

Aug 9, 2023
If I never met those people, maybe I'll be alive.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Absolutely. I love this phrase in fact:

'I envy the people who have never met you.'

(Not 'you' obviously OP- I mean the person in my life who made me suicidal to begin with.)
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Jun 20, 2023
Oh yes, it is crazy how people can come into your life and destroy it. That is the #1 thing to look out for in life.
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Apr 10, 2024
If I never trusted Donald Trump, I'd be happy, healthy, and productive. Taking financial advice from Trump literally destoyed my life. He and his goons really are master con men. Spent YEARS setting me up and gaining my confidence. The long con. Line-crossing files get life destruction programs carried out by people with certifications in enhanced interrogation. Truly evil deep state a holes.

I deeply regret meeting Trump's goons. Truly the worst thing that ever happened in my life. I didn't even want to be rich. I just thought there was something special going on. MASTER con men. They literally said to me "You asked for help with money, so we're going to help you with money". Literally. Word for word. By "help" they meant "take 400% of your life savings". After taking my money, they taunted me, tried to blame me, threatened my life, and cursed out my dead parents. Some help......smh. With friends like that, who needs enemies? I looked satan in the face. Pure evil.

They're like a species below human. Most human beings have at least common decency. If you don't want to help someone, don't help; but to torutre them to death? Evil
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Aug 9, 2023
Absolutely. I love this phrase in fact:

'I envy the people who have never met you.'

(Not 'you' obviously OP- I mean the person in my life who made me suicidal to begin with.)
true. people can be so hateful and just a couple of people have fucked my life to point of no return. maybe if i werent born...
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Aug 6, 2024
Of course. 99% of the people.


Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
'I envy the people who have never met you.'
I'd like to agree with it but most of the time I've been the one messing it up. :(

Yeah I regret it, but it's less about me meeting the wrong people and more about me messing it up spectacularly.
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Jan 1, 2024
Yes, predators prey on vulnerable people it really sucks
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
People come to mind, and it's tempting to say "yes." The guy who promised to be my roomate in law school then left me hanging like a week before classes start with nowhere to live, the jackass bosses who canned me with no notice for no reason, the girl who was my limerant object and yanked me around before ditching me, the friend who got mad at me over politics of all things and never spoke to me again, [redacted], my ex who I stayed with way too long . . . then I think about people I've wronged and wonder if it was better to never meet them.

But, no. It was all part of the makeup of my life and who I am. I don't regret meeting them. Maybe some actions, but not meeting them.

I think I even miss that goddam Maurice. It's funny. Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.
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Sep 16, 2024
Sadly, there are several people who wish they'd never met me.
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Potato Olé
Sep 19, 2024
All the adult friends and partners I thought I was cool hanging out with as a teen
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Oct 9, 2022
Yes. My abusive ex. He's the reason why my mental health got much worse very quickly and never recovered. Because of him I have ptsd. He destroyed me beyond repair
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Jun 20, 2023
If I never trusted Donald Trump, I'd be happy, healthy, and productive. Taking financial advice from Trump literally destoyed my life. He and his goons really are master con men. Spent YEARS setting me up and gaining my confidence. The long con. Line-crossing files get life destruction programs carried out by people with certifications in enhanced interrogation. Truly evil deep state a holes.

I deeply regret meeting Trump's goons. Truly the worst thing that ever happened in my life. I didn't even want to be rich. I just thought there was something special going on. MASTER con men. They literally said to me "You asked for help with money, so we're going to help you with money". Literally. Word for word. By "help" they meant "take 400% of your life savings". After taking my money, they taunted me, tried to blame me, threatened my life, and cursed out my dead parents. Some help......smh. With friends like that, who needs enemies? I looked satan in the face. Pure evil.

They're like a species below human. Most human beings have at least common decency. If you don't want to help someone, don't help; but to torutre them to death? Evil
How so? His fake college?


Apr 10, 2024
How so? His fake college?
No, they got me in the stock market. Trump said to get in the stock market. This is something I would never do on my own because I don't know anything about it. So, they literally put a stock broker roommate in this city shithole house I was renting to get me in. It was an old, dirty cheap house owned by foreigners. I was trying to save money. They twisted my arm to put my limited funds in the stock market. When, I did, they initially made all my stocks go up so I would gain more confidence in them.

Then, after a month or so, they crashed everything. Between my initial investment, unemployment/covid, etc, they took me for $100,000. I currently have less than $2,000 to my name, am facing an expensive car repair bill, and don't have a place to live.

They also leverage the whole Qanon thing. I was involved with that. I was doing full-time work, full-time school, and researching Q at 2am. I was the crazy guy at work who supported Donald Trump. They told me they were Q and that they were going to help me with money. 🤷‍♂️. I didn't know anything about stocks, but I sure did believe in Q & Trump. smh.
No, they got me in the stock market. Trump said to get in the stock market. This is something I would never do on my own because I don't know anything about it. So, they literally put a stock broker roommate in this city shithole house I was renting to get me in. It was an old, dirty cheap house owned by foreigners. I was trying to save money. They twisted my arm to put my limited funds in the stock market. When, I did, they initially made all my stocks go up so I would gain more confidence in them.

