

Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
I am opening a discussion thread about using Meditation as a means to help our suffering.

There is tons of information on the web about using meditation to help one feel better about oneself.
Our brains are our own worst enemy. Meditation can help us fight that.
Prominent institutions like Harvard and Psychology Today fully endorse it, only good things to say about it.

Meditation has allowed me to forgive others, and then allowed me to forgive myself as well.
It has not solved my problems in real life, but has certainly given more strength to cope with them.
It has not eliminated my desire to ctb either, but it has given me more strength to cope with that as well.
Simply put, meditation has eliminated the feeling of having a ton of bricks on my shoulders.
And man, that is such a relief!!

There are many different types of meditation, and even for different goals.
One must research and try different types until one finds what works best for them.
It's not one size fits all, it requires trial and error.
If you can find one that works for you, it is awesome.

I have been through therapy, 10 days psych ward lockup, and generic zoloft for 30 years.
NOTHING has worked as well as meditation, NOTHING!
  • totally free, except your time and effort
  • no need for healthcare system
  • do at home in your own time, does not require a lot of time invested
  • requires nobody else, you are your own therapist
  • no drugs, no side effects, no worry about getting worse rather than better
  • not illegal
So, if this is so great, why not more exposure?
The only answer I have for that: there is no way to sell it or tax it.
So no interest for capitalists to promote it.

Consider giving it a try, nothing to lose, every to gain.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I am opening a discussion thread about using Meditation as a means to help our suffering.

There is tons of information on the web about using meditation to help one feel better about oneself.
Our brains are our own worst enemy. Meditation can help us fight that.
Prominent institutions like Harvard and Psychology Today fully endorse it, only good things to say about it.

Meditation has allowed me to forgive others, and then allowed me to forgive myself as well.
It has not solved my problems in real life, but has certainly given more strength to cope with them.
It has not eliminated my desire to ctb either, but it has given me more strength to cope with that as well.
Simply put, meditation has eliminated the feeling of having a ton of bricks on my shoulders.
And man, that is such a relief!!

There are many different types of meditation, and even for different goals.
One must research and try different types until one finds what works best for them.
It's not one size fits all, it requires trial and error.
If you can find one that works for you, it is awesome.

I have been through therapy, 10 days psych ward lockup, and generic zoloft for 30 years.
NOTHING has worked as well as meditation, NOTHING!
  • totally free, except your time and effort
  • no need for healthcare system
  • do at home in your own time, does not require a lot of time invested
  • requires nobody else, you are your own therapist
  • no drugs, no side effects, no worry about getting worse rather than better
  • not illegal
So, if this is so great, why not more exposure?
The only answer I have for that: there is no way to sell it or tax it.
So no interest for capitalists to promote it.

Consider giving it a try, nothing to lose, every to gain.
How long did u do it for? What are different types of meditation? Lol! If u don't feel up to answering I can research myself. I was just impulsively curious.
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
How long did u do it for? What are different types of meditation? Lol! If u don't feel up to answering I can research myself. I was just impulsively curious.

A Guide to 7 Different Types of Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation. Mindfulness meditation is the process of being fully present with your thoughts. ...

Transcendental Meditation. ...

Guided Meditation. ...

Vipassana Meditation (Sayagyi U Ba Khin Tradition) ...

Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta Meditation) ...

Chakra Meditation. ...

Yoga Meditation.
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Dec 20, 2018
How long does it take for one to take control of the negative thoughts in the mind, anxiety and be peaceful?
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
How long does it take for one to take control of the negative thoughts in the mind and be peaceful?
I'm no expert, but it requires patience and perseverance. I found listening to audio relaxation and hypnosis tracks to be helpful. Paul Mckenna hypnosis is available on YouTube I think, I drifted off a few times listening to his through the headphones.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
What are different types of meditation?
A Guide to 7 Different Types of Meditation
Johnnythefox covered the basic types above.
If you want to get divinity involved, it becomes very complex

If you google "types of meditation" you will find many different answers.
The ones Johnny mentioned are the most basic.

The one I use is the Loving Kindness (Metta) Meditation.
As per:
It is one of the best for depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
It is designed to promote feelings of compassion and love, both for others and oneself.
Its goal is to cultivate an attitude of love and kindness toward everything,
even a person's enemies and sources of stress.

You can google this form of meditation to discover how to practise it.
You will find many links, with slight variances between them, but the basic concept is the same.

How long did u do it for?

I try to spent at least 5 minutes after I wake up, and 5 minutes before I do to bed. That minimum.
More usual is 10 minutes. I have spent as long as 30-40 minutes on occasions.
You make your own rules, and do what pleases you.

I started doing this 4 years ago, after I retired, and found myself slipping into the pit again.
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Making death amazing journey
Oct 7, 2018
I could recommend joga meditation for anyone who cannot sit 1 min in one spot.
Very easy to start alone, make your body stronger and flexible enough before you reach the next level [wher you would need someone to guide you] Start with basic asanas. Check Youtube for beginner course.
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Aug 8, 2018
I don't get it. How exactly does it work?
And how different it is from daydreaming?

I've always thought of meditation as a frequency "jammer". You start your normal thought - whatever - "The sky is gray"..... and you interrupt yourself.... "The sk ...y.... " - here goes the jammer.

And you don't let thoughts form in your mind. Or, conversely, you let it to form and run the same thought over and over until it becomes unoriginal? Or disturbing images or past memories.
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Sep 3, 2018
It would just make me mad. I have lots of rage. Getting older, I am not as physically able to let it out as I used to be.

