

Jul 29, 2021
So, I've been playing your game "Life" for about 38 years now (seriously, who came up with that title?), and I've got to say—it's an absolute mess. It's ridiculously hard, frustrating, and honestly, not even remotely fun. Suffering seems to be the main feature. From the moment of birth, it's clear this thing is designed to be painful. The very first level? Traumatic. I didn't even get to choose my character or difficulty setting, just thrown into the world, screaming from hunger and thirst, basic needs that never stop demanding attention. Is this really how the tutorial starts?

I know what you're going to say: "It's about the journey, those little moments of happiness," blah blah blah. But come on—there's no clear objective here! No big reward, no ultimate level to reach, just a bunch of random nonsense like hunger, shelter, and the relentless grind to survive. Even in the so-called privileged starting zones, the game doesn't really get any better. Am I really supposed to slog through 80 years of this for nothing? That's messed up. You could at least provide a roadmap, but instead, it's just a bunch of RNG where some people get all the perks while others are stuck in eternal grind mode. I didn't sign up for a pay-to-win game!

And the balancing? Don't even get me started. The RNG in this game is brutal. Some players are born with all the wealth and opportunities, while others are fighting off hunger, thirst, and exposure, scrambling for scraps just to survive. You really dropped the ball on fairness. I mean, securing basic needs like food and shelter is a constant struggle for a huge portion of the players—people freezing in the cold or burning up in the heat, all while trying to find adequate shelter. Even the ones with decent homes aren't spared. Year after year, the difficulty ramps up, more bills, more stress, and no way to press pause or skip the grind.

Oh, and the updates? Every year, it just gets harder and more complicated, with aging, health problems, and societal expectations stacking up. Where's the support? It's all just patchwork solutions to constant problems. And those social features? Total disaster. Forced multiplayer interactions with no real guide on how to navigate them. Some people seem to breeze through with their 'perfect parties' while others get stuck with toxic teammates or, worse, have no teammates at all. Loneliness becomes a constant debuff, just another layer of suffering.

And don't get me started on the work system. Whoever thought that was a fun mechanic needs to reevaluate. Most of the time, work isn't even about pursuing something meaningful, it's just grinding away to pay for the bare essentials—food, water, shelter. You call this a life simulation? The majority of us are stuck in perpetual toil, exchanging time and energy just to keep our heads above water. And the worst part is, the more you work, the less you seem to progress. It's a treadmill of suffering with no sense of reward.

The economy? Broken beyond repair. The rich get richer, leaving the rest of us trapped in a cycle of endless work just to survive. Am I supposed to enjoy grinding for food, water, and shelter while others breeze through with all the perks? How did you think anyone would find this fun?

As for character customization? What a joke. I didn't get to choose my starting stats, didn't sign up for the body or circumstances I've got, and there's no way to respec. And the daily grind? It's nothing but an endless series of fetch quests for basic survival. There's no real progression—just surviving another day. And the worst part? The endless physical and emotional pain. Illness, injury, chronic stress, and existential dread as companions on this ridiculous journey. You call this a game? It feels more like a slow crawl through a never-ending nightmare.

And the final insult? There's no exit button in sight. No clear way to quit. I want a refund, but I can't even get that. Instead, I'm trapped in a maze of responsibilities, expectations, and societal pressures. Even when I'm ready to toss the game in the trash, I can't because you've hidden the quit option behind this convoluted mess of moral obligations and fear. Why is it so hard to leave?

And don't even try to sell me on the "meaning of life" DLC—I've heard it's just as buggy and overpriced as the base game. Honestly, I didn't ask to be here. And after 38 years of playing, I can confidently say it's a complete flop. One day, I'll toss it in the bin for good. But not today—apparently, that would upset you.

So, yeah, I just want out of this grindy, brutal, pay-to-win disaster. Where's the exit button?
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