in corporations, the finance industry and of course politics. And even in interpersonal relationships, they can leave behind a trail of utter ruin, all the while with a smirk on their faces.

If we are educated on this essential matter, the blame must then go to average people for not heeding the warning signs of these deadly personalities. We are repeatedly falling for their charm or capitulating before their purported toughness. The narcissists themselves are not to blame, as they are a product of tragic stories and their egocentric mental state is natural outcome of human psychology imploding like a black hole under extreme stresses. The insanity at all levels of society can only wane when we stop handing over all power to madmen.
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Of The Universe

Of The Universe

Dec 31, 2021
It is years of training in kgb plus the ideology. You can see what people can do when they believe in higher purpose (he wants to restore soviet union)
As I understand it he wants 1) Ukraine neutral,not connected to NATO,and 2) To destroy Zelensky's Azov brigade,which murders Russians. Don't be mean to me,this is just what me reads!!😮
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Reclaiming my human rights & liberty thru suicide.
Dec 12, 2021
Throughout history the aggressors had issues finding Justifications to invade.
Whether it was nazi Germany on Poland, Japan on China or Russia on Ukraine.

Notice what's the common theme amongst them? The other countries condemning but too pussy to intervene until the conflicts spread further towards their border.
History repeating itself, dark times of mankind.
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Aug 23, 2020
As I understand it he wants 1) Ukraine neutral,not connected to NATO,and 2) To destroy Zelensky's Azov brigade,which murders Russians. Don't be mean to me,this is just what me reads!!😮
Maybe it's 1. I do want to point out that the Ukraine was not connected to NATO to begin with, otherwise NATO would be intervening on a much bigger scale, so this is a very destructive war started "just in case". It's certainly not 2 because Russian army is currently attacking targets that are a) obviously civilian and b) so geographically remote from where Azov brigade is currently situated that you can fit an average european country in between. But yeah, I also don't think he is really interested in restoring USSR.
Hope you don't think I'm being mean to you.
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Mar 17, 2018
I will never defend Putin, making innocent bystanders pay the toll for your bloodthirsty ambitions is fucked. I still think it's quite telling we only care when it's white Europeans suffering this fate. When the US is doing the same shit to brown people nobody seems to give half a fuck.
Nah, those people say those ethnics are terrorists. The memes write themselves.

The Palestine-Israeli conflict has been going on for years, and I've only learned about it in sophomore year in high school. How come nobody's covered that all this time???
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Aug 23, 2020
The Palestine-Israeli conflict has been going on for years, and I've only learned about it in sophomore year in high school. How come nobody's covered that all this time???
I was about 8 years old when I first learned about it, this was when Bill Clinton had a peace summit with Yasser Arafat and whats-his-face Israeli Prime Minister. I guess Bill Clintons name can tell that it was a while ago. Is media coverage really that one-sided, or was your sophomore year just way before mine?


Mar 17, 2018
I was about 8 years old when I first learned about it, this was when Bill Clinton had a peace summit with Yasser Arafat and whats-his-face Israeli Prime Minister. I guess Bill Clintons name can tell that it was a while ago. Is media coverage really that one-sided, or was your sophomore year just way before mine?
Let's see… it was 2012, I believe. So, I guess it likely was.

I've only learned about it after listening to underground hip-hop artists Lowkey and Immortal Technique then I began researching on alternative world news. I haven't followed them in a while.
Of The Universe

Of The Universe

Dec 31, 2021
With all

Hope you don't think I'm being mean to you.
No,you are quite amiable.🤗 What I meant was that its fun to debate politics and argue,but if you go against the grain,A mod may well kick you off the site!😮 So I take it easy on sensitive issues.😇😇😇
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
What if, turns out he doesn't sleep

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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
He should start sleeping with both eyes open because somebody close to him (with a bit of luck) will end the little beady eyed bastard.
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Makes you want to scream and bang your head against the wall when you're in Ukraine and you're basically told "welp, Bush and his army killed a lot of innocent people in the Middle East so why is it wrong for Putin and his army to kill you and your family?"

I don't know who you think you're fooling by calling yourself cynical; you're a veritable saint for being so patient & gentle with everyone on here. If I were Ukrainian, I definitely wouldn't be able to stop myself from raging.
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Don’t cry for me, I’m already dead.
Mar 21, 2022
Not a big politics fan, but he sleeps well at night cause he has no soul or heart and he knows no one will harm him because he has a lot of nukes to protect him.
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