I was the smart kid in school, and boy was that shitty. See, lots of people are jealous of smart kids because we can do everything in school with effortless success. We can get homework done effortlessly, we barely have to study for tests and yet still do well. I mean, what's not to envy about that?
The sad thing is, that most smart kids hurt inside. They usually don't have many friends, they don't get invited to things, and they're ridiculed for being smart. Eventually, things begin to fall apart for them. They start to not be able to socialize properly because they've had so little experience with it. "Eh, fuck it! I don't need friends. People are shit anyways!" They slowly begin to lean more on their IQ instead of their EQ. This is gonna hit them real hard during high school especially.
They go through high school, they're probably top of the class, and took some college-level courses too. It seems like they're on track. They finally go to college and, suddenly, college is tougher. When I did my first test in college I got a whopping 58%. I felt like a moron. I had to study for tests? Unbelievable! See, when you spend your time with effortless success in school studying and working on classes outside of school is a real challenge. I pushed through it and managed to get my shit together and got a perfect GPA.
But looking back, what do smart kids do? They spend so much of their time investing in their future, trying to do well in school. But they never got to go to parties, because they were putting their time into school. They never had friends because they were always someone who was off. They put their whole identity into being the smart kid, then when they become an adult, they realize being smart doesn't matter and everything just crashes down on them. They realize they've wasted so much on something that doesn't matter, and missed out on so many experiences that do.
There are numerous examples of these gifted kids that fall into this. I was the same way. Man would I trade some IQ for some EQ, but not before taking a time machine back when I was younger so I could have those experiences I wish I could have today.