
Dec 16, 2021
I feel that my father should have never gave birth to me.

My father was born very poor. His father died when he was 4 , so my grandma was left with three sons and nothing. They were so poor that many times they slept on an empty stomach. My father really worked hard to make life better. But there is so little you can do when you are born dirt poor. I wish he hadn't had gotten married or had kids . But he did , and here I am .

He was neglectful maybe cause we didn't have enough money back then, but also he has seen such a hard life that he has become very hard himself .

when I was teen I had acne and I asked him to take me to a doctor for treatment. But he just ignored , in India medical treatment is quite affirmative and he still ignored.

As a kid I cried a lot for a cycle but he never bought one for me.

I also didn't have many toys.

During my engineering I used to stay at a hostel, the hostel provided food twice a day on all day except Sunday. On Sundays we had food only once a day.
My father had then suggested me to fast for one time and sleep on an empty stomach.

I saw this rich kid in my neighbourhood today and suddenly I am overwhelmed with the barrage of incidents where I felt neglected, poor.

I hope in next life I get a father who is rich and caring and loving, I hope we all do.
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Reactions: LifeQuitter, AbusedInnocent, divinemistress36 and 5 others


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I'm also annoyed at my parents for not being rich. In the end, I'm not really materialistic and I don't desire much but it's still annoying at how my parents gave birth to me whilst being poor as it means that I have to work to earn money. I don't want to work. I just want to be a neet and relax until death. I can't deal with life at all nor do I want to.

Anyways, I don't really believe in reincarnation but, if you believe in that sort of thing, I hope that you get a better father in your next life
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Reactions: vanillamilkshakes, LifeQuitter, Parnate and 3 others
Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

Adrenaline junkie
May 9, 2024
My dad had money and bought me literally everything I wanted but he sexually abused me from when I was in preschool until my early teens. My mom swept the whole issue under the rug because she didn't want to leave my dad. Wanna trade?
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Mar 17, 2023
I used to hate my parents for being poor too, it was back when I was like 13. Until I heard their story. My dad had a good job and was stable, but he got sick and had to quit his job. And when I was 18 and had to work I wanted to cry because I realized how hard it is to get money. But I wouldn't ever think about having children if I'm poor.
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Perhaps I'll be important when I'm long gone?
Feb 27, 2024
I was raised poor and I could never hate my mum for it. I'm GLAD I had nothing, because it made me appreciate things. Basic essentials everyone takes for granted, and we don't realise how lucky we are. My mum was incredibly abusive growing up, and we starved a lot, but she did pick herself over us (that wasn't the only abusive part).

Anyway, I've known rich and trust me, they were still neglected etc. Money doesn't come into it. If you're a good parent, you're a good parent. You don't need to be rich to show your kid love

Hating your father over money is such a a strong word. Hate? You hate him for something he couldn't control?

Perhaps you could try to understand your father better. Resenting him just because he was poor is wrong. He tried his best. You know, some people marry and have kids, because they are taught it's the right thing to do, and they feel pressured into it - by society/culture/parents.

We can learn a lot from the older generation you know.

My Nan raised 6 kids on not much. And my other Nan 4 kids and both my grandparents always had jobs, and several jobs. They did their best, especially given the times back then

Nowadays, we take basic essentials for granted. Like food, heating and water. We all do it without realising, and it's really sad. It's important to always be grateful for what you have, because some aren't always so lucky. Yeah you starved for a few hours - did you die? No. Some kids have to go a hell of a lot longer than that to survive - yes it shouldn't happen, but it does - there isn't enough help out there, and some would say not to bring kids into the world, but you would understand better if you put yourself in others shoes (empathy) and read what I said above.

Some cultures are incredibly toxic, and that includes parents being forced to do certain things.

You sound very young, so perhaps you won't be able to understand until you're a bit older and lived a bit more (I mean wisdom as you age) - you will eventually though, it takes time.

I hope your pain eases
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Reactions: Romanticize, vanillamilkshakes and Parnate

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