
Apr 21, 2024
I already agreed with things like Antinatalism before I joined because Reddit kept suggesting it to me.

I wonder if some of you came here not knowing about stuff like this and have since changed your views on life since reading some posts on here?
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Jan 1, 2024
Im still just as pessmistic about life as I was before joining this site. I feel less alone though knowing others want to die and think life is meaningless to
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Nov 15, 2021
Not really. Just by opening up the news I see how shit the world is and how everything can easily go wrong. It didn't change my outlook on life.
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welcome home old friend, how was your life?
Mar 24, 2024
not really, i guess just validated some of my thoughts and added some new ones to think about
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Yes, this site has changed my outlook on life. Before I joined this site, I used to mainly hate myself as I've only seen suicidal people who hated themselves and I lacked the critical thinking to not be the same as them. However, when I joined this site, I saw two users here who don't hate themselves but rather the world instead (those users being @sserafim and @FuneralCry) and seeing those two counter examples to the typical type of suicidal people made me realise that I didn't have to hate myself just like how others do. It made me realise that hating myself isn't my true self and that my true self is to hate existence and other humans instead. In the end, I actually do deserve better but life itself isn't the better that I deserve. I never really felt connected with myself when I hated myself but now I feel more connected with myself ever since I stopped hating myself.

Even when I hated myself, I thought that there was someone wrong in doing so as why would I want to end my suffering via death if I hated myself? People who hate others tend to want them to suffer more, not less. It took me joining this site to actually fully understand this

In truth, I've always hated life and other humans even before I've joined this site but I've hated life and other people even more ever since I've joined this site and I do this because I think it's rational for me to hate life.

That's it really
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I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
Nope. Though its been a source of me being to vent out my annoying, whiny drivel, so that helped. For a bit. Mind is constantly on DEATH DEATH DEATH while my main coping mechanism is self harm because at least I get a reprieve from emotion.
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What dreams may come?
Oct 4, 2021
I've realised that the world is made up more of people whose beliefs and mindsets are significantly more diverse than I'd previously anticipated. I've come across viewpoints I'd never previously heard of, let alone considered. I've encountered some extraordinarily big hearted personas and some incredibly rude ones and a terrible amount of suffering.

For the most part, my core values haven't changed. I think humanity has made some massive mistakes but we can't turn the clock back. We need to find a way to live on this planet without destroying it and the other species who also call it home. The world is beautiful and humans can and do contribute to that beauty. We're not all bad. Just as nature itself isn't all "good".

One thing that has changed is my cynicism or scepticism about some of the things I read on here. I don't know if it's just where my head's at currently or recent negative experiences or what, but I do find myself raising the odd eyebrow at some things I read, wondering if the user is being deliberately provocative or trolling or hoaxing or bluffing or a journalist or whatever. I'm sure most of you are here in good faith, just like me, but as I said, it's just where I'm at.

I wish there was a "just getting on with it" section where all talk about edgy topics was banned. After a few years, being depressed and suicidal gets a bit boring and I'd quite like to chat about something else - but I'm also an old fart and there's a bit too much way out of my comfort zone in Off Topic!
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
No, my views have not changed.
I'm stubborn, so it's hard to convince me to change my views.

I agree with some people on some things, but I disagree on other things.

I also knew there was a lot of shit in the world, so it doesn't surprise me that many people have problems here.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
My underlying views haven't changed. I've become increasingly more antinatilist but I'm not sure whether that's this site's influence or just greater and greater resentment at having been born into this life and then, expected to thrive.
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Cringe Isekai Author
Apr 27, 2023
I already agreed with things like Antinatalism before I joined because Reddit kept suggesting it to me.

I wonder if some of you came here not knowing about stuff like this and have since changed your views on life since reading some posts on here?
In minor ways. I now just forget about the "good" or what will happen if I persevere through life or whatever bs they tell me. I saw it as a prison without escape, still see it the same way.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
No . I had figured out life is very bad in general before i found this site.

