If you want to know how death from hemlock works, I'll explain the process. When you ingest the plant, the main toxin, coniine, is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. The first effects include burning in the mouth, nausea, excessive salivation, and abdominal pain. From there, muscle paralysis begins: first the legs, then the arms, and finally the diaphragm, causing the respiratory system to stop. You remain conscious as your body becomes paralyzed because coniine does not induce unconsciousness but allows you to experience every moment until breathing completely ceases. If you're curious about the preparation, the leaves or seeds are collected, crushed to release the alkaloids, and then macerated in warm water. Just a few milligrams are lethal: 6-8 mg per kilogram of body weight. It's a cruel process because, while the poison is effective, there's no sedation, and you experience everything until the end.