
Aug 18, 2020
I had to think about this. I was made fun of when mentally ill/delusional. But I also experienced when others were bullied.

There was an obese teacher at my school. There were rumors he had depression. He was made fun of his students so fucking hard. I was bullied too for being obese. But damn everyone insulted him so hard. I can remember even one teacher made fun of him in front of the students who already bullied him. They celebrated this other teacher. This is so sick.

Then there was another woman who I met at work. She had a miscarriage. Some people said she had depression. I did not notice that before. But now when I think about it there was a certain sadness in her behavior. She never laughed wholeheartedly. People did not bully her, but due to her alleged mental illness I heard some people talking pejoratively about her.

I think if I included examples of the internet this thread had no end. Like after the suicide of Etika. What a tragedy.

Have you ever observed something like that?
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Feb 27, 2021
No. All my experiances with bullying i was the focus.

It's amazing ppl feel confident enough to shit on ppl. As if they can avoid being fucked with in some way down the line. I'm pretty sure everyone has a skeleton or two in their closet. The ones who can't hide them will always be the target.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Yes, more than a few times in K-12.

I have a traumatic memory of the whole class telling one of my friends to kill herself and that her abusive mom should have when she had the chance. I tried to intervene to no avail, and I reported it to teachers who didn't care because they didn't like my friend. I like to think this would be handled differently nowadays, but bullies seem to always come out on top; it is the way of the world.

I did effectively stop a mentally retarded boy from being picked on. The bullies were motivated by pure opportunism. Unlike my friend, who sometimes started arguments herself, this kid wouldn't hurt a fly. Didn't stop them from trying to hurt him though.

In high school, I let a lot of shit go that I probably shouldn't have. There was actually a lot of bullying in band of all classes. The experience reinforced a lesson I had already retained - being a victim of bullying doesn't teach most people empathy; it just teaches them to avoid being revictimized at all costs.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Yes, when I was 6 years old, in 1984 and starting in September, they started to pick on (most of the boys and only one girl) a classmate. Every day, in front of the teacher, they would corner him in a corner and start kicking and hitting him all over...every day without exception.

Sometimes I would ask him if he was all right, but it didn't help, I always felt like a coward in this respect, because I never knew how to defend others against things that didn't seem right to me (and I have to remind myself of this from time to time, shitty life!).

That boy repeated the year and did better then because he was the oldest, he became a kind of leader, but never ever, I saw him hurt anyone, and sometimes he was grateful to me, I don't know exactly why (his name was Jordi).

Then in high school he was picked on by another boy, we became friends, who had Tourette's syndrome... it reminds me a bit of some things I read in this forum, he kept saying he wanted to die. I hope everything went better for him later in adulthood, I would like to think it was like that.

What I can't stand is being a coward, I don't like being afraid to intervene in defense of others. I guess that's why I have always avoided social relationships at any level, as there is a strong imbalance in terms of my commitment to others due to my fears in general.

I must say that I have never suffered any kind of harassment from anyone.


Si, quan tenía 6 anys, el 1984 i a partir de setembre, van començar a fotre's (la majoría dels nois i una sola noia) amb un company de classe. Cada día, davant de la mestre l'acorralaven a un racó i li començavena a donar puntades de peu i cops per tot arreu... cada día sense excepció.

De vegades li preguntava si es trobava bé, però això no servía pas de res, sempre m'he sentit covard en aquest aspecte, doncs mai he sabut defensar els altres davant les coses que a mi no em semblen bé (i tinc que recordar-ho de tant en tant, merda de vida!).

Aquell noi va repetir curs i li va anar millor llavors perquè era el gran, es va convertir en una espécie de lider, però mai mai, vaig veure que fes mal a ningú i de vegades amb mi es mostrava agraït no se ben bé per què (és deia Jordi).

Després ja a l'Institut es fotien amb un noi, ens vem fer amics, que tenía el síndrome de Tourette... em recorda una mica algunes coses que llegeixo d'aquest fórum, no parava de dir que volía morir-se... espero que tot li hagi anat millor després a l'estapa adulta, m'agradaría pensar que ha estat així.

El que no soporto és ser un covard, no m'agrada tenir por d'intervindre en defensa dels altres. Suposo que per això sempre he evitat les relacions socials a qualsevol nivell, doncs hi ha un fort desequilibri en quan al meu compromís amb els altres degut a les meves pors en general.

He de dir que jo no he patit mai cap tipus d'assetjament per part de ningú.
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Sep 21, 2020
I received minor physical assaults right in front of two different schoolteachers who saw and just let it keep going. I've always hated the majority of schoolteachers for many reasons. This would only be one of them.


novelist, sanskritist, Canadian living in India
Nov 13, 2021
Yes, and he was also brown, Indian. This was in Toronto's Parkdale, at the Saint Francis Table, a cheap restaurant for skid row trash like I was, run by Franciscan friars. One of the friars attacked and threw this guy out for no reason, except probably his race and eccentricity.
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Sep 21, 2020
Yes, and he was also brown, Indian. This was in Toronto's Parkdale, at the Saint Francis Table, a cheap restaurant for skid row trash like I was, run by Franciscan friars. One of the friars attacked and threw this guy out for no reason, except probably his race and eccentricity.
Toronto is an ugly pit of hatred and despair but a certain crowd that will go unnamed wants to use it for part of their project, so that reality is intentionally obscured. It's truly ridiculous that it tries to pass itself off as an example of pluralism succeeding because I've seen crazy racial hatred - including violence on several occasions - throughout that city over and over again.

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