Years ago on this site I posted some things on here why i think life is bad. Extreme pain far outweighs anything and is so bad it makes everything else meaningless by comparison. How every animal gets old and The horrors of old age. The meaningless of life. All the evil horribble things that can happen to a human in this evil life and evil world etc

I haven't even posted everything on why i think life and this world is unfathombly evil. Those insights will remain umkown to those that read this site. I'll post them elsewhere

I haven't learned anything philosophically here . This site Hasnt changed my outlook.

I did learn about ctb methods which is why im here
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Aug 30, 2023
no. just a nice place to talk now that im alone. at least here no one will try to lock me up.
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Feb 7, 2023
I'd say yes, but for the better. Seeing other people share their feelings, and relating to them have made me more accepting of myself and my mental health. It may not have be better, but it has become easier to embrace as a part of me.
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Dusk till dawn

Dusk till dawn

Sep 7, 2018
Nope, i was nihilistic and antinatalist when I joined this website, and i'm still like that, my only moral standard is autonomy above all, i believe that autonomy should be respected and not violated under any circumstances regardless of any reasons, therefore i was held pro-choice views before i joined
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Apr 15, 2022
Before coming here I knew there were plenty of horrors and misery in this world. I've seen and experienced some misery first hand, some with family and friends, and others I get regurgitated nightly to me on the evening news. I knew there was plenty of pain and suffering. If anything, this site has only reinforced and drove that realization deeper in me. Still, I'm not an antinatalist. I know there's beauty and happiness in this world, and there are good people in it trying to make things better. I understand it may be a futile endeavor, but I don't see any other realistic options. Wishing the world would cease to exist is unrealistic. It is what it is. All people can do is try and I don't begrudge anyone for trying. Now, that doesn't mean that I believe we should all try in perpetuity to make things better, especially for ourselves. As far as determining our own personal fate and destiny, I believe we have the absolute right to decide for ourselves when to keep trying, or when enough is enough, and to bow out of it all. There comes a point for most when misery and suffering begins to outweigh any benefit of sticking around. I support everyone's right to be the architect of their own destiny.

I wish the world was different. I wish there wasn't disease, war, famine, pain, natural disasters, greed, meaness, etc, etc, etc. But wishing the world was different and finding $20 will only get you $20. It's an unfair place for sure. But, I don't believe it was designed to be like this. I think it just is what it is. I think people can be cruel and I think they can be good, too, even the same people. I think many factors play into whether someone has a good life, or a not so good life.

No, my perspective hasn't changed. Some people end up with fairly decent lives, some don't. Because some have decent lives, I'd never move over to antinatalist beliefs. Frankly, I think antinatalism reeks of "god complex" mantra - believing you have the right to impose your beliefs on everyone because you know what's best for them. That is so beyond my pay grade. I don't know what's best for others, only they can decide that. I only know what's best for me based on my own unique circumstances. I think that's the epitome of what being pro-choice is. I see antinatalism as antithetical to being pro-choice.
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Nov 13, 2023
this site has changed nothing about my views, i still find this world unbearable for me to live in. additionally i still feel that exiting it is extremely difficult and tiring.

i suppose this site helps with me letting out my feelings via sharing vent arts and rants without getting fucking shamed for it. this site helps me with getting off steam and actually managing to cope and such. I don't think this site would ever have the ability to change my views on life as i literally use this site to vent and rant about my views.

I feel as if the only people who would have their views changed via this site would be a handful of random guests that lurk through this site thanks to mainstream media yapping about us. I wouldn't know for sure though, that's just my guess.
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May 24, 2024
No, although I've joined quite recently, but I very much doubt any amount of time here would make it any different. Unlike the more typical member, I'm oldish and dying. I don't have much of a choice, I'm not here because I hate myself or suffer from depression and/or anxiety due to romantic/education/work issues. Been there, done that... And then a lot more. I was actually finally enjoying life right before it all went to hell.
I never felt like having children of my own and I'm terribly glad that I didn't. I'm not anti natalist to the point that I want the human species to go extinct, but I've strongly believed for a long time that both humans and the planet in general would strongly benefit from a big decrease in the number of humans. Some people find their way to be content enough with life. In the same way I will not tolerate having my freedom to die taken from me, I also won't entirely deny that life does work for some.
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