

Antidepressants and antipsychotics are posion
Feb 13, 2020
I am 24 year old female. I was stressed a lot about college and i took Zoloft in summer 2016 (i stared with zoloft at 07/31/2016) to numb anxiety before two realy important (conditional) exams. I regret so bad i did mistakes and eneded up with 2 conditional exams at the last exam's period. If i didn't pass any of that 2 exams i would lose the right to education. I regret so bad for mistakes i did to end up in that situation. Zoloft numbed my anxiety but made me suicidal and bipolar and i couldn't stop taking Zoloft due withdrawal. I reduced dosage for 50% in December. I had horible withdrawal in which i near killed myself. I survived. I came off zoloft in middle February 2017. I had acute withdrawal but it wasn't bad as in December. But unfortunately i developed protracted withdrawal which i wasnt aware and it had lasted for a months. Simptoms: my chronic cervical spine pain was 1000 times worsen, my OCD was worsen, i suffered from severe insomna. Btw i had tinitus as aftermath of zoloft and benzos and ambien which i had used. I wasn't aware it was from it. (I fotgot mention pain got worse a year before from diazepam which I used for insomnia caused by stress related with college and mild tinitus started.) I thought it would spontaneously get worse a year by year. I was suicidal every day because of phisical pain. Then problems with my spine got worse from injury. My mental trauma from othopedist who caused my back probelms by unnecessary and falied scoliosis brace haunted me more than ever. He gave me brace because he had commision. I had been brainwashed by Tubmlr blogs for about 1.5 year that glorifies suicide and promote indirectly suicide as an answer for any problem in life. I wanted to kill myself. I vountaliry went to psych ward in May 2017 for 4 days, they didn't help me. They just poisoned me with their neurotoxic drugs. In July 2017 mother forced me to generic flouxetine, i didn't want it, i cried and baged to didn't force me, i regret i didn't act i swallow it, i swallowed it only because of love to her and nothing more. I had been on it for 4 weeks and in that period at times i used zyprexa (also forced by mother) before sleep. Flouxetine made me emotionaly numb and killed my sex drive. I came off flouxetine in August 2017. Only withdrawal symptom was sleeping problems. But i didn't fully regain my sexuality and emotions back. I was desparate. Sadness and hapiness came back soon after i came off, but ability to fall in love/attracrion to men never come back and anxiety were damaged a lot. Month after i came off orgasams came back (it was hard to reach it), horrines come back at 5-7% (it was poor!). I hated i lost feel of horrines and ability to fall in love and having a lot of difficulties with reaching orgasam. I was suicidal because of sexual and emotional loss. Btw i suffered from memory and contretration problems, thinking probelms (i had blocking of thoughts but then it wasn't bad like a now), tinitus. I was depressed a lot. Then I accepted it and lived well. My live never was the same, it was less quality but i loved my life, i was happy again, i was full of life again and i tried to enjoy in my life as much as i can. I had plans for future. I have been a proud activists against big pharma and psych drugs. Then in April 2019 i got neck injury by a chiropractor who i visited because of spine problems. I was scared if i had vertrebal artery disection. I went to ER. Btw i had dizziness. I told them my symptoms. They injected me with torecan because of dizziness without my consent and it made my damage from flouxetine worse 1000 times. They were rude to me and i was scared and too mentaly weak to stop them. Torecan - thiethylperazine is an old worldwide banned antipsychotic which is used as antiemetic and label off for dizininess in 6 Slavic countries (Europe) including my country. { be aware: Reglan is danger antipsychotic (antiemetic) use for nausea worldwide on ER. Single shot can ruine life. Same with compazine used for migraine in USA! Google about it. Some people killed themslevs because of this poisons.} After torecan i lost my sleep but it has been improved a lot. But i barely can remeber dream. I got dysautonomnia which was improved too. I lost my happenes/enyojment and sadness, actually i had just bit of this emotions. I often could not cry, tears stoped on my eyes but l was improved and i could cry but not to much. Btw i could feel despair, regreting, loging and some good emotions and I could connect with my past and remeber it. I was conencted with my life. My thinking and memory problems were a worse ofc. I completly lost my sexual function (pure hell!). In 8 months i had had a small improvment in emotions and cognitive impairment. The first 1.5 month after torecan i was suicidal every day then i got mentaly better and since then i had been suicidal often, i had had suicidal crises but I WANTED TO LIVE AND CHOSE A LIFE. Then I unforunatly took some combo of spices in December, (which never be harmfull for a healthy human!!, people damaged on this way are so sensitive and even can get worse a lot from paracetamol, painkillers, curcumin, ginger, antibiotics, etc. ) and that combo made my damage worse a lot! I even wonder was it combo or i spontaneously got worse like some people with this damage, but i think it was the combo. Since then i lost little happiness and sadness i had, i near had no emotion. I can realise tears but with near no emotion. My tinitus, visual snow, cognitive impairment are worse. I have pretty bad fatigue and a big loss of energy. The worst thing i am disconeced from my life. I feel isolated from my life and from the world due damage . I can remeber my past in periods of 1 or 2 sec with no emotion or i feel something for a short. After torecan good memories had been one of things which had keept me alive, i could had imagine my past and i had felt it, i had had a beautiful feelings related with my past and loging for it and regret for what I had lost. I cant feel i had been better in my past. I have no feel for what i lost, i have no regreting for my sexualy dysfuction and emotional numbness and i have no good feels related with it and i barely can remeber it. I have no feel for what i had had and for what i lost, so i have no regreting or loging btw ability for remebering is realy bad. I cant conect with my past so i cant connect with my present, i cant connect with my present generaly and with my life. My emotional numbess/ disconection are pretty bad, ability to imaging are bad and i have a lot of blocking of thoughts. Often i cant think about something. I have thoughts loss with emotions loss. During day i am suicial and i feel horible on some strage nubmed way (it is one of the worst feels i have ever ecpirienced and it makes me closer by suicide more than ever!!) or i have a periods during day when i feel absulutly nothing which i hate so bad or i sometimes get fake careless and "happiness" which i hate bad too. I still have anger on some strange way. When i think about suicide i have no strong despair which urges me to do it and no strong regreting for own life loss which stops me, i both had had before the last worsening. But i have sample urge to end this hell which i cant feel propety due numbness. Often i feel horible in way which i have never felt before the last worsening and it is one of the worst things I have ever felt and it makes me suicidal. Although i have bad numbs i am closer to suicide more than ever, my life have been empty and pointless more than ever. Often during day i wish i am dead. Often after i wake up i regret i wake up and i exist on this way. I often hate i breath, i exist. I could regret about this because it is a simple, non strong regreting. During day i feel sorry i ended up like tihs but i cant help myself. I often cant regret for what I lost due loss ability to feel regreting and ability to think about what i lost. Before the worsenig I had felt other people have a better live and I had envied them. Now i have no feel other people have a better lives and I cant feel envy, the worst thing I have no feel i have ever better life and cant regret for lost and I cant cant loging for my old beautifull live, i cant feel that beauty anymore. I cant connect with people because of this state. I would like to at least go back in state before the last worsening, i would survive that awful state somehow, i know. But this is so much and just want to end this. After the last worsening i have lost myself completly!!! This is my story. Currently i try stay alive because of my mother. Idk how long i can take this.
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Feb 7, 2020
I'm so sorry to hear about your pain you sound like you've been through alot. This is a loving place and we all hope you don't ctb but we understand if that's your decision. Don't be afraid about your insecurities, I'm sure you will find someone who loves you.
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Dec 7, 2019
Welcome, I'm sorry for all your suffering you've been through. I don't know what I can say to make things better for you but, please know I care.


