
Nov 29, 2022
I want to try working with a psychologist again. I have been doing DIY psychology on myself and it has been working pretty well for me, though it has been incredibly slow. Regardless, I would like somebody with expertise to help me out since i feel like im reaching a wall by working on my own.

I have had previous experiences with psychologists which were not positive. They were not wanting to help me. They would basically loop through 3-4 sessions over and over with the same questions and answers and at the end of each loop just ask "are you feeling better? are you still suicidal?". After the inevitable "yes", the loop would start again. They were constantly trying to push drugs on me even after I told them it goes against my philosophical views (I wouldn't even drink tea or coffee).

I had been suicidal from age 7 to 20, so I think I need somebody who is skilled but also open minded to work with me using what has already been working. I feel like normal people have friends and mentors that mutually help each other out, but all ive had is people ignore me. Even when i pay a psychologist to help me out, its still just a wall. It sucks not being normal enough for psychology. That said, I think I'm almost there, and maybe an especially open minded psychologist will agree to help me out even though im non-conventional.

Which is why i wanted to ask all of you if you have had positive experiences and maybe for some tips for me.
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Nov 20, 2021
I understand where you are coming from.

And sorry to hook my request onto yours, but if anyone knows of psychologists who offers *competent* services for online therapy I'd be interested in giving it a try. But no "Eye Movement" cop out or the like.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Thre r dffrnt typs of psychlgst & psych thrpies out thre s/ = hlps 2 knw wht knd of apprch u r lookng fr

Wht hs helpd s/ far tht hs workd & wht hve u alrdy tried

Ths qustn = fr bth of u
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Dec 4, 2022
unfortunately, it is a gamble... I haven't had many good experiences myself, but I know there are some wonderful psychologists out there who genuinely care about their patients. I think if you are in the position to do so, meet with a couple of different ones and see which one fits you best. obviously, that is easier said than done and very time-consuming, but if I were to see a psychologist again, I would immediately drop whoever sucked at their job instead of waiting to see if things improved. It might be easier to seek online sessions if that is cheaper.
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Nov 29, 2022
Thre r dffrnt typs of psychlgst & psych thrpies out thre s/ = hlps 2 knw wht knd of apprch u r lookng fr

Wht hs helpd s/ far tht hs workd & wht hve u alrdy tried

Ths qustn = fr bth of u
Im not totally sure. Jungian style worked very well for me (due to having very intense dreams), though ive only done it on my own. Classically conditioning myself like a dog has also been useful. rn im experimenting with 'self-hypnosis' by implanting shit in my subconscious, though it hasnt been terribly successful so far. Typical talk therapy was incredibly patronizing and unhelpful to me for reasons described above. I'm not sure what approach these therapists used.

What im hoping for is to "reprogram" myself with the help of somebody knowlegable. like biohacking but for the psyche. I'm not even sure how to look this up lol. i found 2 jungian psychs in my area but they are both not taking patients rn. (and cost more than i can afford). Im not 100% against meds, but i would rather take things that will not mess me up 4 life.


Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Im not totally sure. Jungian style worked very well for me (due to having very intense dreams), though ive only done it on my own. Classically conditioning myself like a dog has also been useful. rn im experimenting with 'self-hypnosis' by implanting shit in my subconscious, though it hasnt been terribly successful so far. Typical talk therapy was incredibly patronizing and unhelpful to me for reasons described above. I'm not sure what approach these therapists used.

What im hoping for is to "reprogram" myself with the help of somebody knowlegable. like biohacking but for the psyche. I'm not even sure how to look this up lol. i found 2 jungian psychs in my area but they are both not taking patients rn. (and cost more than i can afford). Im not 100% against meds, but i would rather take things that will not mess me up 4 life.

Ok s/ thre r dffrnt wys 2 'r-progrm' if tht = th/ typ of thng tht u r lookng fr

Depndng on whch cntry u r in thre mght also b Jungn thrpsts wh/ wrk on a slidng-scle 2 mke thrpy mre affrdble fr u - ths = avble in usa & uk & thre r wbstes 2 hlp fnd tht infrmatn

= also depends wht ur dy-2-dy challngs r tht u wn2 wrk on

Thre = smethng calld EFT or Emotnl Freedm Tchnque tht sme thrpsts r traind in as supplmntry -- tht = all abt r-progrmmng frm emotnl & cogntve angle

Thre = also smethng calld Somatc Xperncng tht = shwng gd rsults fr anxty/trma/pstd/c-ptsd whch r-prgmms frm a nervs systm levl helpng ppl 2 feel ovr-all safr as mny ppl wth trma d/ nt fl sfe -- @Teddybear ths 1 mght b wrth xplorng fr u also

Thse r oftn altrn8tves fr whn traditnl thrpy hs nt hlpd u

Ths artcle also tlks abt Y traditnl thrpy mght nt hlp sme ppl

Am hppy 2 gve furthr infrmatn on n.e of thse
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Nov 20, 2021
Thre r dffrnt typs of psychlgst & psych thrpies out thre s/ = hlps 2 knw wht knd of apprch u r lookng fr

Wht hs helpd s/ far tht hs workd & wht hve u alrdy tried

Ths qustn = fr bth of u
I tried two online therapists from Germany. The first one told me after a week he needed to put me on hold but might be able to pencil me in again in another week or two and the second one insisted I should move on to a platform for EMDR. Eye Movement therapy - after I told them both in detail about my *intense* suicidal thoughts.

