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Mar 19, 2019
I was reading a post the other day where a person was describing how their mind was driving them crazy. They wanted to CTB because they just wanted their mind to stop. It was like they were saying they had no control over their mind. It's not the first time I've seen a post like this on here. I remember one where they said their mind tortured them every hour with things their parents had told them. This sounds like it's very hard to go through.

Have you ever felt this way? I know that I have often had times in my life where I felt like my mind was torturing me. When I was younger I think I had a form of PTSD. I had a pretty rough childhood. I know I also had bipolar. It often felt like I was on a horrible roller coaster ride. I had no control over my mind. The worst part is knowing I had some good opportunities in my life. My mind would sabotage these opportunities though. My mind hurt me academically when I was in school. My mind hurt my job performance. My mind ruined my relationships. My mind was always controlling me. I felt trapped by my mind.

This is how I used to feel about my mind.

The funny thing is that I recently realized that I actually could not relate to feeling like my mind was torturing me. I also could not say it seemed like my mind was controlling me. I don't even have thoughts that overwhelm me. I have a mind. But I'm not controlled by it. Does that make sense? Because it's true. It's like I'm talking about two different things when I'm talking about my mind now. I am not my mind. When I do have to think... I'm usually slow and deliberate in my thoughts. When I don't have to think... I simply turn my mind off. It stays silent. I haven't always been able to do this.

I'm definitely not saying I don't have problems. I do. I even contemplate suicide. But I was noticing how my mind had become somehow different. It doesn't control me.

It made me wonder... how did I get this way?

Is it because I don't have "crazy thoughts"? No. They're still there.
Is it because I don't have emotions? No. I'm bipolar. I've actually experienced some pretty wild shifts in my mood recently.
Is it because I don't have to deal with difficult people in my life? Unfortunately, no... I'm surrounded by crazy people.
Is it because I don't face stressful situations? No. I spent several years in a highly stressful career. Now I'm facing the stress of unemployment.

Somehow I've gained a certain kind of calm detachment from my mind. It's like I'm witnessing my mind happening. I don't know how else to explain that. It doesn't control me though. I actually do have peace. This only recently became obvious to me. I guess I take it for granted. This only became obvious to me when I started to realize this wasn't everyone else's experience.

So... How did I get this way? The answer seems to simply be because I practiced meditation.

When I was twenty years old I used to be obsessed with Buddhism. I was simply mystified by this religion and I would spend hours studying about it. I remember how I also used to spend hours alone listening to guided meditations. I would even spend long periods of time where I simply chanted buddhist mantras.

I realize this is kind of a weird confession because I normally wouldn't share this with most people. It sounds boring. It also sounds weird. Who would want to do this? But I'm actually glad I had these experiences. Because I can tell that doing these things have actually helped me. I wanted to share this because I hope it will inspire someone else who feels controlled by their mind. Someone who might actually benefit from meditation.

Do you have to study Buddhism to gain the benefits of meditation? No. But I do think it helps. I've learned a lot of helpful things from studying Buddhism. Better ways to think is one of them. You don't actually have to become Buddhist though. I think it helps to study philosophy though. As an example, I've recently gained appreciation for Greek philosophers who practice something called "stoicism". One of my favorite philosophers is a man named Marcus Aurelius. I have also found that listening to contemporary authors such as Eckhart Tolle has helped me gain better control over my mind. He's pretty down to earth and easy to relate to.

Meditation itself is a simple practice though. It doesn't require study. You don't need to learn a bunch of fancy concepts.

One of my favorite meditation teachers is a Vietnamese Buddhist Monk named Thich Naht Hanh. If you're new to meditation you should start out by practicing for only ten or fifteen minutes at most. Once or twice a day. You won't notice huge changes at first. But it does have an effect. I've found it has helped me to actually listen to guided meditations. Here is a good one to start out with...

For what it's worth, Thich Naht Hanh is also an excellent teacher of Buddhist philosophy. One of my favorite talks of his is one in which he discusses something called the "Avatamsaka Sutra". If you ever get a chance to hear him talk about this I recommend it. It's pretty profound. But... again... you don't have to study Buddhism to practice meditation. Meditation isn't about studying philosophy. It's simply learning to sit and observe your mind.

