
Jul 2, 2020
I've been depressed for the past year and a half. The depression was first caused by very bad BDD, then once I got over that the depression manifested from worrying and freaking out about my college grades (which made my grades drop even more- viscous cycle). The depression was the same for both times, sleeping 12 hours a day, no energy, wanting to die, crying, etc etc. We all experienced it and know what it's like...

However, a few weeks ago I woke up one day and... felt normal. It's been like that for the past 3 weeks or so, I feel completely normal and my suicidal thoughts are gone. Even the act of thinking of suicide makes me squirm wheras before it was an obsession and a sort of crutch to fall to when I was very, very depressed. Has anyone else spontaneously recovered? I've never taken any medication nor seen a therapist .

Also, my school situation is still terrible, I'm failing all my college classes this semester because of my prior depression. So I still have to work and fix the results of my depressed state of mind
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Mar 22, 2020
I've suffered from severe depression (and bipolar disorder) for almost 3 years.

After my failed attempt, my life was hell and I only became more depressed.

However, since last Jan, I've been able to work again and those small steps helped me to have a stable life again.
To put an example, I used to be a NEET and I'm kinda a normal human being now; I work, study, started working out and have some hobbies.

I guess the key to get out from the depression zone was going from small to big steps.
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Jul 1, 2020
I've not necessarily recovered from it but since I've started work I no longer have as much time/energy to reflect on my life and so don't fall into intense episodes of suicidal ideation as often, it's more a nagging itch and a very thick layer self loathing when I'm around other people. It doesn't really feel real tbh. I know I'm not happy with my life and won't ever be able to achieve the things I want to but only passively want to die.
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Jul 2, 2020
I've not necessarily recovered from it but since I've started work I no longer have as much time/energy to reflect on my life and so don't fall into intense episodes of suicidal ideation as often, it's more a nagging itch and a very thick layer self loathing when I'm around other people. It doesn't really feel real tbh. I know I'm not happy with my life and won't ever be able to achieve the things I want to but only passively want to die.
It might get better, yah never know. I think something like 50% of people with moderate to severe depression completely recover without meds in a year
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Jul 1, 2020
It might get better, yah never know. I think something like 50% of people with moderate to severe depression completely recover without meds in a year
I've had depression for the majority of my life eat this point now, and it's incredibly unlikely I'll ever be able to catch up to my peers enough to be accepted because of it unfortunately. Though thank you for the encouragement :). Even if it gets me though an extra day its much appreciated.

I'm glad you're feeling abit better recently and wish you the best of luck with your college work, I know from experience that sort of work can be a pain in the arse but I'm sure you'll get through it :)
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Nov 30, 2020
This happened to me about 20 years ago, just woke up with no depression. It didn't last very long though.
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Sep 17, 2022
I've had depression for the majority of my life eat this point now, and it's incredibly unlikely I'll ever be able to catch up to my peers enough to be accepted because of it unfortunately. Though thank you for the encouragement :). Even if it gets me though an extra day its much appreciated.

I'm glad you're feeling abit better recently and wish you the best of luck with your college work, I know from experience that sort of work can be a pain in the arse but I'm sure you'll get through it :)

If you are younger than, say, 75, you can still accomplish things. I know the fee,ing of comparing yourself to peers. Most people my age I know or used to know (late 50s) are retiring, buying that second or third home, and I still live in an apartment, have no family etc.

I like what my therapist said: "So? That's what other people are doing. That means nothing about you and shouldn't mean anything,"

I get the impression from what you've written that you are still young. You do have time to accomplish things. I know how depression and loneliness can wear you down (I can't get out of bed this week), but it's possible that you could do things that would change your whole life.

I loathe that "toxic positivity" kind of talk and hope that this does not come across like that. I just hope that you'll at least think about possibilities.As for your peers, that's what they are doing, to borrow my therapist's words. There are other people and there are many ways to add things to your life. But I am in no way minimizing the pain you are in. If you're younger than 60, even better. Under 40? Oh my god, the world could be wide open. If you haven't sought out help, maybe think about it. Public colleges are great places to talk to someone about possibilities.

Your so called peers? Their lives are theirs. They don't determine your fate. Keep this in mind too: a lot of people look like they're living happy livrs, but they're more like us than we can tell, just looking at them. There are people who think I'm always all smiles, etc, but … I'm not. Other peoples lives are theirs. Yours is for you.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
In my case it's like this, one day you wake up and you find yourself with a strange and very sad feeling and after maybe two years you wake up and notice that this feeling has disappeared, not to return until the end of a few years.
But the situation I'm living in now is quite prolonged in time, it's lasted since 2015 (more than 7 years already), the previous wave lasted from the end of 2008 to 2012 (3 and a half years).

Already out of depression, so the typical problems of OCD and asperger's and the emotional ups and downs of trying to relate at work with other people, but not a sadness as characteristic as that of depression, but more well typical day to day.


En el meu cas és així, un bon día et lleves i et trobes amb una sensació estranya i molt trist i al cap de potser dos anys et lleves i notes que aquesta sensació ha desaparegut per no tornar fins al cap d'uns anys.
Pero la situació que visc ara és força perllongada en el temps, dura desde el 2015 (més de 7 anys ja), l'anterior tongada va durar desde finals del 2008 al 2012 (3 anys i mig).

Ja fora de la depressió, doncs els problemes tipics del TOC i l'asperger i els altibaixos emocionals propis d'intentar relacionar-te a nivell laboral amb d'altres persones, pero no una tristesa tan característica com la de la depressió, sinó més bé típica del día a día.


Apr 18, 2022
Personally no. I've had better days and I've learned to be semi functional but I've had depression for the past 12-14 years. I hope it stays gone for you and that things genuinely turn around long term. I'm happy for you.
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Oct 11, 2022
No from me, but I'm happy for you. Good luck getting things back on track!


being a thing
Oct 12, 2022
yeah every so often i'll have a manic episode and feel great for months at a time. problem is i act recklessly and make horrible decisions, so by the time i inevitably crash and fall back into depression i have a whole slew of new regrets for my mind to torture itself with.
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Mixing pills with potions under the smoke alas
Jan 2, 2022
Only experienced a defensive mechanism that my brain seems to automatically trigger, when i experience intense emotions i suddenly feel nothing in a matter of seconds, numb, and life feels different, emotions supression or dissociation im not sure what it is.
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Sep 16, 2022
Better ask has anyone ever recovered from a successful suicide?😋


Oct 4, 2022
yeah every so often i'll have a manic episode and feel great for months at a time. problem is i act recklessly and make horrible decisions, so by the time i inevitably crash and fall back into depression i have a whole slew of new regrets for my mind to torture itself with.
i know that one, 🙃
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So tired of struggling
May 8, 2022
I wish I could wake up one day and it all be gone. I want to be able to cope with life and not get so overwhelmed and so full of anxiety that I am unable to even function. Please give me the strength 😞

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