
Aug 18, 2020
David Foster Wallace said he stays out of politics because it is too upsetting. Lol. I am quite the opposite. My dad also gave me the advice to stop caring so much about politics. He pretended I had no benefit from it. It is just my favorite hobby and a very good distraction for my mental problems. Moreover I don't want to get as cynical about it as him.

I had the idea for this thread when I accidentally read something about assisted suciide today. The whole process of assisted suicide regulation is so extremely frustrating for me. I have made several threads about the absolutely amazing ruling of the German highest court. But the vast majority of politicians want to ignore the judgement. Some conservatives said we should just ignore the ruling fully. I have listened to several journalists who shared that opinion. They are so cynical about suicidal people with so many stupid and wrong stereotypes. Currently it looks like there will be a new assisted suicide law but way more stricltly regulated as in the judgement.

This all makes me so sad, mad, frustrated, cynical, desperate etc. I just could throw up due to it I had so much hope when I heard about the judgement. There are some obstacles. I am mentally ill. Some politicians stated they want to make it impossible for mentally ill to apply for it. (which is against the nature of the ruling)
Assisted suicide costs a lot of money currently. Really a lot of money according to my information. My dad threatened me to stop giving me money when I tried to apply for assisted suicide. I am pretty sure my mom would also never support my decision.

So yeah I probably have to wait for it till my parents are dead. They would stop supporting me when I applied for it and then I had to live on the streets and had no money for it anyway. But even when my parents are dead one of my main reasons for suicide is poverty. I will never have this much money for assisted suicde. I hope so much they make it for free. And also open for mentally ill people.

However the more I read of it the more cynical and depressed I become. I have stopped reading about it because it makes me so desperate and depressive. I need a way out when life turns unbearable.

Other behaviors which I quitted: I stopped to talk with some people about my mental health problems and suicidality. My dad is an ignorant jerk who has horrible stances on suicide. I am glad I have my friends, therapist and SS in order to talk about that topic.

Some other examples: There was one DFW 1 hour video which I watched like 50 times maybe more. I started to imitating it. The result was damage to my sanity. But I partly recovered from that. I had to stop watching it. Lol. What an insane time.

Another thing: Not taking my medication. There was a time I denied all of my medication for like 1,5 years. Yeah it really helped to take them. The time without them was extremely insane.
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flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
Some other examples: There was one DFW 1 hour video which I watched like 50 times maybe more. I started to imitating it. The result was damage to my sanity. But I partly recovered from that. I had to stop watching it. Lol. What an insane time.
What is DFW?

I've stopped all my hobbies because I kept beating myself up about how I wasn't good enough at them. Music, art, sport, writing, bodybuilding. Any time I tried to improve or practise, my brain would get in the way of making any progress. I would end up crying from frustration or frozen in self hatred. It was easier to just quit.

Now all my hobbies are only things that damage my mental health. Eating too much and of rubbish 'foods', self harm, sex when I'm not in the mood (which is all the time thanks to depression, unless I'm high), sometimes drugs (other times they help).
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Feb 12, 2022
I do try not to read or watch anything about politics much either because it makes me feel extremely suffocated, isolated, and despairing.
I try not to stress-eat because it will only deteriorate my health and confidence to an even worse state.
I don't cut myself anymore, but that's a pretty obvious one to try to stop.
i stopped drinking before it turned into a serious problem because I realized my personality made me prone to developing an unhealthy relationship to it.
I stopped watching TV/movies/basically anything on a screen for period of more than 2 hours at a time because it made me feel more depressed and gave me headaches and headfog.
I'm actually kind of good at stopping myself from doing things that only make my situation worse. I sometimes wonder how many people withless self-control than me don't spiral toward oblivion the way I do.
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Sep 2, 2021
Trying to stop consuming pornography. Keyword being "trying". I'm finding it difficult to fill the massive gap in time in my day that has opened up. I even started working out a couple months ago but even that only takes so much time in the day.
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Aug 18, 2020
What is DFW?

I've stopped all my hobbies because I kept beating myself up about how I wasn't good enough at them. Music, art, sport, writing, bodybuilding. Any time I tried to improve or practise, my brain would get in the way of making any progress. I would end up crying from frustration or frozen in self hatred. It was easier to just quit.

Now all my hobbies are only things that damage my mental health. Eating too much and of rubbish 'foods', self harm, sex when I'm not in the mood (which is all the time thanks to depression, unless I'm high), sometimes drugs (other times they help).
DFW is David Foster Wallace. He was an American author and I love his essays/books. I am quite obsessed by him.
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Chicago's goofiest shooter
Apr 9, 2022
Yea I try to never watch youtube because it makes me so upset seeing fucking ASSHOLES like Dr. Mike and these other, i would get banned if i said everything i want to say.

Makes me so angry.


no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
I used to be an internet junkie, but I've cut back about 90% on my social media scrolling. I also avoid the news as much as I can, particularly my country's political news. All it does is remind me how awful most humans are.
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"To die is gain."
Jan 21, 2022
If I'm interested in reading a novel but I'm feel too too unmotivated, I try not to read because I know full well that I'll quit within the first few second and feel bad about myself.


Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
I stopped drinking, having social media accounts and dating.
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