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I fcking hate myself
Dec 5, 2018

Okay so I take PROZAC 20mg. Generally I have been feeling better on it, but according to this video, I might be setting myself up for LIFELONG DEPRESSION. ;-;;-;;-;

All I want is to just be happy why is that soo darn impossible?? :meh: I swear everything is backwards right now. I would be fine with living if everything was easy and made logical sense but it doesn't at all.

I'm thinking I will try to stop taking my Prozac. Of course my parents will be like :ohhhh: ur gonna shoot yourself!!! So I will lie and say "yea im taking my prozac :wink:" while I'm totally not.

Do you guys think this is stupid? I just don't really understand anythng anymore in terms of health, nutrition, happiness, etc. etc.

When I try to experiment with different diets (low-carb, plant-based, etc. etc.) everyone around me makes fun of me or says I'm a dumbass and stuff like that. Just shut the fuck up and let me figure things out or at least try to.
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Still here
Nov 29, 2018
I don't know much about antidepressants, I've never taken them before. But if you want to stop taking them for this reason, I would suggest telling your family exactly why. I think they would understand that you don't want to end up with lifelong depression. They might even help you find something better as well.
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flower child
Jan 5, 2019

Okay so I take PROZAC 20mg. Generally I have been feeling better on it, but according to this video, I might be setting myself up for LIFELONG DEPRESSION. ;-;;-;;-;

All I want is to just be happy why is that soo darn impossible?? :meh: I swear everything is backwards right now. I would be fine with living if everything was easy and made logical sense but it doesn't at all.

I'm thinking I will try to stop taking my Prozac. Of course my parents will be like :ohhhh: ur gonna shoot yourself!!! So I will lie and say "yea im taking my prozac :wink:" while I'm totally not.

Do you guys think this is stupid? I just don't really understand anythng anymore in terms of health, nutrition, happiness, etc. etc.

When I try to experiment with different diets (low-carb, plant-based, etc. etc.) everyone around me makes fun of me or says I'm a dumbass and stuff like that. Just shut the fuck up and let me figure things out or at least try to.

Don't abruptly stop Prozac you gotta be weened off
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Nov 1, 2018
Big pharma is a joke. Medications typically come with side effects so that you keep coming back for more medication to treat those side effects and so on because it's their way of milking money from you. It's like a vicious cycle. Also, it's hypothesized that antidepressants may lead to changes in your brain biochemistry that may actually cause depression in the long run. If I were you, I would slowly taper off the Prozac and search for natural/herbal remedies for depression. Hemp oil is a good one. Hemp oil has a wide range of potential health benefits and uses, including reducing pain, soothing anxiety, fighting chronic diseases, improving mood, reducing depression, preventing inflammatory arthritis, protecting the immune system, balancing the metabolism, aiding sleep disorders, and healing the skin, among others. Exercise is another natural remedy you could try.
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May 20, 2018
I would not make medical decisions based on a YouTube video, especially when the meds have been working for you. Best of luck. :)
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I fcking hate myself
Dec 5, 2018
Don't abruptly stop Prozac you gotta be weened off

I see my therapist in a month, and I saw my meds-woman like on monday.

Should I do like, every other day Prozac and then once a week?

I would not make medical decisions based on a YouTube video, especially when the meds have been working for you. Best of luck. :)
I don't know.

Sure they have been working for me, but I still feel awful about 50% of the time.
It's funny, I felt better before the drugs were supposed to actually start making an effect in my body.

Whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, this stuff is so confusing to be honest.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018

Okay so I take PROZAC 20mg. Generally I have been feeling better on it, but according to this video, I might be setting myself up for LIFELONG DEPRESSION. ;-;;-;;-;

All I want is to just be happy why is that soo darn impossible?? :meh: I swear everything is backwards right now. I would be fine with living if everything was easy and made logical sense but it doesn't at all.

I'm thinking I will try to stop taking my Prozac. Of course my parents will be like :ohhhh: ur gonna shoot yourself!!! So I will lie and say "yea im taking my prozac :wink:" while I'm totally not.

Do you guys think this is stupid? I just don't really understand anythng anymore in terms of health, nutrition, happiness, etc. etc.

When I try to experiment with different diets (low-carb, plant-based, etc. etc.) everyone around me makes fun of me or says I'm a dumbass and stuff like that. Just shut the fuck up and let me figure things out or at least try to.

I'll be completely honest with you about medications based on 42 years of life and some of that time spent on medications. None of it improved my life in the long term. Some may have helped for a short time but often they stopped working and so then you're being experimented on with drug after drug since med poop out is common as the brain builds tolerance to all of it.

Some of these drugs are especially harmful over the long term and you don't know if you will be the person who happens to get disabled permanently. Prozac might be one of the more mild ones but can still cause hypomania which can make u impulsive and reckless. Most will just dull you out emotionally and make a miserable life slightly more tolerable. I think that's basically what they were designed to do, dull people out, kill your ability to orgasm which that's not worth it in my opinion lol! One of the few pleasures most people get free haha!

