
New Member
Nov 3, 2018
Guys which one do you think is more important hard work or luck when it comes being successful? In my opinion, I think luck is more important.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Definitely hard work, which comes from being lucky.
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Apr 5, 2020
Everything is luck, and that includes the capacity for hard work.
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May 26, 2021
Luck brings the opportunities, hard work enables you to capitalise on them.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Everything is based on luck. Sometimes we can spend our whole lives working hard but the universe can go against our intentions. Some kind of random fate determines everything we do, humans have little control really.
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
Hard work.

Hard work is more reliable and will eventually open more doors; just have to have watch for those doors that open. "Luck" may add on to this.

Personally, at this point in my life and after what I have been through, I think so-called luck (if there is such a thing) is a fickle b****; whereas, hard work is tangible (if is a viable option for people, some may not be able to do this due to illness or other reasons).

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Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
Guys which one do you think is more important hard work or luck when it comes being successful? In my opinion, I think luck is more important.
Luck 100%... You can control work rate... But luck you have no control over... Although harder you work... Luckier you get... Or so I'm told...
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
"It's better to be born without a dick/pussy than without luck" (popular Slavic saying)
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Feb 22, 2019
Guys which one do you think is more important hard work or luck when it comes being successful? In my opinion, I think luck is more important.
That depends on how you define "being successful" i suppose. But in general, I think hard work. Luck plays no part in success (or lack thereof).
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Mar 3, 2021

I worked hard but was unlucky enough to work hard at the wrong things in the wrong way without really realising it.
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
For me, I worked hard, very hard, and at one point was very successful at it.

I sacrificed a lot to work that hard, but it paid off in the end. I do not think it was "luck" that got me there, it was my working 60+ hours/week? (Unless I am misunderstanding the question?)

It is all gone now.

I could say I was "unlucky" to lose it - but that to me is a cop-out, luck or lack of luck had nothing to do with it, reality did - I trusted the wrong people.
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Am literally a rhododendron
Jun 9, 2019
Hard work just means you'll die tired, Being lucky guarantees you'll be successful
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
As the Romans put it:
Fortuna imperatrix mundi. Luck rules the world.
And they knew a thing or two about ruling the world
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Mar 3, 2021
As the Romans put it:
Fortuna imperatrix mundi. Luck rules the world.
And they knew a thing or two about ruling the world
And about tragedy, hubris, pathos... spectacular, absurd and pathetic falls from grace. The Greek tragedy.

The once mighty Rome, collapsed into decadence and rebellion, cleaved in two by squabbling and conquered by German barbarians and a new religious cult from Arabia.
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Apr 19, 2019
definitely both
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
Whatever gives you the motivation to try.
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Nov 1, 2019
Hard determinism or an element of randomness--depending on your interpretation of nature--but predetermined or random, we cannot ignore the influence of luck.

Meritocracy is rooted in the belief that success can be largely attributed to one's personal qualities and simply making the right choices. There is no denying that hard work is one of those conditions that is necessary for success but there is reason to doubt that effort is sufficient on its own. One would think that if success was entirely the product of our own efforts or talent (intelligence, for example, exhibits a Gaussian distribution), that the two would follow similar trends in how they are distributed among the population...but they do not (this is especially true if we were to define success as "wealth"). Perhaps it is more comforting to believe that we have more control over our success than we actually do and so we choose to underestimate the effects of external forces in any one individual's success.
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Jun 26, 2020
Hi! In my 65 years on this planet, from what I have experienced and saw it is: 1) who one knows 2) pure luck. I have seen people who were at the right place, right time and bingo, it happened and they were wealthy. Of course they would say things like hard work, nose to the grind stone, BULL CRAP on that, over all. Now some times it was hard work, long hours, but from my experience a lot of the time it was pure luck, hands down. Walter
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Nov 6, 2018
Within one standard deviation, hard work (not including luck of birth circumstances). Outside it, luck.
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Mar 22, 2020
Hard work can get you lots of stuff but not always.

I know people who work more than 10 hours a day (even on Sats) and can barely make a living. (And feed their family. Heart-breaking)

Thus, I think luck might be more important because you just can't pick where you're born and your family. It's all a lottery.
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Apr 24, 2021
I think a combination of both would give the best results. However, luck determines more success than hard work IMO. Being in a right place at a right time can change your life. Meanwhile I know lots of hardworking people who don't get much success... It isn't fair.
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All Things Must Pass

All Things Must Pass

Apr 14, 2021
Yeah, luck. You can't hardwork your way to be a billionaire.
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Existing is not living
Sep 17, 2018
If hard work means success then slaves would be the most successful people in society.