Wasn't the most satisfying experience I ever had.


Aug 18, 2020
I want to try working with a psychologist again. I have been doing DIY psychology on myself and it has been working pretty well for me, though it has been incredibly slow. Regardless, I would like somebody with expertise to help me out since i feel like im reaching a wall by working on my own.

I have had previous experiences with psychologists which were not positive. They were not wanting to help me. They would basically loop through 3-4 sessions over and over with the same questions and answers and at the end of each loop just ask "are you feeling better? are you still suicidal?". After the inevitable "yes", the loop would start again. They were constantly trying to push drugs on me even after I told them it goes against my philosophical views (I wouldn't even drink tea or coffee).

I had been suicidal from age 7 to 20, so I think I need somebody who is skilled but also open minded to work with me using what has already been working. I feel like normal people have friends and mentors that mutually help each other out, but all ive had is people ignore me. Even when i pay a psychologist to help me out, its still just a wall. It sucks not being normal enough for psychology. That said, I think I'm almost there, and maybe an especially open minded psychologist will agree to help me out even though im non-conventional.

Which is why i wanted to ask all of you if you have had positive experiences and maybe for some tips for me.
I had 3 psychotherapies so far.

The first one did not help much they did not realize that I was manic.

The second time I had a very incompetent therapist who gave up on me.

Though the third one was by far the best so far. We had a better chemistry. Knowing my exact diagnosis was very helpful. By knowing that my self-awareness increased and we could work more productively. For me the medication was also a gamechanger. I have bipolar and had psychosis. Without the medication I was close to insanity.

I don't want you to force to do anything. But you asked about my experience. And I have to say the right mixture of a therapist (with the right chemistry between us) and the proper medication was so far the best attempt to recover. I had some success with that.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I think a lot of this depends on what stage of recovery you're in. What held me back for many years was the idea that I am inherently defective person that would have always struggled even in ideal circumstances. I not only lacked hope that I could ever recover, but I also felt in some way that I deserved to be miserable. Both lines of "reasoning" precluded any real attempt at getting better.

An expert could argue until they were blue in the face about all the ways in which the adults in my life failed me when I was a child, and I could even accept these arguments as they pertained to other people, but my self-hatred was too deeply ingrained. It took reading Healing the Shame That Binds You by John Bradshaw and some works by Alice Miller, including Drama of the Gifted Child and For Your Own Good for the truth to slowly sink in. I found a sympathetic, trauma-focused therapist to discuss these things with. I saw the circumstances and events in my childhood that I had always glossed over with new eyes. When I attended group meetings of the Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families (ACoA) organization and read their literature, this new view of my childhood crystallized. I could finally put into words how my upbringing had gone wrong and understand why it happened. (To put it simply, generational trauma).

I did not find Bradshaw's therapeutic techniques any more helpful than cognitive behavioral therapy even if they angered me less, but I can't put into words how thankful I am for the key insights I gained from his book. I doubt I would be alive today if I had not read it.

If any of this resonates with you, I would focus on locating a therapist who specializes in trauma and/or complex trauma. Pete Walker's website and books may also be a good read for you.
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Nov 16, 2022
Well, first off, I think different therapies and levels of care work differently for everyone. I have never seen a psychologist in the 30+ years since I was diagnosed. So I can't be much help there. I have seen my fair share of psychiatrists and generally speaking I avoid them if I can. Most I have seen are arrogant, superficial, focused only on giving you another pill. Very few I've seen actually make eye to eye contact. But that's just MY experience. In the last 10 yrs I've had success with psychiatric nurse practitioners. Most are women (which works for me). As a whole I've found them to be more kind, aware and just as knowledgeable about about meds as a psychiatrist. That's my experiences. I hope you find what works for you.
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I'm tired
May 27, 2018
My current therapist is pretty darn good. We just met up yesterday and talked about what's up in my life.
Honestly I don't have much advice for finding a good therapist. You can go by reviews but your best bet is through trial and error. It's also three most expensive and emotionally draining bet.
Good luck
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Global Moderator
Aug 20, 2022
YES! First time I've been to a psychologist & psychiatrist and I felt that connection from the moment I closed the door. The psychologist is a sweet sweet lady, she is so attentive and listens to everything I say... When I told her about the attempt and the SN she made me record myself disposing of the SN, I remember when I first told her about it, she seemed really worried about my life, it felt genuine and heartfelt. Then we hugged and it felt so real, honestly the first time I felt someone apart from my family really cared about me. Then the psychiatrist, an older gent, but so friendly, and had the correct attitude and it felt like I went to speak with a friend not with a doctor. He explained why I need them and how to take the pills and stuff, so my experience is great, it's my first experience with these things. I hope to get better. I still have relapses from time to time but it's a long road to feel better again.


Aug 8, 2022
I've had plenty of good experiences, but it's only like 50/50. I'm working with a good EMDR guy and my regular therapist is all right too. Just the other day, she asked if I've been feeling suicidal and asked if I'm staying safe with a wink so she could write down yes and we could move on.

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