

Jun 3, 2022
I was extremely bored earlier so i decided to go on reddit and laugh at all the dumbass tryhard comments and i came out of it wanting to fucking break something. everytone on that fucking site is BEYOND insufferable, i actually screamed "shut the fuck up" out loiud at some point scrolling through it. everyone is so fucking mean and smug all the time for no reason. there isn't a single good subreddit or community on there i dont care every single one fucking blows dick. i cant even say that about twitter

and that's not even getting into the fact that the site itself is extremely flawed and ugly-looking ahd its main gimmick necessitates hive mentalities. ive also heard its moderation team never gets off their ass unless enough people complain for something to get in the news, idk if this is true since i dont actually use reddit and never will but it wouldn't surprise me. honestly, my main problem with the site is just all the mind-numbing shit its dumbfuck pseudo-intellectual userbase decides to unleash onto the internet on a daily basis for everyone to see, i don't care enough about it to get upset about the site not working lol.

with all that said, great place for mental self-harm! would recommend 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍:blarg::hmph::aw::ohh::ehh::eh::love::zzz:💽⛱️🏈🥙🍅♉♻️🇨🇦🇮🇲
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My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Aug 26, 2022
The only good thing about reddit is that they seem to have the largest communities for everything. But even that isn't enough to make me use their site. It's a toxic cesspool circlejerk.
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Professional Screwup
Jan 1, 2023
There's some nice corners of it actually! But just because of the mods alone, I'd say the bad rap it gets is justified. Those people act like it's a career
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Feb 21, 2022
You basically nailed it.

I've been perma-banned from Reddit for several months now.

Even when I try to make a new account they insta-ban it via IP address, I guess.

The only sub worth going on is r/escapingprisonplanet because at least the bulk of the discussion deals with the nature of reality and escaping this shithole.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
reddit is incredibly cringe and full of wanna be big brains who think they know it all, especially when it comes to relationship affairs, politics, philosophy, and life in general. By design, reddit's platform makes it impossible for one to be incredulous or stray away from the opinion of whatever echo chamber sub you're viewing, because controversial posts will be always be buried and hidden, while only the most popular sentiment is displayed.

If you wanna be angry, just look at the comments on subs like AmITheAsshole or relationship advice, one can probably get high blood pressure just from reading some of the bullshit that gets posted on there. The average reddit user encompasses pretty much everything that's wrong with my generation. They are self-righteous virtue signallers, while simeltanously mocking those who are less fortunate than they are.

You will see someone posting about how society is materalistic, greedy, solipsistic and broken on subs like LateStageCapitalism one day, then see them on AITA the next encouraging anti social behavior and telling people that they're empowered to treat their friends and family like shit out of selfishness- you don't owe anybody anything and helping others is bad! So much cognitive dissonance.

A really disgusting attitude I frequently see on reddit is calling mentally ill and struggling individuals man children, lazy, narcissts, etc if they are dependent on others, can't cope with life, and need help to survive. I saw one woman on reddit encouraging someone to put her ex-boyfriend who couldn't find work out on the street, because "you're not his mommy. He can cry about it when he's homeless, he's an adult and can figure it out." Dozens of people had upvoted this nasty, cruel comment, so it really tells you something about the user base of that garbage website.

Reddit claims to be a tolerant, safe space which is against hate and bigotry, yet allows so many communities on their platform which are essentially treasure troves of witch hunting, doxing, and bullying. For example, the illness fakers sub, where users stalk social media pages of chronically ill people that they dislike or disbelieve, then openly mock those strangers as a group for juicy entertainment. These redditors justify their bullying by claiming that all of these random people they know nothing about must have Munchassens and fake being ill for attention.

It's a shame that reddit has basically killed off the majority of forums, and now possesses a monopoly over this type of website. If you're looking for a niche, specialised discussion group on a cettain topic, odds are that it only exists on plebbit now. Which is a shame, because you can't even really consider that trash dump an actual forum, as it solely curates the most popular content, burying any other discussions in the process. Not to mention, the most active subreddits are all run by a selective group of around a dozen powermods/jannies who control and censor everything.