Okay, Hard work does mean a lot, but more than luck? Absolutely not. If we all start life at the same place with the same potential, and the same opportunities then yes, hard work will make all the difference, but we don't. We live in a world where some people are born with the best circumstances imaginable, some with the worst circumstances, and everything in between. If we don't start in the same place, then it's a lottery.
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021

do you think someone like Prince Harry has ever really done any hard work in his entire life?
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I predict...
Apr 28, 2021
You need to have the luck that your hard work pays off.
Countless people work hard, but only the successful ones were lucky
enough to do the right kind of work at the right place at the right time.
Besides, there are people who achieved success because of luck alone.
Hence we conclude that luck is the decisive factor.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
One cannot have the opportunity to pursue hard work without a fair amount of preexisting luck.

I consider myself to be pretty deterministic simply due to the fact that a great deal of your life is decided for you at birth. What determines the parents who sired you? Luck. The area you grow up in? Luck. Inherent talents and interests? Luck. The school you attend? Luck.

There are several studies that examine the life outcomes of children born in low-income post codes, juxtaposing them with children born into the top 10% cream of the crop type neighborhoods. You can guess how staggering the difference was between these groups.

One cannot deny the inherent disadvantage that exists if you grew up in poverty or were raised by a deadbeat or abusive family that could care less about you. If you are born disabled, sick, or impaired in any way, you will always have to work harder than someone who doesn't have those afflictions.

Health is wealth, yet many believe you can simply magic your way out of constant discrimination and disparity by pulling on the bootstraps and working hard. The reality that many circumstances are far out of our control is terrifying to the majority of the world. Pure cosmic futility isn't an easy pill to swallow.

Pretty much all billionaires were born into existing wealth. Elon musk is no self made man, he sits on the throne of his daddy's mining riches and pretends like he was the one slaving away in there instead of impoverished children. He could not have initially invested in anything without his parents propping him up.

You cannot gain more capital if you have none to begin with, so the myth that everyone can become insanely wealthy is factually incorrect at its core. We are not equal in this life-- as much as bloomery, optimistic flavors of people insist that is the case and you're simply lazy and depressed if you say otherwise.

An example of this phenomenon that's cropped up several times in my life is the sheer inequality that exists in academics. If a student gets an unsatisfactory mark, they will always be blamed and told they didn't put in enough effort into their revision/studying. If a person gets a high mark, the assumption is always that they are a hard worker who deserves the achievement because they put in effort.

I have seen firsthand that this is not reality. There are people who study everyday, who dedicate themselves to their degree, and yet still cannot match the scores of someone with basal genius. There are others who wait till the last minute to do anything and score higher than someone who has consistently put in hard work.

You just have to be on the right side of luck, or people will always think you aren't trying.
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Feb 17, 2021
Luck. But hard work will give you more chances of being lucky.....
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May 26, 2021
One cannot have the opportunity to pursue hard work without a fair amount of preexisting luck.

I consider myself to be pretty deterministic simply due to the fact that a great deal of your life is decided for you at birth. What determines the parents who sired you? Luck. The area you grow up in? Luck. Inherent talents and interests? Luck. The school you attend? Luck.

There are several studies that examine the life outcomes of children born in low-income post codes, juxtaposing them with children born into the top 10% cream of the crop type neighborhoods. You can guess how staggering the difference was between these groups.

One cannot deny the inherent disadvantage that exists if you grew up in poverty or were raised by a deadbeat or abusive family that could care less about you. If you are born disabled, sick, or impaired in any way, you will always have to work harder than someone who doesn't have those afflictions.

Health is wealth, yet many believe you can simply magic your way out of constant discrimination and disparity by pulling on the bootstraps and working hard. The reality that many circumstances are far out of our control is terrifying to the majority of the world. Pure cosmic futility isn't an easy pill to swallow.

Pretty much all billionaires were born into existing wealth. Elon musk is no self made man, he sits on the throne of his daddy's mining riches and pretends like he was the one slaving away in there instead of impoverished children. He could not have initially invested in anything without his parents propping him up.

You cannot gain more capital if you have none to begin with, so the myth that everyone can become insanely wealthy is factually incorrect at its core. We are not equal in this life-- as much as bloomery, optimistic flavors of people insist that is the case and you're simply lazy and depressed if you say otherwise.

An example of this phenomenon that's cropped up several times in my life is the sheer inequality that exists in academics. If a student gets an unsatisfactory mark, they will always be blamed and told they didn't put in enough effort into their revision/studying. If a person gets a high mark, the assumption is always that they are a hard worker who deserves the achievement because they put in effort.

I have seen firsthand that this is not reality. There are people who study everyday, who dedicate themselves to their degree, and yet still cannot match the scores of someone with basal genius. There are others who wait till the last minute to do anything and score higher than someone who has consistently put in hard work.

You just have to be on the right side of luck, or people will always think you aren't trying.
A succinct and - sadly - true assessment "It takes money to make money, they say / Look at the Fords, didn't they start that way?" as Lou Reed had it.

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