

When I’m gone just carry on, don’t mourn, rejoice
May 24, 2024
I relate a lot to each character apart from Mr Peanutbutter, Bojack is the most toxic version of myself, Diane is the empathetic version of me, Todd is the lazy gullible version etc. it feels weird to be represented by so many characters and when they get called out it always hurts but in a comforting way.
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Jun 13, 2024
I hated the show becaus its too normie. Used to love it, but after getting blackpilled I just realized that a lot of things in the show was stupid. I also dont like the comedy part of it. That said, the show had numerous emotional moments that made me cry even to this day, like season 3's ending where Bojack tried crashing his car. Oh, and I absolutely hate Bojack, he is a dick lol.
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When I’m gone just carry on, don’t mourn, rejoice
May 24, 2024
I hated the show becaus its too normie. Used to love it, but after getting blackpilled I just realized that a lot of things in the show was stupid. I also dont like the comedy part of it. That said, the show had numerous emotional moments that made me cry even to this day, like season 3's ending where Bojack tried crashing his car. Oh, and I absolutely hate Bojack, he is a dick lol.
The comedy is stupid but it makes me laugh. And yeah Bojack is a complete dick.
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Jun 13, 2024
The comedy is stupid but it makes me laugh. And yeah Bojack is a complete dick.
tbf he was a broken person too, he grew up with such a shitty childhood, you know what i empathize with him.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Bojack Horseman is actually the way I found this site. I was trying to Google the transcript for the poem "The View from Halfway Down" from the episode with that same name and some user from here posted it four years ago.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I like the show. It's clear that a lot of work and passion went into it and pays off quite a bit. My favourite episode is probably the second to last episode. I especially like the scene where Bojack and Herb are standing by the door and Bojack says "See you on the other side", only for Herb to say that there is no other side. It does annoy me how some fans try to justify Bojack nearly having sex with Penny and it also annoys me when some Bojack fans claim that she was being groomed. Bojack's relationship with her was inappropriate but he wasn't grooming her and even turned down her offer the first time. At the same time, just because it would have technically been legal for them to have sex doesn't make it okay due to the extreme power imbalance between the two of them. The fact that Bojack was even thinking about doing that the second time around, after the entire fiasco with Charolotte, is just disgusting.
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May 20, 2023
I have yet to watch it (really would like to watch it because of all the the reviews I've been getting recommended and the various themes of the show + because I saw a review about Tuca & Birdie) but was just reminded to add it to my list after seeing a few seconds of this and reading the comments



death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I've seen it and it contributed to making me understand my true self. It made me understand that I don't actually hate myself and that I hate life instead. Seeing bojack hate himself made me realise that... just isn't like me at all. Also, I found it hard to empathise with bojack because he's rich and got extremely lucky early on in life. If I were bojack, I wouldn't have the issues he does. I would actually enjoy living alone with tons of money for the rest of my life
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Mar 26, 2024
Oh I have been WAITING for this one.

Bojack horseman is my all time favourite show. The way that it portrays mental illness and suicidal ideation is unmatched. It has comforted me throughout the past few years, and has changed my views on a lot of things. I've watched it 17 times! On my 18th rewatch with a friend.

The view from halfway down genuinely changed my life. It made me more comfortable, and helped me accept my mortality. It make me okay with the fact that nothing really matters in the end, I know a lot of people find that episode unnerving but I found it really comforting and validating.

The character I relate to most is Princess Carolyn, our childhoods were relatively similar, and the way that we react due to that is almost the same. We both fix people instead of fixing ourselves, we both feel worthless unless we are used. I also relate to Mr Peanutbutter a lot. Not in the way that he acts, or his ego or attitudes, but the notion of becoming a joke to hide from how lonely you are deep down, and that desire to do anything and everything to avoid being alone.

Sarah Lynn as a character for me was really hard to watch, as I could understand and empathise with how she thinks and feels. I could see myself going down a similar path to her, and that scares me. I've let myself be used so often that I miss it and desire it. The whole arc with Penny is also a hard watch, especially now. I am sort of in a relationship with a similar age gap and power dynamic?,I don't know how to feel about it, the whole arc is just a very uncomfortable watch and I usually skip it while rewatching.