Have you ever tried to practice meditation? What did you do and how was your experience?
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Escaper Boy

Escaper Boy

Apr 11, 2019
My favorite meditation is the woo woo/New Age meditation like chakra clearing and spirit guide meditation. I also loved listening to calming guided meditation audio while I had trouble sleeping at night. It felt so pleasant to just let go and surrender to the experience, if you get what I mean.

Of course, some "enlightened" people out there might say that those New Age meditations as "fake" meditation. I didn't really care either way. Real or fake, they are nothing more than subjective label than anything else.
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Apr 20, 2019
I already basically meditate when I space out all the time. Meditation is bullshit. Everyone thinks that if everyone in the world meditated we'd be farting rainbows and zipping around in flying cars. Sorry but the human brain doesn't work that way. Placebos can be a very strong effect, but not a lifetime solution.

Not trying to be a downer but you sound like a new age/born again/guidance counselor or something who is trying to save people on this forum. First it's the pro intelligent design arguments (which NOBODY on here is dumb enough to fall for) and now this. Yeah, instead of finishing my projects and doing stuff that makes my life better, I'm going to go sit and space out some more... so I can feel even shittier about lack of progress or achievements. Great idea! Constantly running into people with their head in the clouds like you actually make suicide more appealing lol.
My favorite meditation is the woo woo/New Age meditation like chakra clearing and spirit guide meditation. I also loved listening to calming guided meditation audio while I had trouble sleeping at night. It felt so pleasant to just let go and surrender to the experience, if you get what I mean.

Of course, some "enlightened" people out there might say that those New Age meditations as "fake" meditation. I didn't really care either way. Real or fake, they are nothing more than subjective label than anything else.
Sorry, but no such thing as chakras or spirits lol.
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Mar 19, 2019
I already basically meditate when I space out all the time. Meditation is bullshit. Everyone thinks that if everyone in the world meditated we'd be farting rainbows and zipping around in flying cars. Sorry but the human brain doesn't work that way. Placebos can be a very strong effect, but not a lifetime solution.

Not trying to be a downer but you sound like a new age/born again/guidance counselor or something who is trying to save people on this forum. First it's the pro intelligent design arguments (which NOBODY on here is dumb enough to fall for) and now this. Yeah, instead of finishing my projects and doing stuff that makes my life better, I'm going to go sit and space out some more... so I can feel even shittier about lack of progress or achievements. Great idea!

Sorry, but no such thing as chakras or spirits lol.

No. I literally think meditation changes your brain. I'm even saying I experienced this as being true. I also don't just think this... There's scientific evidence for it being true. Brain scans have shown it modifies the hippocampus. Am I simply saying this to "save" people? No. I wanted to share this because I actually want to be helpful. Do you think everyone wants to suffer? Do you honestly think they all want to hear your bullshit? I already realize immature punks like you exist. If God existed he couldn't save a person who talks like you. Speaking of which... I'd be happy to debate you about God's existence if you were actually capable of making intelligible sentences. It's quite evident you aren't. I can actually believe you spend all day staring into space. That isn't meditation. You really need to pick up a book sometime in your life.
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Apr 20, 2019
Taking a shit and playing candy crush modifies your hippocampus. Immature punks? I'm sorry you perceive reality and skepticism as immaturity and punk behavior. I never said I spend all day staring into space. I just said I know what meditation is like, and it's overrated bullshit.

It's funny how religious people like you always have wish to debate the existence of God for eternity. I know it helps you convince yourself, to try to convince others. But when you know something isn't true, debate becomes dull and boring. I know the earth isn't flat, and have no desire to go debate flat earthers. For that same reason I don't have any desire in getting stuck in endless feedback loops regarding your silly archaic beliefs.

Let me know when you actually find solid evidence of chakras, spirits, and intelligent design. I'd love to attend your nobel peace prize ceremony when it happens.
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Apr 27, 2018
Sam Harris 'Waking up ' is an interesting take on secular meditation .

Shinzen Young's 'The Science of Enlightenment " is a nice take on meditation .

"The Awakened Ape " by Jevan Pradas promotes it ....

I started a few months ago but stopped

.... It was probably doing me too much good ! - can't be having that !

I'm just off down the shop to buy a mother load of chocolate sugar .

Sweet self abuse .

( I torrented the audio vesions of those books by the way )

I think it's a great thing by the way .
Not so keen on the Buddhist associations , but I'm religiouphobic .
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Apr 20, 2019
( I torrented the audio vesions of those books by the way )

I think it's a great thing by the way .
Not so keen on the Buddhist associations , but I'm religiouphobic .
Always good to hear about stuff to check out on torrents. I might have to download those too. I like the secular idea of it, but still think the whole concept is overrated as hell. It's safe to assume that just about anything that popular is just another basic b**ch trend.

