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Susan Caswell

Feb 25, 2019
I never knew it was so hard to go ive got to find away before this horrific tinnitus makes me any more ill if that's even possible 23 months deafening roaring hammering both ears what the hell causes this I could have taken and coped with anything at all but this its mentally and physically dementing how can I stop this horrendous noise in my ears this is no ones life its such suffering too much for me I was strong had so much medically but this is no way to live exist even does anyone have any knowledge of Dignitas why wont they help me im going out of my mind im on night 9 of no sleep that alone is a terrible medical condition
  • Aww..
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Jun 7, 2019
So sorry for what you are going through, Susan! I'm sure you've tried everything, even researched different methods. Here is a forum where people discuss and share ideas. https://www.tinnitustalk.com/ I looked at the site and found the following in one person's post:

"...I came across some user experiences that claimed CBD oil did some good things for tinnitus. So this morning I decided to take a gamble. I took 2 drops of 4% CBD oil and within 5 minutes, SILENCE! My high pitch noise was gone! What I was left with was kind of a feeling of stepping outside a loud bar into an quit street where you can often experience a foggy feeling in your ears standing too long in a loud area. However I have a mild hearing loss so that could explain the foggy feeling in my ears.

But yeah for the first time since 2012 complete silence. You can imagine my surprise and joy! I really didn't expect that to happen. Now 6 hours later (after consuming coffee, tobacco which would normally spike my tinnitus) still nothing! I do have a slight soft hiss in the background still but that is peanuts compared to what it used to be. For me that is Silence.

Now I know every tinnitus is different so I'm not claiming it will work for every one but what I do know is that CBD will calm you down, makes you very relax and makes you sleep well. So if you can get hold of the stuff give it a try. I would be very interested what it would do for you."

Sincerely hope that this might be of some help to you!! :hug:
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
@Susan Caswell, will you be able to try @Asta's suggestion? I've looked it up and CBD oil is legal in the UK so I hope it won't be hard to find.

I think another member here suggested you contact Exit International. Were you able to? Can they offer you any help?

I'm so sorry you're suffering (((hugs)))
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Reactions: Faraway1990, Egddios and Asta


hey...yeah, I’m here too
Jun 7, 2019
Night 9?!?? I've gone 5 nights without sleep and that was pure torture!
I'm also shocked how difficult it is to ctb. It blows my mind! It's like how fucking creative/criminal do I have to be?! I read about a guy who shot himself in the HEART with a crossbow TWICE and doctors saved him. I feel like I could blow myself up and I'd wake up two weeks from now all stitched together like "are you fucking kidding me?! Am I bill Murray? Is this Groundhog Day?!!!"
But then you read about "joe shmo" who is super happy and wants nothing more than to live life to the fullest and he sneezes and dies of cardiac arrest on the spot :meh: sheesh! *end rant
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May 29, 2019

This won't bring you any immediate relief, but I saw this article today and thought of you Susan, I remembered reading one of your previous posts.
I'm so sorry you're enduring such suffering, I wish I had words that would help.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
I never knew it was so hard to go ive got to find away before this horrific tinnitus makes me any more ill if that's even possible 23 months deafening roaring hammering both ears what the hell causes this I could have taken and coped with anything at all but this its mentally and physically dementing how can I stop this horrendous noise in my ears this is no ones life its such suffering too much for me I was strong had so much medically but this is no way to live exist even does anyone have any knowledge of Dignitas why wont they help me im going out of my mind im on night 9 of no sleep that alone is a terrible medical condition
I am sorry that you are suffering so much,this sounds horrible.
I know it may sound strange,but have you tried reflexology.

My friend went to a client that had requested reflexology and he failed to tell her he had tinnitus.
when she worked on the area related to this,he said it went altogether to his surprise.
I dont know how it works or indeed how long the benefits lasts but i imagine that
Even if it was for a short time,it would give you at least some relief.
Just a thought.
Hugs x


Jun 7, 2019
...I read about a guy who shot himself in the HEART with a crossbow TWICE and doctors saved him. I feel like I could blow myself up and I'd wake up two weeks from now all stitched together like "are you fucking kidding me?! Am I bill Murray? Is this Groundhog Day?!!!"
But then you read about "joe shmo" who is super happy and wants nothing more than to live life to the fullest and he sneezes and dies of cardiac arrest on the spot :meh: sheesh! *end rant
"...all stitched together" and "joe Shmo" sneezing! OMG, you cracked us up - but so flippin true! They're bound and determined to keep us in this wretched world no matter what!! :mmm:
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Susan Caswell

Feb 25, 2019
So sorry for what you are going through, Susan! I'm sure you've tried everything, even researched different methods. Here is a forum where people discuss and share ideas. https://www.tinnitustalk.com/ I looked at the site and found the following in one person's post:

"...I came across some user experiences that claimed CBD oil did some good things for tinnitus. So this morning I decided to take a gamble. I took 2 drops of 4% CBD oil and within 5 minutes, SILENCE! My high pitch noise was gone! What I was left with was kind of a feeling of stepping outside a loud bar into an quit street where you can often experience a foggy feeling in your ears standing too long in a loud area. However I have a mild hearing loss so that could explain the foggy feeling in my ears.

