
Aug 18, 2020
I think the internet is for educational purposes very good in case one uses it properly. When I was young I binge watched TV all day. I was a completely different person to that time. I was pretty lazy, exposed to physical abuse and bullying. To a certain extent it is true that TV raised me. Not sure whether this idiom is common on English. Our parents were not always there for us.

I found my love to anime and manga to that time. Which was a great experience moreover my best friends love it too and it was a good topic for conversations. That strengthened our friendship a lot. It was such a huge luck to meet them. People like them are seldom. But this is a different topic.

I watched a lot of shit. I was bored all the time. I even watched embarrassing trash TV. My mom always liked to watch that. Some "friends" at school mocked me for it. However I have to say thank God I quit that bullshit. I started to study a lot as a teenager and education is way less superficial than watching trash TV. The satisfaction goes deeper. Or it is just my insane brain that likes to portray itself as savvy. Lol. Maybe my obsession is patholigical. But for example good literature can comfort me way more than some shitty trash movies.

I also watched so fucking much sitcoms. I really wasted myriads of hours to watch all repetitions of several sitcoms. LIke Two and a Half Men or The Big Bang Theory. Now when I see such series I have to cringe. The jokes are kind of immature and repetitive. However I think I still memorized a lot of content despite the fact it is a decade ago since I watched it heavily.

This led me to my intitial idea for this thread. I really like to make my friends laugh. And I think I am quite good at it. I think studying all these comedy might helped me to develop witty humor. Most jokes were superfical but there sometimes were also pretty good ones. Furthermore there were some German comedy shows with a more intellectual approach. Okay maybe that is an exaggeration.

So I conclude. Maybe I learned good punchlines by watching sitcoms and comedy shows excessively when I was young. Though I think something way more important was another lesson. I don't want to spend my whole lifetime by watching meaningless stuff on my TV which makes me feel pretty empty and lonely.

Was there a lesson for you in watching TV?
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Not really, maybe I've learned small things from documentaries but not much, I have a really shitty memory so I forget most things anyway 😂


Jul 29, 2021
tv rots your brain i haven't got a tv licence and don't watch tv at all, i am currently watching the ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM by Peter Joseph on youtube learning about a resource based economy before that i watched "There's No Tomorrow" about resource depletion

using tv to program your brain can be a tool for good like learning subjects like maths, but i can't stand watching news it's government propaganda

i learn alot of things from watching videos on youtube for instance how to do diffused lighting

OpenGL 3D Game Tutorial 11: Per-Pixel Lighting

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Sep 16, 2020
As much as I say in against mk ultra TV shows and shit. Personally I've learned far more from movies and TV than I have most human beings. All you are taught from others mostly is their own woes. At least with movies you get a balance even if the drama is so unatural to how humans probably shouldve existed more comfortably.

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