

Aug 24, 2024
I've learned from being on here that not everyone is mentally ill, like myself. But it still boils down to the hopelessness that I will never get better. I feel like everyone on here's reason for wanting to cbt is ultimately because they are hopeless about a situation in their lives
( looks, money, relationships, health ect) or hopeless about the state of the world in general in that it will never change for the good. Am I right?
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New Member
Sep 4, 2024
I'm rather new to this site, I'm sorry if I'm of no help, but yeah I think losing hope and giving up ultimately boils down to why people are lead to ctb. In my situation, I've given up on self improvement and have decided to take the easy way out. I've seen and experienced many people pass in this way, and i think you're right.
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Jun 15, 2023
Yeah youre right. Now the question is what is the threshold of hopelessness? How much does a person have to take before they lose all hope? It might differ from person to person.
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Dec 14, 2021
Yeah you're right
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New Member
Sep 4, 2024
The question is what is the threshold of hopelessness? How much does a person have to take before they lose all hope? It might differ from person to person
I think in a lot of people it's a buildup or the same situation for a very long time. In my situation, I've been battling the person I used to be and have been giving my all to improve. What has brought back all of these temptations is the sheer volume of things going on in my life. Information shared, losing friends, a hurt relationship, my family household. I think it's different for everyone, but I've noticed that it always comes back to the volume. Either a lot of one thing or a lot of many things to bring them to that choice.
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enough of this

enough of this

Jun 4, 2023
I've learned from being on here that not everyone is mentally ill, like myself. But it still boils down to the hopelessness that I will never get better. I feel like everyone on here's reason for wanting to cbt is ultimately because they are hopeless about a situation in their lives
( looks, money, relationships, health ect) or hopeless about the state of the world in general in that it will never change for the good. Am I right?
Yes, I think you ARE right about that. I'm not mentally ill. But that's not how I would be seen my the psychiatric community. I feel hopeless about how the world is run and the projected subsequent results. I'm not willing to live under totalitarian rule. It's horrible that we've already had so many rights and privileges and privacy taken away from us. In my mental health, I don't see that it's wrong to want to leave a world government that's doing its best to keep me in social and financial slavery, while getting me to continue funding my own demise. The "1%" is so bent on maintaining their opulence and privileges, they're willing to eliminate an enormous amount of the world's population to keep it. And they're using the efforts of the world's population to do just that. It's just wrong.
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Jun 15, 2023
I think in a lot of people it's a buildup or the same situation for a very long time. In my situation, I've been battling the person I used to be and have been giving my all to improve. What has brought back all of these temptations is the sheer volume of things going on in my life. Information shared, losing friends, a hurt relationship, my family household. I think it's different for everyone, but I've noticed that it always comes back to the volume. Either a lot of one thing or a lot of many things to bring them to that choice.
So it basically has to do with the number of times a person gets hurt by external/internal events? With Most of those events by governed by the universes law of entropy, much of what is effecting us is out of our control because the universe governs much of everything and the universe follows the laws of entropy so everything just happens by random chance. This is why I say its like a casino. some people get lucky, some people dont. Its a unfair and cruel system. It makes me ask the question of why do people then decide to procreate, but then i remember that oh yeah, because most of the population is ignorant of the unfair system we are subjected to in this universe. (btw im not saying this to look down on those who are not aware)
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Aug 24, 2024
Yes , you are absolutely right. In my case , I am not mentally ill. But the situation I am in has persisted for years , and I am hopeless now that it might ever be ok. If I am asked , what is the greatest contributor to suicide, the one word would be hopelessness. It doesn't matter if it's mental illness, physical, financial, relationship etc . People who continue voluntarily is because of hope. People who exit is because they hit the threshold of hope.
The question is what is the threshold of hopelessness? How much does a person have to take before they lose all hope? It might differ from person to person
This is true also. It's a matter of perspective. For example one person may be ok being homeless where for another its not an option and they rather be dead. Religious people seem to hold out the most hope, clinging onto their God for a miracle that rarely happens.
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Aug 24, 2024
So it basically has to do with the number of times a person gets hit damaged? Which is governed by the universes law of entropy (Basically much of what is effecting us is out of our control because the universe governs much of everything and the universe follows the laws of entropy so everything just happens by random chance) Its like a casino. some people get lucky, some people dont.what a cruel world. Tell me again why people decide to procreate? Oh yeah, because most of the population is ignorant of the laws of entropy.
Yes the world is cruel for sure. I always say it's about luck, chance and circumstance. That being said I am an older female who decided not to procreate.
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New Member
Sep 4, 2024
So it basically has to do with the number of times a person gets hit damaged? Which is governed by the universes law of entropy (Basically much of what is effecting us is out of our control because the universe governs much of everything and the universe follows the laws of entropy so everything just happens by random chance) Its like a casino. some people get lucky, some people dont.what a cruel world. Tell me again why people decide to procreate? Oh yeah, because most of the population is ignorant of the laws of entropy.
I think how every person perceives these situations also plays a huge role. Some people will turn trauma onto others, I think what leads to ctb is continously internalizing all of your trauma until you lose hope. Unfortunately, life is a game of luck; i think you're right about that. Somebody may argue if the game is Internalization then isn't the easy answer opening up? I saw another thread on here that spoke about opening up being a scam, and I can't help but agree. Opening up has destroyed my relationship, caused all of my friends to distance themselves from me, and ultimately left me fighting alone. How can I improve if I'm not given help from my family? How can I improve when the United States answer is to essentially lock you up? Help is expensive. In that way, it's also like a casino.