If all that wasn't enough to piss you off, these mfers also have the most punchable faces known to man

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Oct 11, 2022
I use it for a laugh. I like going to r/aww for the fur babies. It's alright for looking up news articles and just looking up the interesting sounding ones myself (ie gadjets, James web telescope findings, etc)
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Jan 5, 2023
I notice on a lot of posts now you can't even sort the comments to see the most controversial. It's all one sided and you're not allowed to have an opinion different from the masses.

The internet has turned into a safe space for the weak minded. That's why sites like 4chan are getting more popular because you can literally say anything.
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CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
Truth tell reedit toxic desgn harm other etc many toxic member many awful sub etc crulty this all same human. Thing real toxic still sm info get some understand also ctb befre ok topic , site show human ape herd wsy think , it better search info no interact
Add this human say no barrier nation etc all clear make reddit adv
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Sep 28, 2022
it better search info no interact
I agree. Most of the times I tried to interact in the comments of reddit posts it either ended up turning into an argument I didn't wish to participate in, or in me being invalidated for what I felt or said. This is especially true in subreddits that specialize in mental health.

Nowadays I mostly avoid reddit because of that, and also due to the replaceable and short nature of all the content that's in there, but if I go into reddit I avoid the comments.
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Jul 23, 2022
there isn't a single good subreddit or community on there
I think some of the support subs are pretty good like r/CPTSD and r/therapyabuse and of course the old r/sanctionedsuicide was as helpful to me as this site is now.
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Out of order
Feb 21, 2021
I'm a lurker on Reddit more than anything. A lot of the information they have on there can be pretty useful ngl. Though I refuse to interact with the community, beyond lurking, anymore. Having a civil discussion on there is practically non-existent as everyone wants to start a fight, more so than the rest of the internet. And their mental health communities ... Don't even get me started. Combine the toxic nature of the average Redditor with poor moderation and there's a recipe for disaster.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
It's interesting how redditors themselves will often say "sort by controversial for the real answers." So even aside from the endless cliches and smuggery, they know how flawed their own site is.
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Jan 17, 2023
It's pretty useless for discussion and the social aspect, in my opinion. The subs for hobby stuff like camping seem harmless though.

I just don't like the karma system and culture, especially the weird rules so many subs have. My age and gender is rarely relevant, but will that stop a sub from having some arbitrary rule that you must start your post like "Me (20F) and my dog (3M)..." or risk having your post deleted? No.

Hell, even if I do format my post correctly, it'll probably be auto-deleted anyway because I don't have enough karma. Are you a new user who literally just made your account to ask a question? Too bad. Go (re)post some memes until you have enough internet points to justify being here. Oh, that meme sub is karma-locked too? Just get good, I guess.
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Jul 15, 2022
Reddit is toxic
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Dec 15, 2021
You basically nailed it.

I've been perma-banned from Reddit for several months now.

Even when I try to make a new account they insta-ban it via IP address, I guess.

The only sub worth going on is r/escapingprisonplanet because at least the bulk of the discussion deals with the nature of reality and escaping this shithole.
r/escapingprisonplanet and r/therapyabuse are the only subreddits I can bare with. Everything else is just so fucking bad. I can go on about how much I hate Reddit and it's users. I use to go on subreddits like r/vent and r/CPTSD but even those are starting to suck now.
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Apologizing for my life and ever entering yours
May 6, 2021
I have a reddit account but I haven't used it in almost a year or two. I signed up when I was in a really desperate situation mentally, needed a community and places to vent. The subreddits I went were mostly chill fortunately, with some people even offering to talk to me in private. Unfortunately I never got back to them and feel a little bad for not doing so till this day, I hope they're ok.