It cracks me up every time a news article comes out about dedicated Buddhist monks bumming each other and doing meth. So much for their suppressed temptation lol. Nobody can escape human nature.


Mar 19, 2019
Taking a shit and playing candy crush modifies your hippocampus. Immature punks? I'm sorry you perceive reality and skepticism as immaturity and punk behavior. I never said I spend all day staring into space. I just said I know what meditation is like, and it's overrated bullshit.

It's funny how religious people like you always have wish to debate the existence of God for eternity. I know it helps you convince yourself, to try to convince others. But when you know something isn't true, debate becomes dull and boring. I know the earth isn't flat, and have no desire to go debate flat earthers. For that same reason I don't have any desire in getting stuck in endless feedback loops regarding your silly archaic beliefs.

Let me know when you actually find solid evidence of chakras, spirits, and intelligent design. I'd love to attend your nobel peace prize ceremony when it happens.

"Taking a shit and playing candy crush modifies your hippocampus." - It's statements like this that make me think you're immature. Am I supposed to read this and be convinced of something? I do believe video games have been shown to improve certain types of brain function. It's qualitatively different from meditation though. You aren't going to develop the same types of benefits. I guess I must have missed those studies where taking a shit has improved anyone's mental health in a meaningful way. I apologize for my ignorance in these matters.

"It's funny how religious people like you always have wish to debate the existence of God for eternity." - We can actually agree on something. It is funny. That's why I love the debates. I've also enjoyed learning what good reasoning actually looks like. I'm sorry it makes you feel tired. I guess I must be gaining something from it that you aren't.

"When you know something isn't true... I know the earth isn't flat." - Hey! We can actually agree on something again. I'm curious how you came to your conclusion the earth wasn't flat. Did you just feel like it was true and stick with that opinion? Were you raised by flat-earther parents that made you angry and bitter? Maybe you saw a funny comedian once that just made it seem crystal clear? Oh wait... I bet it was a random person on the internet who called you a retard for believing in a flat earth. I know that last one has always convinced me.

"Let me know when you actually find solid evidence of chakras, spirits, and intelligent design. I'd love to attend your nobel peace prize ceremony when it happens." - Alright buddy. I will. I haven't found an interest in some of these things yet but I will definitely let you know. I actually find it reassuring to know I can count on someone like you being there to give people correct beliefs. Thank no God we have you. Am I right?!?
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Apr 20, 2019
Speaking to another member on here about your rants, we kind of figured it out:

"I have also noticed his "Have you ever" pattern...but it's obvious he's just fishing for validation from others. I'm sure meditation has its benefits, but it's super annoying when people act like it's going to solve all your problems. That's probably how he gets all his stupid ideas, from sitting and thinking for too long."


I know what you're talking about as far as video games though. The candy crush thing is more of an amusing point rather than trying to start a whole topic in it. But yes I've seen a few things how playing first person shooters and other games helped some people with focus and other tasks.


Mar 18, 2019
I'm way too drunk for the debate shit or reading your post in it's entirety but I love Marcus Aurelius. Meditations is great, at times it reads as a somewhat stressed modern man making post-it notes to himself. Then you realise it's the fucking emperor of Rome. A great guy and a great read.

When it comes to meditation: when I was in that weird point in my life where I got into Gnosticism and occult and Crowley I meditated. Quite a bit too. Didn't really do much.
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Apr 20, 2019
I'm way too drunk for the debate shit or reading your post in it's entirety but I love Marcus Aurelius. Meditations is great, at times it reads as a somewhat stressed modern man making post-it notes to himself. Then you realise it's the fucking emperor of Rome. A great guy and a great read.

When it comes to meditation: when I was in that weird point in my life where I got into Gnosticism and occult and Crowley I meditated. Quite a bit too. Didn't really do much.
I'm going to have to read some of Marcus Aurelius's writings. Thanks for the suggestion. What are you drinking? I'm about to have some Russian vodka and ginger diet coke (trying to at least cut the sugar lol).


Mar 18, 2019
I'm going to have to read some of Marcus Aurelius's writings. Thanks for the suggestion. What are you drinking? I'm about to have some Russian vodka and ginger diet coke (trying to at least cut the sugar lol).
Russian vodka for me too, straight, like it's meant to be drunk.