I used to be on Prozac but after many years on it I couldn't determine if it actually did anything anymore or not. I slowly weaned myself off and maybe I felt a bit more emotional and sensitive at first but I feel fine off of them now. I also realize that when I'm really sad it tends to lift if external things change. I know that I'll never be truly happy again but pills will not fix it. Pills just make me numb but they have never fixed anything. I like feeling my feelings as opposed to not fully experiencing them.

In a way you can say the meds can decrease your awareness of something that is bad for u since u are cut off from your full range of sensitivity to what's going on around u. The only thing that changed after quitting Prozac is I can't have more than like one alcoholic drink during like a dinner out. I'll get way depressed if I have more than like one good sized alcoholic drink. I become suicidal after just a few drinks it sucks, unless the environment is really ideal or there is good weed to offset the effects of the alcohol lol!

I would say come off them but don't say nothing. Learn to be comfortable with when you are unhappy or sad about things. I mean it's trying to tell you something. We aren't miserable and shit for no reason. The things that give long term meaning and fullfillment are not the things that are expedient and easy to get or find.
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I fcking hate myself
Dec 5, 2018
Some of these drugs are especially harmful over the long term and you don't know if you will be the person who happens to get disabled permanently. Prozac might be one of the more mild ones but can still cause hypomania which can make u impulsive and reckless.

First off, fantastic post. Thank you so much for being honest about your experiences.

Secondly, this thing about hypomania realllllllllllly makes me upset.
My main issue and the reason I went into the psychiatric hospital in the first place was because of impulsive and reckless actions...

Up until recently, I was so scared to research Antidepressants because I didn't want to scare myself away from them, but I am glad I did just now.

The thing I just can't get around is that my greatest benefits from "being on prozac" were before the drug was supposed to take effect. I knew it wasn't going to have any great effect right away, but I obviously tricked myself into thinking it would work like magic.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
First off, fantastic post. Thank you so much for being honest about your experiences.

Secondly, this thing about hypomania realllllllllllly makes me upset.
My main issue and the reason I went into the psychiatric hospital in the first place was because of impulsive and reckless actions...

Up until recently, I was so scared to research Antidepressants because I didn't want to scare myself away from them, but I am glad I did just now.

The thing I just can't get around is that my greatest benefits from "being on prozac" were before the drug was supposed to take effect. I knew it wasn't going to have any great effect right away, but I obviously tricked myself into thinking it would work like magic.
I swear I probably convinced myself that the drugs helped. At one point I was on like 5 different meds but it became impractical, which is one big reason I came off. I hated constant anxiety about running out of some of these meds because if u go into withdrawal from things like adderall, benzodiazepines, lamictal, u will not be able to function and possibly end up in emergency room because for whatever reason you couldn't get more pills right away.

At the time I was using state funded healthcare which means substandard and the wait times to get in are longer. They would sometimes not get the meds filled on time or there was some miscommunication and I'd end up in withdrawal. Lamictal withdrawal is quite scary and the onset is pretty fast. Were u hypomanic before the Prozac?

There's another thing that can disrupt the brain and body but people will think I'm crazy. If you have quite a few silver/amalgam mercury fillings in your teeth. The vapors go into the body each time you eat and can cause all sorts of brain and body dysfunction over time. I have two giant ones in my top molars and they most likely caused my thyroid to dysregulate which then led me to need thyroid medication. These can also cause emotional problems, depression, concentration focus issues, among many other health problems. They have been banned in some European countries yet they still push it in the US even though the dangers are well documented. They may be cheaper but they cause other health problems over time.

Part of the reason I'm resentful when I have to make contact with the healthcare system is because I now understand how corrupt it is. I hate having to navigate it and since you can't fully trust doctors I always go in there knowing that because our healthcare is not free market and the doctors are taught mainly to treat symptoms but they don't address the whole person, your history, what else might be going on to cause something. Basically they have to adhere to what the government wants not what might be best for individual persons.

Most psychiatric issues are best handled with one on one therapy but that takes a lot longer than throwing some pills at u. It's also hard on therapists because u have to hear painful stuff regularly. You need many more people who can do this so that one pscycologist isn't overburdened by too many patients, or to avoid burnout. I think the government limits how many people can do this which sucks because you want supply to meet the demand but currently I don't think it does.

If u limit the number of doctors it also makes it more difficult to see one since it raises the cost, and limits acccess, no competition to keep the price affordable. Insurance if anybody doesn't know is a scam these days. I'm not saying we don't need insurance, but in free market would be affordable for most people out of pocket and not tied to your job. Having it tied to your job leaves you more vulnerable if u happen to lose your job. Anyway sorry for the long rant lol!
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