

May 21, 2020
This is gonna be kind of a shitpost since it really doesn't add anything new to this forum at all, but I feel that I really need to get this off my chest.

The thread name says it all, really. I live in the USA, which is run by a reprehensible monster who just took away healthcare protections for LGBT folks such as myself, and his opponent is a bumbling old fucking mummy with no hope of beating him. Therefore, my hope is that I'll have all the resources to catch my bus before Election Day this year. I truly don't want to be around to see this piece of shit get reelected and turn this shithole country into the fascist dictatorship it was always bound to become. My life is already shit for plenty of non-political reasons, but I can NOT go on living in a nation like that. And don't try to tell me it's not gonna happen; I've tried to be optimistic so many fucking times in my life and not once has it ever worked out.