I'd really suggest meditations, though if I'm not entirely mistaken it's the only thing you can really find of his writings. It really was just his personal diary, more or less. It's really fascinating, there is some evidence that he didn't really want to become the emperor really. But being a stoic philosophically is also a lot about doing ones duty so he took that up. So it really is more of those, snippets, thoughts he had and wrote down. I think the thing really is that it's so relatable in a way. He seems just a rather stressed but otherwise kind of a normal guy. Maybe one a bit more into introspection than most. Maybe I shouldn't derail this further though.
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Apr 20, 2019
I'm in Florida, after welding and working on cars all day and sweating my balls off, I'm up for a refreshing vodka drink lol. Maybe if I was some soldier stationed in a Siberian military base, I'd be taking straight shots.

Oh he's a stoic as well, respect! I will definitely have to check that out now. I wish more people applied the stoic philosophy these days. It seems like we're going through some age where everyone is a whiny emotional bitch. I look forward to reading it! Thanks :).

What brand of Russian vodka btw? I'm Russian myself lol.


Mar 18, 2019
I'm in Florida, after welding and working on cars all day and sweating my balls off, I'm up for a refreshing vodka drink lol. Maybe if I was some soldier stationed in a Siberian military base, I'd be taking straight shots.

Oh he's a stoic as well, respect! I will definitely have to check that out now. I wish more people applied the stoic philosophy these days. It seems like we're going through some age where everyone is a whiny emotional bitch. I look forward to reading it! Thanks :).

What brand of Russian vodka btw? I'm Russian myself lol.
Chilly northern Europe here. Though it's not that chilly really right now. Just raining.

Oh yeah, he's also one of the primary sources for what we really know of the stoicisim of the antique. IIRC most of what we know of that is due to him. I'm going with Stolichnaya.. Or is that russian anymore, could some former USSR-country too I think.


Apr 20, 2019
Not a bad choice. I'm drinking Ruskova, not sure if it's imported there but check around. It's probably the smoothest 18 dollar vodka I've had. New Amsterdamn, Pinnacle, and other sub 20$ shit is not bad but not as smooth as this stuff. I can see northern Europe being a more suitable environment for doing shots.


Mar 19, 2019
I'm way too drunk for the debate shit or reading your post in it's entirety but I love Marcus Aurelius. Meditations is great, at times it reads as a somewhat stressed modern man making post-it notes to himself. Then you realise it's the fucking emperor of Rome. A great guy and a great read.

When it comes to meditation: when I was in that weird point in my life where I got into Gnosticism and occult and Crowley I meditated. Quite a bit too. Didn't really do much.

Marcus Aurelius is good stuff. I can tell from his writings that he was very patient and deliberate in his reasoning. It's especially interesting when you consider the world he lived in.


Nov 8, 2018
According to my shrink, I accidentally meditate when I go on my morning (and if the situation permits, noon and sometimes even evening) walks.
I'm not sure what kind of meditation it is, but for what it's worth, it... kinda works... on something...
No idea how, on what, why, and how it became a thing.
When my epileptic auras get real bad I will get out so that if I actually do seize, somebody finds me and then I probably kick them in the face.
Look, my logic isn't exactly sound, I'm aware. Keppra is one hell of a drug. Anyways, here's how my meditation goes:

