
Jul 1, 2020
All of us may be familiar with the Samurai tradition of committing suicide as a way retaining honor or an expression of indignation. A way for warriors to find honor in defeat. The samurai weren't the only warriors of old to choose death over the shame of defeat or enslavement.

We are not fighting a tangible enemy in our times, but we fight a war nonetheless, a battle for our souls. And we are losing the spiritual fight against the forces of corporate greed, government coercion, materialism and superficiality. The messages of love, peace, and compassion are drowned out. Most of us sell our souls for the latest gadgets and social media likes, and we are all complicit participants of the destruction of our planet, the only home we have. Most of us are far too concerned with keeping up with the Joneses than examining our own humanity.

I'm framing my death as a sort of ritual suicide, an expression of indignation and protest over the forces of unconsciousness. I will write a death poem. The victors will not take me alive.
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