

Jun 25, 2019
Whether attending the funeral of someone who has suicided or talking to a "suicide survivor".

Just saw this on Reddit and was wondering what you guys think? This post isn't guilt-tripping, I think people should still be able to end their lives.

I can't help but feel that if this guy had assisted suicide, then the above scenario in the link wouldn't have happened.


Jul 15, 2019
I guess your question is, the ones that are close to you, will they feel guilty? If they love you, yes. The first day is a shock, after that disbelieving. After the funeral, when everything slowly settles, it starts analyzing. Mixed feelings appear. The guilt will be present for a lifetime. Briefly.


existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
Last edited:


Should be Existinginhell
Aug 13, 2018
Yes, my ex who was quite older than me, (I was 18, he 53), his son who was the same age as me at the time killed himself by full hanging. We are still very close, (I'm 37 now), in fact I still rely on him as he knows everything. Tbh he pretty much understands his sons descion/reasoning but doesn't get it with me? Everything with been through? But then I guess it's blood thicker than water. I know it hurts him.


Jun 5, 2019
My best friend CTB. I really feel her absence so strongly. Something ain't right...
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Jul 17, 2019
My best friend hung himself when we were 14. In 2011 my friend hung himself. In 2017 my friend took an over dose. A few months ago my friend took an over dose. Been to all funerals


F’ing A
Apr 19, 2019
Yes, and at the time I wondered how anyone could ever get to a point of even considering it. Now I know...
Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Uncle died by hanging.

Friend died by gunshot to the head.

Friend overdosed on heroin.

Friend took cyanide.

All suicides..


Aug 27, 2018
Just clicked the link and of course Reddit have already removed ALL the comments because they weren´t political correct enough.
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May 21, 2019
Yes families and friends will wonder why and could they have prevented it. They have probably never felt the way we who want to ctb do. If they had felt the urge to ctb then they would never question why. They'd understand.
To me the idea of living a long life until I'm old and die of "natural" causes is like torture. This life has certainly lost any appeal to me.
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Nov 15, 2018
My 17 year old daughter cbt'd over 2 years ago. It was my worst nightmare x 10. Most of the family has found a way to move forward, however no matter how hard I try I cannot!! I am to the point where I feel that I have no choice but to join her. I am just trying to hold on long enough to tie up some lose ends for the family. I now know what she must have been feeling at the end :(. The mental health system has so far to go when it comes to suicide. Most all I can think about is making the torment end!
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Jun 8, 2019
I found my brother's body. Some things stay with you forever. It's why I keep pushing things off, I don't want anyone to have the dreams I have when I manage to sleep.
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Jul 9, 2019
I had a bunch of friends and people around me ctb. It's the worst feeling, but I understand. When you're in so much pain the idea of tommorow sounds like pure hell. Just the thought of the next 5 years I have to live makes me feel sick. I'm barley clinging onto this week I dont think I'm living I'm more dragging my feet across life. At this point I dont even consider anything. When you get into this frame of mind there is only one thing you're thinking about.
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Jun 9, 2019
Yes, if i have a nightmare. that is the scene that my nightmare is about. it stays with you for ever.


Jul 9, 2019
I've been through a few. A young son of a friend who hung himself, a cousin who shot himself in the head, and an aunt who ODed on meds. I learned about the family ones over the phone, and it was shocking. I couldn't make their funerals, as I lived far away, and was very poor. The father, and two uncles, of the young guy worked at the same place I did. Word got around the shop they all left in terror. And then word got out why. His mother had found him. I had been over to their place a few times, and knew the boy. He even worked with us for a while. I saw him less than two weeks before he did it. He was with friends at a store. He said I should come over and visit. He was a nice boy. I was told he would be cremated, and his ashes in urn at his wake. I was surprised when the line moved up far enough into the room through the door to see him in an open casket. Event though they had make up on him you could see where the rope had damaged his neck. It was pretty odd, because I had attended a wake there once before years ago. For an old guy who had worked at my job also. He was in his 70s when he died. Both of their open caskets had been in the same spot. One an old man who died of natural causes, and a young boy who killed himself. The contrast made a great impression on me, though I don't know what to make of it. It never made life and death any more clearer to me.
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Jun 3, 2019
My friends mother committed suicide when he was about 12 years old. On the face of it,she seemed to be a successful ,attractive lady with her own business, married with two children. One of whom was attending oxford university. A couple of days before she died, she took me and several others to a football match. Seemed on the face of it, chatty and happy. Not overly happy, so not manic or anything. Then I remember phoning my friend and him saying 'mums dead', and at first I didn't believe him, because he had always had a sick sense of humour. But anyway,shortly after I put the phone down and told my mum. My mum then phoned several other mums and it turned out to be true.

The lady had gassed herself in the garage using her car, and my friend had found her when he came home from school. I will always remember how angry others were with this lady, especially other mums, it was seen as selfish. I think what made it more damning in their eyes was 'she had everything' ,she as far as they knew had no mental illness.It wasn't like she was in and out of hospital. But clearly there was something very wrong, for her to do what she did. I would say, I can't get my head round why she didn't go elsewhere to kill herself, she must have known her son would probably find her and both him and her husband would have to live in that house.

I wouldn't say Iam angry like others were, clearly not now ,as I have more understanding of depression and not wanting to live anymore, but Iam still a bit mystified about the circumstances. It seriously effected my friends life, he became disruptive at school, became hated by the teachers, that will be something that stays with him for life.

The funeral was a strange affair. I went so did several others of his friends. My poor friend pointed up at the sky and said 'there she blows' after the cremation and made a joke about concentration camps. whole thing was fucked up.
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Jun 25, 2019
My friends mother committed suicide when he was about 12 years old. On the face of it,she seemed to be a successful ,attractive lady with her own business, married with two children. One of whom was attending oxford university. A couple of days before she died, she took me and several others to a football match. Seemed on the face of it, chatty and happy. Not overly happy, so not manic or anything. Then I remember phoning my friend and him saying 'mums dead', and at first I didn't believe him, because he had always had a sick sense of humour. But anyway,shortly after I put the phone down and told my mum. My mum then phoned several other mums and it turned out to be true.

The lady had gassed herself in the garage using her car, and my friend had found her when he came home from school. I will always remember how angry others were with this lady, especially other mums, it was seen as selfish. I think what made it more damning in their eyes was 'she had everything' ,she as far as they knew had no mental illness.It wasn't like she was in and out of hospital. But clearly there was something very wrong, for her to do what she did. I would say, I can't get my head round why she didn't go elsewhere to kill herself, she must have known her son would probably find her and both him and her husband would have to live in that house.

I wouldn't say Iam angry like others were, clearly not now ,as I have more understanding of depression and not wanting to live anymore, but Iam still a bit mystified about the circumstances. It seriously effected my friends life, he became disruptive at school, became hated by the teachers, that will be something that stays with him for life.

The funeral was a strange affair. I went so did several others of his friends. My poor friend pointed up at the sky and said 'there she blows' after the cremation and made a joke about concentration camps. whole thing was fucked up.

Funny you mention jokes and the funeral. One of my friends friends had a dad who died and they used to text a lot. He wanted to say "lots of love" so he abbreviated it thinking the "lol" stood for that...

You can imagine how the friend reacted.