The whole show really changed my perspective about redemption and forgiveness, I think that we tend to forget that people that do horrible actions have their own lives too. IMO everyone deserves redemption if they are willing to change, and if it wasn't for that show I wouldn't have such views.

I love that show dearly, it is a brilliant show and I think everyone should watch it.
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May 13, 2022
I haven't, but just 10 seconds before seeing your thread here i was randomly watching an edit of it on youtube lol. Anyway, it's on my to watch list.


The View From Halfway Down
Feb 8, 2023
So obviously I feel obligated to respond to this lol

One thing I want to make clear, I do not idolize Bojack. I read several articles saying that lots of people say they identify with Bojack and act like it makes them edgy or cool.
What I do have is empathy for Bojack. Alot of his pain is the same pain I feel. My mother was like his grandmother, after the lobotomy, and my father was a mix of both his mother and father. My dad has literally had the exact same conversations (if you can call them that) with me that young Bojack had with his dad. The episode where his dad is bitching about picking him up from soccer practice, and how Bojack is actually lucky to have shitty parents who let him down because that gives him a head start over most kids to learn that you cant depend on anyone. Then the icing on the cake is the "THANK YOUUU" his dad yells, expecting poor little Bojack to actually thank him for that rant and for being a shit dad. I have literally had my dad do that to me. I grew up my entire childhood, before I was even old enough for kindergarden, being told I should have never been born and I ruined his life and feeding/clothing/housing me is such an inconvience and burden.
I am not a drug addict, but I am an alcoholic. I have also made stupid decisions while intoxicated (and sober) and hurt people. Granted, not as bad as Bojack, but I still struggle with wanting to drink and an INTENSE self hatred. I assure you, no one hates me more than me. And my dad hates me quite a bit, so thats saying something.
The episode with Hollyhock and his mom and the babydoll was a good one too. It was about his inner monologue to himself, which was pretty much just "you stupid piece of shit" over and over. And him telling himself not to eat cookies for breakfast and be a fatass was so spot on to what I feel. Then the whole "I'm a stupid piece of shit. Atleast I know I'm a stupid piece of shit. That makes me better than all the other pieces of shit that dont know they're pieces of shit. Or does that make it worse?". Just that whole inner monologue was so relatable to the things that go through my mind. (I feel obligated to add except for the drunk driving part, I do not condone nor do that.)
I do not idolize or condone Bojack's, or my, behaviour. I simply empathize with his pain. His past definitely *explains* his behaviour but most certainly does NOT *excuse* his behaviour.

I actually debated between going with Bojack or Diane for my username. I most definitely see alot of myself in Diane as well. Her severe depression. The episode where she cries to Guy "I just want to be a beautiful salad bowl" while the poor man is just confused but hugs and loves her and tells her that she is. I am pretty sure I have said some things like that to my poor husband, especially while drunk. Her stress over writing her book was so relatable as well. I am not a writer, but the time she sat in bed to write, just to find a couple minutes later after writing absolutely nothing that its actually been all freaking day. I have definitely sat and been overwhelmed and accomplished all of nothing just to tell my husband when he gets home after work "I'm sorry. I dont know what I did today. I dont know where my day went.". Her inner dialogue is also relatable, "your damage isnt interesting and your unworthy of love" is spot on. I think the most heartbreakingly relatable moment was when the house sank and she got drunk with Bojack and cried "Why cant I be happy? Am I busted? I am. I'm a pit! I'm a pit that good things fall into." That right there is where it hits me in the feels. I feel like I am broken beyond repair and all I do is ruin everyone and everything I touch.

Sorry, didnt mean to vent and rant so much. I could fill this thread up with all the Bojack memes that I find relatable. I enjoy the show even when I'm in a good mood. I enjoy the stupid humor, especially Mr Peanutbutter. If you look closely there are so many jokes you can miss the first time watching. Like names on buildings and animal people in the background doing silly animal things. The worm lady wriggling on the ground after the rain cracks me the fuck up every time.

Just thought maybe I should clarify my username, that I dont idolize Bojack, I simply empathize with his pain. I do almost wish I had went with Diane sometimes, but I have been kinda active here lately so changing my name now would feel dishonest or wrong.

Oh I have been WAITING for this one.

Bojack horseman is my all time favourite show. The way that it portrays mental illness and suicidal ideation is unmatched. It has comforted me throughout the past few years, and has changed my views on a lot of things. I've watched it 17 times! On my 18th rewatch with a friend.