After about ten minutes of walking, I will start vocalizing my thoughts. Ever so slightly louder than a whisper. It will start with just mouthing the words and then very quiet talking.
After about fifteen minutes thoughts will mostly stop coming above the occasional "huh" level. I reach a middle-high income area and it's filled with joggers. I'd rather not slam into a large middle-aged man or a 900-year-old 4' tall grandma that's walking her chihuahua. I've never encountered a real dog in that area.
After about twenty minutes I'm not sleepy, but feel like I'm drifting out of consciousness. Just starting.
Half an hour in, I will start concentrating on five points: left foot, right foot, left hand, right hand, head. I become this... array of balls if it makes sense (it probably doesn't)... that sort of drifts forward. Kind of like a stickman. I'm aware the balls are parts of my body and aren't going to scatter. Usually, half an hour is enough to cover the first half of the walk, so at this point, my alarm will ring. I barely hear it with my ears, there's no vibration from my phone, but I do notice it. Acutely.
I wake up, turn around, light a cig and fall back into the five balls state HARD!
On my way home I do not feel my body at all, unless I need to piss. If I do need to piss, another "ball" forms, which is my bladder. It's more of a... eight-sided die. Not sure how many faces, definitely more than six, but it's not "round" like the hands and feet and head. The "six balls" state is not very pleasant. I'm acutely aware of my bladder. It doesn't hurt, it's just very much present and demands I take a piss. My path is somewhat barren, so hiding somewhere to take a piss is not an option.
At this point I'm high. Not sure on what, but it feels somewhat similar to the first joint I ever smoked, except less "fuzzy" and more "squishy". My head feels like it's made of playdough. The first joint made me feel like my head is made of cotton. Considering I no longer use hair gel, if it's windy, it sure does look like my head is made of cotton. lol
I reach home, piss like a fire hydrant, take a short rest, take a shower if the situation permits, and go on another walk. Again, if the situation permits. If it's a weekend, I will go buy drinking water, cigarette supplies, come home and start producing cigarettes. A lot of cigarettes. By the end of the day, I will have produced roughly 350. In between the rolling, I will take more walks, and every time I will come home more and more high. If it's a Friday, I will have a meeting with my therapist. We talk about random shit. In this state I will sometimes reveal a hook of sorts that may lead him to analyze something of me. There is a cap to how high I become, and that is when I become... "dizzy" is not quite the right word, but it's close enough. I am not sleepy, I am in fact acutely awake.
If it's a Saturday, I visit my father. On Fridays, I either fast (with the help of nicotine) because I'm too lazy to cook, or eat a shitload of candy, on Saturdays I will eat my father's latest creation. It's often either pleasantly bland, or pleasant full of garlic and what may just be sulfuric acid. If it's the latter, I turn high as fuck on spot, produce an excuse, exchange leaving pleasantries and go home. I will want to play videogames, but will end up reading Reddit until it's time to sleep.

If you are a fan of meditation, please tell me what the fuck I'm doing to my brain, it's already damaged enough psychologically, chemically, and physically as it is. According to my medical papers, I have "something that looks like a deep gash" on the top. In Hebrew, "scratched in brain" means batshit crazy. Considering I hang out here, compared to ableds and the generic public of Israel, the description is not too far from truth. lol
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Apr 20, 2019
Reason I hate meditation is it's the most loosely defined new age trendy bs term ever. I can say I'm meditating right now on these forums while drinking vodka.


Mar 19, 2019
Reason I hate meditation is it's the most loosely defined new age trendy bs term ever. I can say I'm meditating right now on these forums while drinking vodka.

Oh wow. I guess you really could say you're meditating while doing that. That's so true. I never actually thought about that before.

That must explain why Zen is called a "school" of Buddhism. For some reason they thought students should learn from a mentor.
Why do you think they thought that was necessary? Is it even possible to learn new things?

I kind of like your approach. It's creative and seems a lot easier. We could all simply make up our own definitions.


Apr 20, 2019
Your rantings are mildly amusing like that of a bum under a bridge. Except I don't even have to leave my chair.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I've tried it and I think it is helpful. It decreased anxiety, allowed my frontal lobes to work better. If you have complex ptsd or ptsd your frontal lobe activity is impaired because the trauma shuts off higher order thinking. So it doesn't develop properly, especially if u were a kid that grew up in a sustained traumatized state in the early years. Basically u end up going through life in survival mode if u came from this environment.
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Aug 4, 2018
Your rantings are mildly amusing like that of a bum under a bridge. Except I don't even have to leave my chair.

You act like you dont care and dont want to debate yet here you are responding to every reply. OMEGALUL


Apr 20, 2019
You act like you dont care and dont want to debate yet here you are responding to every reply. OMEGALUL
Have you read his other posts???

"you have to be formally introduced to the concept of a synchronicity before you start spotting them. They're a little like black swans. They exist and they're out there in the world but you won't see them happening everywhere and all the time. Once you see them though they're kind of magical."

"Anyways, later on in the same day I was reading about Yew trees I noticed something funny about the TV show that was playing. The man on the show was crafting a wooden bow. Can you guess what he was talking about? He was talking about Yew trees and how their wood makes excellent bows. Kind of weird, huh? Seems like a weird coincidence. Not long afterward I got up and drove somewhere and on the way I got stuck behind a car. The car had a sticker on it that said "#StopSuicide"."