Then, after a month or so, they crashed everything. Between my initial investment, unemployment/covid, etc, they took me for $100,000. I currently have less than $2,000 to my name, am facing an expensive car repair bill, and don't have a place to live.

They also leverage the whole Qanon thing. I was involved with that. I was doing full-time work, full-time school, and researching Q at 2am. I was the crazy guy at work who supported Donald Trump. They told me they were Q and that they were going to help me with money. 🤷‍♂️. I didn't know anything about stocks, but I sure did believe in Q & Trump. smh.

You take a snapshot of my life a few years ago (pre-stock market beating) and compare it to where it is now and it is just soulcrushing.

Pre-stock market beating:
Full-time work
Full-time school
Lot of extracurricular stuff
Lost 60 pounds and radically changed my diet
$25,000 in the bank
Busting my az to make my life work

After the stock market beating:
Too sick to work a part-time job
Obese and eat junk
No money
No friends
No place to live
Went through years of agony.

Trusting Donald Trump was literally the worst mistake of my life. No other decision was remotely as destructive. Trusting Trump literally destroyed EVERYTHING in my life. I was the biggest Trump supporter in the country and this is what I get? smh
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Jun 20, 2023
No, they got me in the stock market. Trump said to get in the stock market. This is something I would never do on my own because I don't know anything about it. So, they literally put a stock broker roommate in this city shithole house I was renting to get me in. It was an old, dirty cheap house owned by foreigners. I was trying to save money. They twisted my arm to put my limited funds in the stock market. When, I did, they initially made all my stocks go up so I would gain more confidence in them.

Then, after a month or so, they crashed everything. Between my initial investment, unemployment/covid, etc, they took me for $100,000. I currently have less than $2,000 to my name, am facing an expensive car repair bill, and don't have a place to live.

They also leverage the whole Qanon thing. I was involved with that. I was doing full-time work, full-time school, and researching Q at 2am. I was the crazy guy at work who supported Donald Trump. They told me they were Q and that they were going to help me with money. 🤷‍♂️. I didn't know anything about stocks, but I sure did believe in Q & Trump. smh.

You take a snapshot of my life a few years ago (pre-stock market beating) and compare it to where it is now and it is just soulcrushing.

Pre-stock market beating:
Full-time work
Full-time school
Lot of extracurricular stuff
Lost 60 pounds and radically changed my diet
$25,000 in the bank
Busting my az to make my life work

After the stock market beating:
Too sick to work a part-time job
Obese and eat junk
No money
No friends
No place to live
Went through years of agony.

Trusting Donald Trump was literally the worst mistake of my life. No other decision was remotely as destructive. Trusting Trump literally destroyed EVERYTHING in my life. I was the biggest Trump supporter in the country and this is what I get? smh

How old are you Nikitatos? They put a stock broker as your roommate? Yeah I wouldn't trust Trump either, he is the same as Biden. Precious metals are the best investments right now.
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Jan 25, 2024
Definitely. I was already fucked up mentally before I met this person but the relationship didn't serve me any good and it's always in the end that people show you their true colors. I was just 16 and vulnerable and let this 60 guy prey into me (it was mostly virtually but okay). Sometimes I wish I could've been a ''normal'' teen so that he didn't come into my life


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
No, I never regretted meeting anybody though I didn't meet with many people to begin with so I guess it makes sense


Apr 10, 2024
How old are you Nikitatos? They put a stock broker as your roommate? Yeah I wouldn't trust Trump either, he is the same as Biden. Precious metals are the best investments right now.
Yup. I'm old....50s. I made mistakes in the first half of my life. I put in a Herculian effort to turn my life around....exceeded my own expectations. God would be very proud.

This was the biggest shithold house you could imagine. It was usually stacked with poor, young immigrants; but yeah, they put a stockbroker roommate in a room who was a Trump supporter who followed Qanon.

It was a setup. I got played. I made the mistake of asking for help with money on the Q Research boards. I was hoping for an "erroneous" tax refund or anonymous found money. Then, the stock broker roommate appears and they tell me they're going to "help me with money". No help at all would have been fine. I certainly wasn't expecting anything. I thought there was something special going on with Qanon, Trump, and America. They used my beliefs to destroy me.

I lost everything within a matter of months. They verbally abused me, taunted me, monitored my texts & internet. They harassed me everywhere I went on the internet. They called me a "casualty of war". My money and worldview collapsed instantaneously. I thought I got kicked out Q because I couldn't solve the stock market in a few months. Truth was, they were going to torture me to death no matter what I did.

I drank myself into a coma. My health, friends, career, money, and life never recovered. I struggle on for a few years hoping I would find a way to recover. Nope. They're going to beat me up until I'm dead.