The few times I've hopped on reddit are mostly to lurk on topics I'm interested: lost media, art, lgbtq+ issues, memes, music or something else I'm researching. Though, I think something I see in most reddit subforums are issues between newbies, mods and long-time users, there's always some sort of conflict of interest between them. A couple of times I've encountered a some *really* bad subreddits, and I can only say...yikes

A friend once told me artists were recommending reddit for getting visibility, but I feel it only works if you're really into reddit culture and geek culture, otherwise I don't you'll find much success (irrelevant point to the main argument, I find the layout to be really ugly and confusing).

Sometimes I watch those videos that compile "creepy reddit stories", and while they're good background noise, they sound so fake lol, don't get why ytbers are so desperate to make them sound creepier or realistic than they really are (also, can we talk about how reddit stories have become bottom of the barrel content in YT? There's so much content good lord)​
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Sep 17, 2020
i use plebbit only for niche interests, images and memes, some small subreddits are good for discussion but anything big and mainstream are no go zones. My experience there aren't actually so bad if i avoid the shitholes (the 90% of the site), is comparable to youtube in that sense, the good things are in the bottom of the barrel. Also I agree with everyone who says that the best thing just lurk.

There is something that i never gonna forgive and is how plebbit and social networks killed the forums, blogs and other discussion sites, even though the internet is infinitely bigger than before the actually meaningful contents and discussions are harder to find.

The whole web feels like a scam compared to how used to be years ago.

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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
i use plebbit only for niche interests, images and memes, some small subreddits are good for discussion but anything big and mainstream are no go zones. My experience there aren't actually so bad if i avoid the shitholes (the 90% of the site), is comparable to youtube in that sense, the good things are in the bottom of the barrel. Also I agree with everyone who says that the best thing just lurk.

There is something that i never gonna forgive and is how plebbit and social networks killed the forums, blogs and other discussion sites, even though the internet is infinitely bigger than before the actually meaningful contents and discussions are harder to find.

The whole web feels like a scam compared to how used to be years ago.
reddit is incredibly cringe and full of wanna be big brains who think they know it all, especially when it comes to relationship affairs, politics, philosophy, and life in general. By design, reddit's platform makes it impossible for one to be incredulous or stray away from the opinion of whatever echo chamber sub you're viewing, because controversial posts will be always be buried and hidden, while only the most popular sentiment is displayed.

If you wanna be angry, just look at the comments on subs like AmITheAsshole or relationship advice, one can probably get high blood pressure just from reading some of the bullshit that gets posted on there. The average reddit user encompasses pretty much everything that's wrong with my generation. They are self-righteous virtue signallers, while simeltanously mocking those who are less fortunate than they are.

You will see someone posting about how society is materalistic, greedy, solipsistic and broken on subs like LateStageCapitalism one day, then see them on AITA the next encouraging anti social behavior and telling people that they're empowered to treat their friends and family like shit out of selfishness- you don't owe anybody anything and helping others is bad! So much cognitive dissonance.

A really disgusting attitude I frequently see on reddit is calling mentally ill and struggling individuals man children, lazy, narcissts, etc if they are dependent on others, can't cope with life, and need help to survive. I saw one woman on reddit encouraging someone to put her ex-boyfriend who couldn't find work out on the street, because "you're not his mommy. He can cry about it when he's homeless, he's an adult and can figure it out." Dozens of people had upvoted this nasty, cruel comment, so it really tells you something about the user base of that garbage website.

Reddit claims to be a tolerant, safe space which is against hate and bigotry, yet allows so many communities on their platform which are essentially treasure troves of witch hunting, doxing, and bullying. For example, the illness fakers sub, where users stalk social media pages of chronically ill people that they dislike or disbelieve, then openly mock those strangers as a group for juicy entertainment. These redditors justify their bullying by claiming that all of these random people they know nothing about must have Munchassens and fake being ill for attention.

