Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I was having a painful medical procedure once and passed out, fainted, from the pain. I had a terrifying experience while passed out. I was on what I believe was the moon. Everything was in shades of grey. I was standing there and there was a group of other people near me, completely silent, standing there looking toward the earth. They were waiting for something. I assume to regain consciousness but I don't know. They were simply standing and waiting and looking in the same direction.

I was fully alert and aware and was looking all around wondering how I got there and what was going on and then
I awakened and found myself on the operating table after being given smelling salts. I was very confused by the whole thing when I woke up. I said to the nurse "I was just on another planet" with no doubt in my mind I was really there. I want to emphasize the realness of this.

Apparently it's a common thing to find yourself on another planet when you go unconscious. And a friend reported that, instead of another planet, he was in all blackness and it was beyond terrifying.

Just wondered if anyone else has passed out and had any experiences like these?
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Do what's best for you šŸ•Æļø Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
i personally havent. i had almost died when i was little and everything was black until someone saved my ass.

ps not a fun experience for a 7yo lol
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I have the scary thought that being unconscious isn't like being asleep. You are awake and aware but either in blackness or some other place like the moon.
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Do what's best for you šŸ•Æļø Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
I have the scary thought that being unconscious isn't like being asleep. You are awake and aware but either in blackness or some other place like the moon.
well in my experience i could hear the footsteps of the person coming towards me. but i never felt like i left my body or anything
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
When I was on the moon I didn't think I had left my body, I still had a body and was perfectly normal. Of course my real body was on the operating table. But while on the moon I was fully intact.

I've read accounts of near death experiences and they say they do have a body and feel like nothing has changed from how they were before they lost consciousness. They say they feel completely alive and aware of things. That's what it felt like to me. No different than if I was transported to the moon instantly. I guess you could call it an out of body experience except I was in my body.
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Mar 1, 2020
When you faint or pass out you're still breathing and heart is still beating. When it happens it's like you are just sleeping and having a dream.

Its totally different to near death experience because people who have had these tend to be almost dead. Heart stopped or in a coma etc..

I've fainted often. Sometimes I'm aware of something but most of the time it feels like i have just had a power nap
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
When you faint or pass out you're still breathing and heart is still beating. When it happens it's like you are just sleeping and having a dream.
I've fainted three times and the first two times I don't remember feeling anything but that third time I was on the moon.

When astronauts are in training in a centrifuge they warn them when the black out from G forces they may go to another planet. I saw this in a video showing them in training for space flight. So I'm not the only one who went to another location.
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Jul 31, 2020
I had an episode of psychosis where I got out of reality and I almost stabbed a person who hurt me when I was a child, I lost total sense of reality
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Mar 31, 2020
I've lost consciousness. I got serotonin syndrome from taking too much MDMA while I was also taking antidepressants years ago. I remember feeling nauseous, hot, and confused. Colors started blurring together, and when I turned my head to the side all of the scenery seemed to blend together like a watercolor painting. This lasted less than 2-3 minutes before I lost consciousness and everything went black. Apparently I fell on the floor and had a seizure. I don't recall ANY of that. I simply woke up in a wheelchair.

It wasn't a terrifying experience, though. It was confusing, but it all happened so quickly that I didn't grasp what was happening. I was just "out" within minutes
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Born deformed
Dec 28, 2019
I have been unconscious couple of times because of od's but its just completly black and when you wake up it feels like no time has passed. Im pretty sure what you're describing isnt really unconsciousness because your brain stops functioning you probably just had a dream dont worry about it.
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What's after death?
Jul 24, 2020
I was smoking weed with my friend on some bleachers at a park.
At this point my eating disorder was really bad, after the smoke sesh I was walking down the bleachers got to the ground, started walking and I blacked out. Literally ragdoll onto the first step of the bleachers. I was out for almost 10 seconds and everything was dark I couldnt see I tried to stand up with the help of my friend and I legit fell onto her while she was holding me I ended up laying on the ground with my knees up after I was able to see again i remember trying to feel my pulse, their was none) I tried to get back up and everything turned black (note: it was like 2pm so it was sunny and warm out) she tried to help me get back to my place but I told her no I could do it myself, I was walking slowly and my head hit the curb when I passed out again Half my body was laying in the street. This time because she didn't come with me I didn't know how long i was out. I woke up my head was bleeding. Anyways i finally get back to my place i made myself a sandwich and passed out in bed.
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Jul 9, 2020
Yea, it happens everytime I have a nightmare which, luckily for me, doesn't happen often.


No kill like overkill
Jul 30, 2020
I woke up in a ditch, missing my wallet, phone and a bunch of time - with scrapes and bruises.
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In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
Jan 24, 2021
I was having a painful medical procedure once and passed out, fainted, from the pain. I had a terrifying experience while passed out. I was on what I believe was the moon. Everything was in shades of grey. I was standing there and there was a group of other people near me, completely silent, standing there looking toward the earth. They were waiting for something. I assume to regain consciousness but I don't know. They were simply standing and waiting and looking in the same direction.

I was fully alert and aware and was looking all around wondering how I got there and what was going on and then
I awakened and found myself on the operating table after being given smelling salts. I was very confused by the whole thing when I woke up. I said to the nurse "I was just on another planet" with no doubt in my mind I was really there. I want to emphasize the realness of this.

Apparently it's a common thing to find yourself on another planet when you go unconscious. And a friend reported that, instead of another planet, he was in all blackness and it was beyond terrifying.

Just wondered if anyone else has passed out and had any experiences like these?

Investigate it. here comes the wierdness:
if you are of an alien construct it makes sense that you would hate the world and want to leave - whatever means necessary.
don't be afraid of alien entities - you may be starseed. check your astrochart (Inner Guide Meditation) pm me I can send you pdf.
(my alien ascendancy look something like a cross between a bat and a giraffe - fkn terrifying... they kept pushing me away (they were at least three stories high) at first i thought i was being hunted but then i realised i had to come back i remember getting licked and that woke me up.

I was 7 years old - allergic to halothane & scolene - died on the table. rescusutated 3 times apparently - really didn't want to return.

>> i think they were watching the earth to make sure you knew you had to return, if they had communicated with you you probably would have crossed. I see it all the time.
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Dec 11, 2018
In the times I lost consciousness without anesthesia it wasn't a painful experience. Was pretty great actually.

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