That basically doesn't happen. N is a very potent barbiturate and I don't know of any member that survived an attempt. Some people in the past reported about throwing up the substance, and therefore failing their attempt but I'm not aware that anyone, who took the full dosage, ever survived an attempt. I highly doubt that the articles posted by
@DepressionsAHo are legit. Nobody will drink ~15g of Nembutal and survive causally, without experiencing any kind of coma. I just don't believe it. Drinking N is a death sentence. It will kill you, unless someone finds you
really quickly. I've read an article about an Exit worker who attempted to take their own life with N, they were found within 15 minutes(!) and they still barely survived. They were in a coma for 2 weeks and experienced several cardiac arrests. The doctors were considering to pull life support, according to the article I've read. That's what a failed attempt looks like and it's extremely rare. Here is the article. It's in German but you can translate it to any other language:
Eine Pionierin der Sterbehilfe lag nach einem unbegleiteten Suizidversuch mit einem tödlichen Barbiturat wochenlang im Koma und wachte wieder auf. Das Mittel gilt trotzdem als todsicher.