I'm on SS purely because I trusted Donald Trump. There is a 0% chance I'd be suicidal if Q hadn't intentionally destroyed my life.

.....sorry, I'm venting. I'm at the end of my life and I still can't believe how that whole Trump/Q thing went. Smh. Assholes.


Jun 20, 2023
Yup. I'm old....50s. I made mistakes in the first half of my life. I put in a Herculian effort to turn my life around....exceeded my own expectations. God would be very proud.

This was the biggest shithold house you could imagine. It was usually stacked with poor, young immigrants; but yeah, they put a stockbroker roommate in a room who was a Trump supporter who followed Qanon.

It was a setup. I got played. I made the mistake of asking for help with money on the Q Research boards. I was hoping for an "erroneous" tax refund or anonymous found money. Then, the stock broker roommate appears and they tell me they're going to "help me with money". No help at all would have been fine. I certainly wasn't expecting anything. I thought there was something special going on with Qanon, Trump, and America. They used my beliefs to destroy me.

I lost everything within a matter of months. They verbally abused me, taunted me, monitored my texts & internet. They harassed me everywhere I went on the internet. They called me a "casualty of war". My money and worldview collapsed instantaneously. I thought I got kicked out Q because I couldn't solve the stock market in a few months. Truth was, they were going to torture me to death no matter what I did.

I drank myself into a coma. My health, friends, career, money, and life never recovered. I struggle on for a few years hoping I would find a way to recover. Nope. They're going to beat me up until I'm dead.

I'm on SS purely because I trusted Donald Trump. There is a 0% chance I'd be suicidal if Q hadn't intentionally destroyed my life.

.....sorry, I'm venting. I'm at the end of my life and I still can't believe how that whole Trump/Q thing went. Smh. Assholes.

Who are they though? Homeland Security? A lot of cops are psycho and harass people.
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Apr 10, 2024
Who is they though? Homeland Security?
Trump & his Legion of Goons. There's people who are loyal to Trump all over the government. Military. CIA. FBI. DHS. They even use local police to run psyops on people they hate.

The torture elements seem to be rooted in military enhanced interrogation (torture) and CIA programs.

If Trump doesn't win, "they" are going to try to take over the United States by force. The military likes to fight so I'd imagine, like Trump said, "it's going to be a bloodbath" if he doesn't win.

They don't train to train. They train to fight. So, given a choice between peace and war, they'll choose war.


Jun 20, 2023
Trump & his Legion of Goons. There's people who are loyal to Trump all over the government. Military. CIA. FBI. DHS. They even use local police to run psyops on people they hate.

The torture elements seem to be rooted in military enhanced interrogation (torture) and CIA programs.

If Trump doesn't win, "they" are going to try to take over the United States by force. The military likes to fight so I'd imagine, like Trump said, "it's going to be a bloodbath" if he doesn't win.

They don't train to train. They train to fight. So, given a choice between peace and war, they'll choose war.

Ya House of Castro is big in Homeland Security, Europeans, related to Fidel Castro. The police needs to be privatized. The government cannot run the police. I wouldn't trust or befriend anyone in the USA government. "The government is your actual enemy." - financial and political philosopher Doug Casey

You said, "If Trump doesn't win, "they" are going to try to take over the United States by force." That is just setting people up for a crime like January 6th.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
My ex-stepmother. She didn't do shit to me but she was abusive to my dad would harass my mom a lot. I also don't like how she used to treat my brother, though I've heard that things have improved (but that was years ago).


Sep 12, 2024
Probably the guy who molested me as a kid, even though I've long gotten over that.


Apr 10, 2024
Ya House of Castro is big in Homeland Security, Europeans, related to Fidel Castro. The police needs to be privatized. The government cannot run the police. I wouldn't trust or befriend anyone in the USA government. "The government is your actual enemy." - financial and political philosopher Doug Casey

You said, "If Trump doesn't win, "they" are going to try to take over the United States by force." That is just setting people up for a crime like January 6th.
Jan 6th will look like whiffle ball compared to what they're planning. I'm talking about the US military taking control of the United States.


silver tongue devil
Jul 22, 2024
Yes. Hurt by people who think I'm temporary and I already became attached to them. At least they had their fun.


Jun 20, 2023
Jan 6th will look like whiffle ball compared to what they're planning. I'm talking about the US military taking control of the United States.

The military already did that in 1963. General LeMay and others killed JFK.


Emo corpse
Mar 7, 2024
I live under the mindset that everything happens for a reason. As much as many people suck I wouldn't say I regret meeting anyone


Apr 10, 2024
The military already did that in 1963. General LeMay and others killed JFK.
It's not going to be a secret. Military coup. Anyone who doesn't bow to the will of the military cartel will be jailed or destroyed.


Jun 16, 2024
Yes, but to be honest if it wasn't them it probably would've been someone else. It's hard because they tried to help me, but in the end they couldn't handle it and that just made things worse. If they hadn't tried to help maybe things would've been different

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