The view from halfway down genuinely changed my life. It made me more comfortable, and helped me accept my mortality. It make me okay with the fact that nothing really matters in the end, I know a lot of people find that episode unnerving but I found it really comforting and validating.

The character I relate to most is Princess Carolyn, our childhoods were relatively similar, and the way that we react due to that is almost the same. We both fix people instead of fixing ourselves, we both feel worthless unless we are used. I also relate to Mr Peanutbutter a lot. Not in the way that he acts, or his ego or attitudes, but the notion of becoming a joke to hide from how lonely you are deep down, and that desire to do anything and everything to avoid being alone.

Sarah Lynn as a character for me was really hard to watch, as I could understand and empathise with how she thinks and feels. I could see myself going down a similar path to her, and that scares me. I've let myself be used so often that I miss it and desire it. The whole arc with Penny is also a hard watch, especially now. I am sort of in a relationship with a similar age gap and power dynamic?,I don't know how to feel about it, the whole arc is just a very uncomfortable watch and I usually skip it while rewatching.

The whole show really changed my perspective about redemption and forgiveness, I think that we tend to forget that people that do horrible actions have their own lives too. IMO everyone deserves redemption if they are willing to change, and if it wasn't for that show I wouldn't have such views.

I love that show dearly, it is a brilliant show and I think everyone should watch it.
I agree that the View from Halfway Down was phenominal. Will Arnett did such a wonderful job reciting it. I don't know what exactly it makes me feel... it kind of depends on my mood while watching.

If I am feel shitty and suicial, it makes me feel calm.
A little wind, a summer sun
a river rich and regal.
A flood of fond endorphins
brings a calm that knows no equal.

If I am feeling ok, it makes me pause and reconsider. It makes me think how so many things I allow to hurt me simply dont matter. They dont matter and I should ignore them.
You're flying now, you see things
much more clear than from the ground.
It's all okay, or it would be
were you not now halfway down.

I just dont know how to put it into words. It makes me feel better about doing it but at the same time makes me pause and reconsider, if that makes sense?
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
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Apr 14, 2023
I binged watched it during my first depressive episode at uni . Some parts are really relatable and probably didn't help my depressed. really hated some of the characters. Good laugh in parts though. Stopped up all night watching it when I couldn't sleep the night before an exam. That exam I got my personal best mark and highest in my cohort for that module. Ironically it was a psychological disorders module. But anyway proves that bojack helps exam performance !!
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I agree that the View from Halfway Down was phenominal. Will Arnett did such a wonderful job reciting it. I don't know what exactly it makes me feel... it kind of depends on my mood while watching.

If I am feel shitty and suicial, it makes me feel calm.
A little wind, a summer sun
a river rich and regal.
A flood of fond endorphins
brings a calm that knows no equal.

If I am feeling ok, it makes me pause and reconsider. It makes me think how so many things I allow to hurt me simply dont matter. They dont matter and I should ignore them.
You're flying now, you see things
much more clear than from the ground.
It's all okay, or it would be
were you not now halfway down.

I just dont know how to put it into words. It makes me feel better about doing it but at the same time makes me pause and reconsider, if that makes sense?
It makes perfect sense. The View From Halfway Down really opened my eyes. The first half of the poem describing just how peaceful death is only for it to lead to the stark terror of the second half of the poem… All that really indicates is that jumping is a horrible method. It's why I will likely never EVER consider jumping as a method. It opened my mind to really focus on considering other, better, more peaceful methods of suicide. The writers' goal was probably to make suicide or death not seem appealing at all but all it did for me was dissuade me from that specific method.


A Sweet Sadness
Jul 21, 2024
I've watched it on and off because some parts make me genuinely too sad to binge it all at once. But the view from halfway down is one of of my favorite pieces of media, i don't think many other things have hit so personal to me. But i really also relate to Todd as a aroace person which makes me really happy to see representation, and i love the art style of the show. There's parts that i don't like and parts that i really do, but overall i think its a really interesting piece of art.


Jul 18, 2024
Watched it during lockdown when my gf of the time disappeared.
I realized that whatever changes I made to my life, my past and every shitty thing I lived would haunt me until my death, and that I'm not a good person in any means

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