Antidepressants and antipsychotics are posion
Feb 13, 2020
This damage is pure hell. I try to survive this. Thank you both❤
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Feb 14, 2020
This is why I won't take antidepressants.
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Antidepressants and antipsychotics are posion
Feb 13, 2020
Antidepressants are chemical weapon like antipsychotic's antiemetics like reglan, torecan and compazine which are given on ER. But i was realy ulucky - firstly antidepressants (but i still could lived well after it). Then torecan without my consent and torecan would never made my damage worse a lot if there were no damage, evenualy it would gave me dysautonomnia and maybe would damage my sexuality and emotions, but not to much. But it wasn't enough. Combo of spices made it worse again. I think combo wouldn't make such worsening if there were no torecan injection. I was realy realy unlacky. I wish i stayed where i was after flouxetine. But i would be the best i would never touch any antidepressants and torecan and stayed comlpely healthy and happy. One member of this forum which kill himself was damaged like me after torecan. This is genocide! And about 15 people who knew from other internet places/social media killed themsevs because of psych drugs brain damage. This is a crime against humanity.
I wonder how many people have been destroyed or did suicide because of psych drugs but they/their faimilies don't know what have happened to them/ who is actualy guilty.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
You've been seriously unlucky and I'm so sorry, what a nightmare.
What an incredible amount of damage to sustain from doctors.
I've tried antidepressants before and while there was some positive effects to begin with I suspect the long term damage was worse. I refuse to take any psychoactive drugs now because I don't want my problems to be chemically swept under the carpet and I don't want all the nasty side effects to add to my burden. In another 20 years they'll all be banned. Or well all be forced to be on them, one or the other.
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Lady Lazarus 2020