This guy literally thinks the television programming intended for hundreds of thousands or millions of viewers, is somehow specially modified for him by an intelligent designer. If subtle TV hints are made by God or whoever for you on the TV, how are they going to fit enough hints for every person watching in so little airtime? But he's just super special right?

There's babies being born without skin in complete hell and agony, but he's got a magical fairy watching out for him and planting little hints on buses and in TV programming? HAAAAH!!! That's exactly the kind of shit I'd expect from a crackhead living under a bridge.
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Mar 19, 2019
Have you read his other posts???

"you have to be formally introduced to the concept of a synchronicity before you start spotting them. They're a little like black swans. They exist and they're out there in the world but you won't see them happening everywhere and all the time. Once you see them though they're kind of magical."

"Anyways, later on in the same day I was reading about Yew trees I noticed something funny about the TV show that was playing. The man on the show was crafting a wooden bow. Can you guess what he was talking about? He was talking about Yew trees and how their wood makes excellent bows. Kind of weird, huh? Seems like a weird coincidence. Not long afterward I got up and drove somewhere and on the way I got stuck behind a car. The car had a sticker on it that said "#StopSuicide"."

This guy literally thinks the television programming intended for hundreds of thousands or millions of viewers, is somehow specially modified for him by an intelligent designer. If subtle TV hints are made by God or whoever for you on the TV, how are they going to fit enough hints for every person watching in so little airtime? But he's just super special right?

There's babies being born without skin in complete hell and agony, but he's got a magical fairy watching out for him and planting little hints on buses and in TV programming? HAAAAH!!!

Schizo much?

Fairies planting black swans in your life and writing messages on buses is exactly the kind of shit I'd expect to hear from a toothless crackhead living under a bridge.

I'm kind of proud that the kid can read. Props.


Apr 20, 2019
I'm kind of proud that the kid can read. Props.
When are you CTB? I'd love to have a drink to celebrate lol. You're going to make the average IQ in the world go up a tiny bit.

And you're calling me a kid? Lol this just keeps getting better.


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Mar 19, 2019
When are you CTB? I'd love to have a drink to celebrate lol. You're going to make the average IQ in the world go up a tiny bit

Seriously dude, I feel kind of sorry for you. It's honestly no surprise to me at all why you are driven to attack these kinds of posts. You're mistaken if you think I'm actually bothered by anything you say. You are your own worst enemy. Keep on drinking and attacking the whole world. See how far that will get you.


Apr 20, 2019
Seriously dude, I feel kind of sorry for you. It's honestly no surprise to me at all why you are driven to attack these kinds of posts. You're mistaken if you think I'm actually bothered by anything you say. You are your own worst enemy. Keep on drinking and attacking the whole world. See how far that will get you.
How highly of you to think your crackpot ideas are "the whole world".

You came to a forum of suicidal, pessimistic, depressed people who are sick of everyone's shit. And you think your intelligent designer, black swans, and fairies are going to make everyone wake up to rainbows? You're funny.
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Aug 4, 2018
How highly of you to think your crackpot ideas are "the whole world".

You came to a forum of suicidal, pessimistic, depressed people who are sick of everyone's shit. And you think your intelligent designer, black swans, and fairies are going to make everyone wake up to rainbows? You're funny.

Nothing wrong with talking about meditation. I am tired too of hearing people suggesting all kinds of stuff, I understand. I am not sure if meditation works and I am skeptical about bunch of stuff including meditation but why should I shit on this guy that is talking about it? If he finds it useful then good for him, I wanna read how he does it or what are his thoughts on it. If you dont agree either debate it or just dont write anything. What is insulting him gonna do? Its offtopic ffs if you wanna talk strictly about ctb then there is a place just for that. You are angry and you want to take it out on someone online. Why waste your time to write hateful shit? Its a suicide forum man, we should treat each other well. Atleast here we should feel alright.
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Mar 19, 2019
It doesn't bother me. I'm actually grateful for his input. He's giving me better insight into my own life. Everything he's said showcases ways a person might become more suicidal. That's clearly the goal he has for himself and others. Is everyone here actually looking to do that? Either way, everyone wins. It just depends on what you're actually seeking.


Apr 20, 2019
There's always some good that comes from criticism. Everything I've said is pretty realistic. If you disagree, you're welcome to present your rebuttals. But keep them on point and logical, not vague paragraphs of rants written like pseudo scientific new age crap.

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