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
For me it's logic and rational thinking. No one can convince me that there is anything important or good in this world or life. There is no objective reason to live. No one can convince me that i should live or do anything. nothing matters. no one can convince me that anything matters objectively and so that it should matter to me.

But it's not just that you have the choice to just live or not . you have to pay dearly in suffering, labor, fixing problems worry , groceries, eating, chores, working , risking extreme torture and falling into extreme pain just to exist in this prison hell as a fragile decaying small animal , all for nothing for no reason no purpose.

furthermore they made this world into a prison by making guaranteed suicide methods like nembutal , suicide booths , and assisting in suicide crimes.

Also this hell was imposed. i didn't no one asked to be here.

The only thing that matters to me is avoiding extreme pain and extreme suffering.

on top of those reasons are all the horrible things , the terrible state of this world , oppression , the suicide prohibition state, injustice , diseases , old age many more . And then i have other personal reasons on top of all these and more .

all these "pleasurable" garbage things are just meaningless addictions bait leading me to extreme torture .

I wouldn't care if I could have health, wealth, and the other things that most consider part of a "good" life i still would prefer non-existence asap .
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Sep 2, 2024
Presently for me, yes.

Historically though I've come so close to ctb multiple times in multiple ways and honestly I wasn't even slightly depressed and everything in my life was pretty amazing. There was just some switch that flipped and it seemed like the most rational and euphoria inducing thing to do. Since life really was amazing at that time and I really wasn't depressed, it actually really scared me when I snapped out of it.

I've since found bio relatives via DNA and learned that suicide is how several have ended their time here.

I suspect that flipped switch is genetic and I hope that those who have left that way did so while experiencing the weirdly euphoric flipped switch as opposed to feeling despair.

I haven't experienced it for at least a decade. This time it's the hopelessness you mentioned.


Apr 10, 2023
CTB is because u have nothing left to cling on to. Most of us with a suicide ideation is because we have trauma we dealing with. But we don't CTB cause we have a few things that still give meaning to life or well give hope for the future. When that is gone. Lol. Its a very slippery slope. 1 or 2 things may keep u in. But.... unless u get a 'hope replenishment' its more or less over. My 'hope replenishment' was a promotion that basically increased my income by almost 40 per cent. If it wasn't for that......


died a long time ago
Aug 13, 2023
I read in this book called "How to Not Kill Yourself" that the biggest predictor of suicide is prior attempts. I feel like it is hard to measure hopelessness but it definitely would have to be there for someone to attempt so hopelessness could go beyond prior attempts as a predictor. Keen observation


Dec 16, 2021
Yeah I agree, I feel like the trouble is assessing whether one is truly hopeless or not. For me it's like, every time I try to change for the better old habits always overtake me. It's like I just can't maintain motivation for positive things.
Motivation, is ultimately, out of one's control. You only have control insofar as your desires allow you, ultimately, and you don't really control your desires.
Right now, since I have some desire to, I am trying to change my desires toward positive things, by internalizing positive things into my psyche. We'll see how that goes, I guess.
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Just remember that the last laugh is on you
Aug 13, 2024
I think the only reason I haven't ctbed yet is because I still have some hope.
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May 6, 2024
I'm living in what feels like an extended nightmare. Hope doesn't sustain me much, I gave up on that precisely 4 weeks ago when I realized I'm never going to recover from what was done to me.
Med malpractice. I'll never really have hope except for producing smaller things or just living for a while to see the beauty of the world. I never wanted this though. šŸ˜ž


Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
I don't think so. Hopelessness makes it harder to find the energy to ctb, and more often causes people to live in a state of isolation and dismay. From my experience the biggest "predictor" is a strong desire to leave and tolerance for pain.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I don't know. In my case, I don't want to die because of being hopeless but rather because I acknowledge the world for what it is and realise that it isn't worth it to be alive as a human. I don't really bother with bringing hope into this as, at the end of the day, this is the world that I got and nothing will change that. This is reality
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Yes, I think it has a great deal to do with it. With no hope of things getting better or even changing substantially enough to make a difference, there's very little motivation to even try at life. And, when we don't try, there's a whole lot less chance that things will just magically improve. Like that famous quote: (attributed to Einstein but possibly incorrectly) 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.' But yeah- why would we even bother trying if we see no hope in it bringing us what we want? And then, there are the promortalists who want nothing to do with life at all.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I understand, I'd personally never wish to suffer in this existence that is so cruel, painful and hopeless for me, find existing to be completely undesirable and it's something that only ever brought me pain. It terrifies me how one can potentially exist for so long in this reality where there is no limit as to how much agony one can feel, in my case I just wish for peace instead, I only wish and hope to never suffer again, to me existence just feels like a terrible, tragic mistake, I never would wish for existence no matter what, I'm so tired of being burdened with this existence.

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