Lady Lazarus 2020

Jan 25, 2020
I am so sorry that you are going through this. I understand feeling like a prisoner because of your brain and feeling hopeless. I feel this way too. I am only staying alive bc of my dad. I understand. :hug:
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
As someone also destroyed by psych meds, I feel you. Every day is hell for me.
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Escape Artist

Escape Artist

Jun 3, 2019
I'm so sorry to hear about this. Pharmaceuticals definitely made my life a worse hell than it already was. The anhedonia psychiatric medications can cause even long after you've stopped taking them is horrific. Most people can't imagine it. Not even able to feel love for people close to me! Just nothing. Nothing but pain, day after day. The small pleasures of life had always been my reason for continuing. That includes being able to hug someone and feel the connection, having a cup of coffee and enjoying nature - but all that is gone now. I sincerely hope that you can heal, but if not I definitely understand why you'd want to CTB. Life is hard enough as it is but it's unbearable with severe anhedonia.
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Antidepressants and antipsychotics are posion
Feb 13, 2020
You've been seriously unlucky and I'm so sorry, what a nightmare.
What an incredible amount of damage to sustain from doctors.
I've tried antidepressants before and while there was some positive effects to begin with I suspect the long term damage was worse. I refuse to take any psychoactive drugs now because I don't want my problems to be chemically swept under the carpet and I don't want all the nasty side effects to add to my burden. In another 20 years they'll all be banned. Or well all be forced to be on them, one or the other.

You made a right decision. And fortunately it didn't damaged you. In future never touch psych drugs.
I am so sorry that you are going through this. I understand feeling like a prisoner because of your brain and feeling hopeless. I feel this way too. I am only staying alive bc of my dad. I understand. :hug:
I am so sorry dear you feel in that way too

Angelus Errare, Burning High Rise
I am so sorry you are damaged too. If you need to ask me something about your damage or psych drugs you can feel free to message me
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
As someone who's been damaged by antidepressants, you have my sympathy. I'm sorry you went through so much.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
Welcome to the forum @Cobalt.blue .
I am sorry to hear what you have been through.we are here for you whenever you need to talk x
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Dec 30, 2018
I'm sorry you're experiencing this, and I'm sorry you're damaged by the vile market of psychiatric drugs.. You're not the only one who regrets trusting doctors here...The more dig into this, the angryer I get .I hope you can find some release :ehh:
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
I am so sorry. Is it reason you are suicidal?
Part of it. A lot happened to me before I got to that point. It was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
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In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
Jan 24, 2021
hectic: what an experience - so so much to deal with.
difficulties with anti-depressants are like trying to hack your way through a black jungle..
and you feel so alone.
well you not: you have all of us (like annoying mosquitoes buzzing in your ears and nibbling on your bits to make sure you know that we share your pain your perseverance...)
the people here are awesome (no hardcore judgement / great humour and what's best great advice & methods)
> welcome to the jungle <


Jul 31, 2020
I always get scared when I read a report like this since I started taking antidepressants and antipsychotics ... but anyway, I'm going to kill myself, so is it okay to prolong my short life, maybe?
welcome to the forum friend, I'm sorry for you


Dec 29, 2020
I'm so sorry to hear about this. Pharmaceuticals definitely made my life a worse hell than it already was. The anhedonia psychiatric medications can cause even long after you've stopped taking them is horrific. Most people can't imagine it. Not even able to feel love for people close to me! Just nothing. Nothing but pain, day after day. The small pleasures of life had always been my reason for continuing. That includes being able to hug someone and feel the connection, having a cup of coffee and enjoying nature - but all that is gone now. I sincerely hope that you can heal, but if not I definitely understand why you'd want to CTB. Life is hard enough as it is but it's unbearable with severe anhedonia.
I know the feeling.

Life feels like a dream I can't participate in anymore.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
I am an empty shell. Between being abused as a child, abused as an adult and blamed for everything as a sibling. And mental health drugs. There's nothing left.
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Dec 11, 2018
I sympathize with you a lot. Psych meds destroyed my life as well.
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My wings were cut and now I can fly no more!
Oct 3, 2020
Same here as well, psych drugs have made my mind empty and I also can't feel any pleasure from anything anymore, I cant also feel emotions anymore ,I've been trapped in this state for about 4 years now , its hell

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