But yeah for the first time since 2012 complete silence. You can imagine my surprise and joy! I really didn't expect that to happen. Now 6 hours later (after consuming coffee, tobacco which would normally spike my tinnitus) still nothing! I do have a slight soft hiss in the background still but that is peanuts compared to what it used to be. For me that is Silence.

Now I know every tinnitus is different so I'm not claiming it will work for every one but what I do know is that CBD will calm you down, makes you very relax and makes you sleep well. So if you can get hold of the stuff give it a try. I would be very interested what it would do for you."

Sincerely hope that this might be of some help to you!! :hug:
Oh god if only that would be marvellous ive tried CBD Oil sadly nothing but wish it had helped glad it helped you though
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Susan Caswell

Feb 25, 2019
It is but I just cant sleep with such deafening tinnitus im so very tired I was so ok happy healthy till this came from nowhere its so cruel deafening in your own ears 24/7 like a workmans drill and hammering and roaring its horrendous ive tried to live with it but I cant and it is making me so very ill with anxiety and no sleep
I am sorry that you are suffering so much,this sounds horrible.
I know it may sound strange,but have you tried reflexology.

My friend went to a client that had requested reflexology and he failed to tell her he had tinnitus.
when she worked on the area related to this,he said it went altogether to his surprise.
I dont know how it works or indeed how long the benefits lasts but i imagine that
Even if it was for a short time,it would give you at least some relief.
Just a thought.
Hugs x
Yes ive tried everything I can think of acupuncture, head massage, reiki, hypnotherapy, homeopathy, reflexology and cranio sacral therapy even 2 spiritual healers now very desperate and very unwell so sad to ruin a persons life like this cruel wish it had never come everything would be ok id be living my lovely life happy healthy busy to now a demented tortured wreck thank you for suggesting it though I need to find something to calm down no meds are helping either
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May 5, 2019
Very sorry that you're going through this, wish I had some useful advice. Hope someone can provide some help.

Susan Caswell

Feb 25, 2019

This won't bring you any immediate relief, but I saw this article today and thought of you Susan, I remembered reading one of your previous posts.
I'm so sorry you're enduring such suffering, I wish I had words that would help.
Thank you

Susan Caswell

Feb 25, 2019
@Susan Caswell, will you be able to try @Asta's suggestion? I've looked it up and CBD oil is legal in the UK so I hope it won't be hard to find.

I think another member here suggested you contact Exit International. Were you able to? Can they offer you any help?

I'm so sorry you're suffering (((hugs)))
No nit really sadly no help
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Reactions: Soul


Mar 2, 2019
I have had tinnitus for years
It gets louder the more I acknowledge it
It gets quieter the more I distract myself and forget about it


Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
Are there no sleeping pills that work?

Susan Caswell

Feb 25, 2019
I have had tinnitus for years
It gets louder the more I acknowledge it
It gets quieter the more I distract myself and forget about it
I just cant get it down think my anxiety with it so bad now nothing can get this lowered I understand it as had high pitch hissing for years and just ignore it and still do never even classed it as tinnitus but I just cant take this low pitch deafening drilling roaring and really bad hyperacusis nothing would have made me want tp die but this has I know I cant survive this but hard to go also in case don't succeed but I want out of this suffering its too much noise for me this loud this long but the anxiety is crippling me im so ill ive never been this ill in my life
Are there no sleeping pills that work?
Been on Zopiclone sleeping pills 20 months and they are for no more than 2 weeks and they have stopped working and nothing else works I try and try to sleep but I cant its so loud how can I live with this I cant do the days now let alone the nights im terrified of my future what future and how to end this before I cant wish it would stop and id get well the anxiety would take some shifting but without the tinnitus I think I could but with it ive no chance 23 months deafening hammering its mentally dementing no let up not peace no calm no quiet I so loved quiet I loved my life lovely sleep I feel so cheated out of the rest of my life I need Dignitas to help me but they wont why wont they oh god I cant do this any longer I had a sharp mind was capable independent caring generous looked after my health why me why this why now its cruel and unfair
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  • Aww..
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Jun 7, 2019
Sent you a PM, Susan. I really hope there's something in it that will help, but don't feel you have to reply. You've probably also looked into this, but maybe there's something worthwhile here: ((Many, many hugs!)) :hug:
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Jun 13, 2019
Are there no sleeping pills that work?
Saphris worked OK for 6 years before giving me EPS this year. Still twitching/trembling after being off it 3 months.
Seroquel failed.
Trazodone failed.
Amitriptyline failed.
Doxepin failed.
Antihistamines failed.
Remeron failed.
Rozerum failed.
Ambien failed at normal dosage (it can work if I take 10 pills+)
Lunesta failed.
Xanax doesn't sedate me at all.
Klonopin doesn't sedate me at all.
Valium doesn't sedate me at all.
Ativan doesn't sedate me at all.
Onfi (it's a benzo) doesn't sedate me at all.
Several RC benzos don't sedate me at all.

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