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John Smith

John Smith

Aug 6, 2018
I said a long prayer over a decade ago about things I wanted for myself and family and friends. As far as I can remember everything I prayed for has happened. Either it really happened or my mind made up the memory of this prayer. Surely Im not the only person this has happened to. Honestly I dont know what it says about the world. Is there a god or some entity that listens to us? I really dont know. What do you think?


May 18, 2019
I went to a Christian religious retreat and got healed of TMJ. My aunt (a Christian) has dreams that predict the future. My mom had an experience where she saw a bright white light full of love when she was at one of her darkest moments. My roommate has some evidence for one of her girlfriend's house being haunted. Yes, there are some things in this world that can't be easily explained. But considering that such things are not a universally experienced phenomenon, and often culturally related (ex. a Catholic has a near death experience of meeting the Virgin Mary. A hindu has a near death experience meeting Ganesha) seems to me evidence that it is more a byproduct of the mind than anything. For example, maybe my aunt's dreams are false memories. Or my TMJ had a psychosomatic quality. And simple stress could have induced a hallucination in my mom.
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Nov 18, 2018
Raised Christian, turned my back on that decades ago. I do not believe in a god. I do believe in 'after', but not in the typical religious way. Plenty of 'supernatural' experiences.


May 18, 2019
On a lighter note, I would love an afterlife as a ghost, hanging around and seeing what people are up to. And maybe also have some ghostly adventures, lol. I highly recommend the book Everlost by Neal Shusterman. That book has a unique take on an afterlife as a ghost in the world.


Jan 19, 2019
On a lighter note, I would love an afterlife as a ghost, hanging around and seeing what people are up to. And maybe also have some ghostly adventures, lol. I highly recommend the book Everlost by Neal Shusterman. That book has a unique take on an afterlife as a ghost in the world.
Meanwhile I'm going to uncover some classified government secrets. Who's with me?


Archduke Demoness Villaintropic
Apr 3, 2019
Normal experiences are already paranormal enough in my book :ohh:


Feb 8, 2019
Supernatural? No, probably not but a few things stick out as odd and at least to me tred the border of normal.

I have always been suicidal to some degree. However I was going through a rough break up, had just lost my job, was about to be homeless and my best friend had recently died.

There was never a time in my life I was more sure I was going to CTB. I had my day set, I had a gun and all I wanted to do that day was take a walk around town and say goodbye to a few people and I did.

As I walked home a car pulled over and 2 older gentlemen invited me to some easter church dinner thing. Most days it would have been unlikely i'd even approach people who pulled over on a busy street, especially 2 older guys and typically once I heard the word church i'd sure be gone.

This day I listened we had a chat for about 15 minutes before a cop came and rushed them along (really was not easy/safe to be parked there)

I did not find them really interesting and i'm not sure why i let the conversation start no less finish but I did and then they said goodbye gave me a card and I walked home ready to CTB.

On the way home I passed this church. I paid it almost no mind at all. When I got home my place had been robbed. Anything of any value gone including the gun.

Later that night I left to get something to eat and wallow in my despair. I ran into an old friend who was not really a friend anymore because me and my recently ex girlfriend scammed him out of a decent chunk of change with some fake ecstasy pills. ( I wasn't always a nice guy what can I say)

the inevitable fight ensued and lasted a bit until we basically wore each other out. I told him I was sorry and would pay him back he scoffed and walked away.

I went to a local pizza place to clean up and get a slice. Some random girl asked what happened and I tried to blow her off and said something to the effect I had it coming. I don't remember much about how she got me talking either but I remember after my initial reluctance thinking this is the kind of girl to change your life. I was not wrong, but not for the reasons you think. I'll get there.

We spent most of that night together just walking around chatting. I remember most of this day pretty vividly which is odd in itself for me (I have no long term memory), but that's a whole different story and this is already long.

At first I just kind of unloaded so it's a wonder she didn't run but we really connected and that night just worked. She started talking about her drinking problems and how she had not been out this late in a long time and she had to go because she had church in the morning. So I shared my strange encounter from earlier all the while thinking my dreams were crushed because this could not be the girl I thought she was, but I digress.

So you guessed it same church. We exchanged numbers and said goodbye. When I called her the next day the number was disconnected. I spent the next couple weeks aimlessly walking around that same area hoping to find her and trying to convince myself she didnt intentionally give me a fake number. Well easter came and I decided I had to see her at least and see what kind of lame excuse she gave.

Even if I mistyped the number she had my number also...

So I decided to go to this church event alone. She lost her phone (back then numbers were not stored elsewhere) and well I must have mistyped it or w/e im not sure.

So some odd coincidences there not supernatural per se but the fact I remember that day is supernatural in itself. What follows is what makes me lean towards supernatural though. This is long so for those of you who stuck it out the rest is a TLDR version.

Jaime and I spent a lot of time together after this. She convinced the pastor to let me stay in his spare room rent free for a bit to get on my feet, she got me a job with her, where I met who would become my next best friend for a decade to come. Ironically his brother was the same "friend" i sold the fake x pills to and he helped me smooth things around with his brother as well.

I attended that church for the next year and found a family in the church (even if I didn't believe) regained an old friend and made some new ones.

It did not happen instantly but it felt like it was instant. I went from completely alone and actively planning my death to not only not alone, but not feeling alone for the first and only time in my life.

Turns out me and Jaime not so compatible after all. We never really dated and even while still attending the church and working together we drifted apart kind of quickly. Still, she changed the course of my life. The ripples from her asking me what happened are unending and dont stop there but i'm not sure anyone will be bothered to read this anyway and I think I made my point. I rambled because I really am very impressed with how well I remember that night.

So supernatural? Probably not to most people but for me just remembering that day makes me wonder if i'm not just one small decision away from everything changing again.
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