It's a shame that reddit has basically killed off the majority of forums, and now possesses a monopoly over this type of website. If you're looking for a niche, specialised discussion group on a cettain topic, odds are that it only exists on plebbit now. Which is a shame, because you can't even really consider that trash dump an actual forum, as it solely curates the most popular content, burying any other discussions in the process. Not to mention, the most active subreddits are all run by a selective group of around a dozen powermods/jannies who control and censor everything.

If all that wasn't enough to piss you off, these mfers also have the most punchable faces known to man

View attachment 103698
Exactly. Reddit is a fucking monopoly and should be disbanded for killing off all the internet forums. Nowhere comes close to the large variety of larche niches it services. It's just wrong. Couple that with how easy it is to get banned in subs and from the site as a whole and it's a disgusting abuse if power. An absolute killer of free speech. Hordes of hive minds downvoting and reporting anything that doesn't fit their tiny world view. Mods all on fucking power trips.

Someone needs to come up with open source software to bring back forums in a way that can compete with Reddit. Individual communities in charge of themselves that link up to be able to compete with Reddit. A single interface for multiple forums. One login and messaging system. No such thing as site wide bans. No ability to ban individual communities.

The one problem it could still have that Reddit has is power hungry mods with itchy ban/delete/lock fingers. Assholes. Reddit should do something about it but they don't give a shit what mods put people through as long as their precious rules are followed. And admins will ban you with a hair trigger. Site wide bans on a monopoly like Reddit are outrageous considering the lack of process. And they ban you good and proper as well, using all sorts of underhanded identity tracking measures that shouldn't be legal. I don't think they are legal.

Reddit gets away with too fucking much. Where else is there that remotely competes with its size and style? Nothing. Certainly nothing I know of. Fuck Reddit, fuck the hive mind, fuck the mods and fuck the admins. They have made the world a worse place
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
You basically nailed it.

I've been perma-banned from Reddit for several months now.

Even when I try to make a new account they insta-ban it via IP address, I guess.

The only sub worth going on is r/escapingprisonplanet because at least the bulk of the discussion deals with the nature of reality and escaping this shithole.
Did they say why they banned you?

Reddit is bizarre. They'll ban one person or sub for going against the grain, yet they let other subs and users who are 100x more problematic, prejudiced and deranged run wild with abandon.
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Feb 21, 2022
Did they say why they banned you?

Reddit is bizarre. They'll ban one person or sub for going against the grain, yet they let other subs and users who are 100x more problematic, prejudiced and deranged run wild with abandon.
I said something that didn't align with a certain ideology.

Can't repeat it here, though, because a few people here, including one of the mods would likely take issue with it.
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Sep 4, 2022
Did they say why they banned you?

Reddit is bizarre. They'll ban one person or sub for going against the grain, yet they let other subs and users who are 100x more problematic, prejudiced and deranged run wild with abandon.
I know I was banned from r/sex or however the subreddit goes just for accidentally making a shit post which I didn't even know was a thing cause I had just started reddit...I accidentally posted nothing. No pics , no text...Just hit the post button and showed nothing. Banned for 6 months even after I explained what happened. Control hungry douchbag mods....I really don't miss reddit.
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Dec 21, 2022
The only subreddit I subscribe to is one about my favorite comedian. It's very friendly and chill.


Oct 5, 2020
I'm a lurker on Reddit more than anything. A lot of the information they have on there can be pretty useful ngl. Though I refuse to interact with the community, beyond lurking, anymore. Having a civil discussion on there is practically non-existent as everyone wants to start a fight, more so than the rest of the internet. And their mental health communities ... Don't even get me started. Combine the toxic nature of the average Redditor with poor moderation and there's a recipe for disaster.
This 100%. I've actually just recently deleted my account after being insulted in what should have been a civil debate. I still lurk because I like the site's format, and I like that there's a sub for just about any community you can think of, but that's about it. The actual discussions on there are way too toxic and aren't worth participating in if you're not interested in heated back and forth arguments.
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