It hurts to play sports. Hurts to pound my fists. It even hurts my throat to yell, but that's all I have left. Once I can't do that, maybe I can muster the pull of a trigger with the barrel in my mouth.
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
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I've figured it out
Sep 20, 2018
Meditation has helped me frequently and put me at temporary peace during the lonely nights. It's helped me better than my old medication.
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Nov 1, 2018
The times I've tried it (mindfulness meditation), it only made my butt go numb from sitting and made me bored from listening to myself breathe (which I do a lot of anyway) --but maybe I was doing it wrong? I should probably try it again. Or try a different type. Thanks, @color_me_gone. Your suggestion is timely. If I've decided I'm not currently at a place to ctb, I should probably give living at least as much effort as I gave dying.
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Aug 8, 2018
Repeat three or four positive, reassuring phrases to yourself. There are several that work, but we like and recommend the following:
  1. May I be happy.
  2. May I be safe.
  3. May I be healthy, peaceful, and strong.
  4. May I give and receive appreciation today.

Hmmm I dont know, maybe it might work for some!
Haven't yet found a trick to make my brain believe in this hippie drivel. :[
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
hippie drivel
I wouldn't quite refer to it as hippie drivel, it certainly precedes the hippie movement by a couple of thousand years. It is another method that can help if done properly and adhered to.
"Other systematic reviews and meta-analysis show that mindfulness meditation has several mental health benefits such as bringing about reductions in depression symptoms,[14][15][16] and mindfulness interventions also appear to be a promising"
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
Meditation has helped me
It's helped me better than my old medication
I am glad to see someone else who meditation has had a positive effect on.
My experience is also as your's in that it is better than medication, + free and no negative side effects.
Thanks for your input Taylored.
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Jan 10, 2019
I've noticed from practice hanging attempts that SI kicks in when I think about the reality of what I'm doing. That is why I think that once I CTB hang for real, I'll have to "meditate" by thinking about an earlier happy time right before kicking the table out below. I think my mind will need that distraction to finish off the deed.
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
hippie drivel
Sorry you feel that way.
I hope it does not discourage others to give this method a try. It comes with no risk.
There are other words and phrases you can use, as well as make up your own. Nothing is absolute.
Or, if you like, you can try another method as Jonnythefox suggested.
I think meditation is downplayed because the government has no way to tax it, and capitalists have no way to sell it.
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
that once I CTB hang for real, I'll have to "meditate"
I think it certainly has the power to overcome SI.
SI in itself is extremely powerful.
Hope you find your peace, Brother.
Last edited:
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Dec 13, 2018
There are a few things I would 'definitely' do different if I could go back in time. One, is that I would have adopted a meditation practice as a daily routine.

A friend/mentor of mine told me that I could never accomplish anything, truly, if I didn't have some control over my mind. He was right!

For me, I did try it, but I think My expectations were too high. I started with a goal of 30 minutes per sitting. Too high - I was supposed to start at 10 minutes - or even less.

Anyway, I wish I had disciplined myself more to stick with it. If it helps someone in any way, I'm not surprised and this is a good thing. Frankly, it sounds like it might be a good thing to expose to young children.

Thanks for the post.
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
control over my mind
You hit the nail on the head, the mind is controlling us instead of the other way round.
Sometimes it's as if the body has been hijacked by a parasite.
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
Thanks for the post.
Thanks for your post Buddyluv!
I am glad to hear your positive attitude toward Meditation.
I am sorry it didn't work out for you.
It is true about easing into it slowly, otherwise it can be overwhelming.
I read your post earlier, and was think a little about what you said.

I would like to compare learning how to meditate to learning how to swim.
It seems impossible at first, but once you discover how to overcome your fears, it seems so easy.
Some people never learn how to swim. They were never able to overcome their fears.
Same with meditation, not the fear, but just learning how to connect with yourself.
Once you do, it seems so easy.

Good luck. I hope you can find the peace you need.
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
mind is controlling us instead of the other way round.
Sometimes it's as if the body has been hijacked by a parasite
Actually, our minds are controlled by our environment, from the day we were born.
By societal norms, religious norms, political norms, our parent norms, school, etc.
It is all a form of brainwashing.
So what is so wrong with taking control of our own minds? Through meditation?
Even if it is a form of brainwashing?
We have been brainwashed since day 1.
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Dec 13, 2018
I would like to compare learning how to meditate to learning how to swim.

You know, swimming is actually a great meditation. I used to swim a lot before I got really sick. Running was a great form of meditation as well. I had forgotten this. Meditation doesn't have to be confined to sitting on a cushion.

I miss physical exercise. I used to take it for granted until I got sick. Anyway, this post reminded me of other forms of 'taming the mind'. I think that is supposed to be the goal of meditation.
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
I agree with everything you said. I love exercise and being outdoors - so therapeutic.
Can't do it in winter though.
Sorry your sickness prevents you from doing the things you enjoy.
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Deleted member 1768

Aug 15, 2018
How long did u do it for? What are different types of meditation? Lol! If u don't feel up to answering I can research myself. I was just impulsively curious.
1 hour is optimal.
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Deleted member 1768

Aug 15, 2018
How long did u do it for? What are different types of meditation? Lol! If u don't feel up to answering I can research myself. I was just impulsively curious.
The best med. is belly breathing. Meditation means keeping silent with the back straight. Translation: Relinquish all thought while maintaining focus, not concentration, and to do that the body must be still. When all thought is left behind you have reached being. The brain uses a different wavelength for this process, and yes, it really works.
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Aug 8, 2018
Still, no one has yet answered the question, what does it feel like?

You start the practice. 10 minutes into it - then what? Do you feel dizzy? Lightheaded? Change in mood?

I'm not trolling, I'm trying to comprehend. I did try it. A few times. But 20 minutes into the practice there was nothing but a slight dizziness (and sleepiness).
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