I've spent a while watching "red pill creators" on youtube. I think it's helped me, it especially removed the naive outlook on girls that I had before. I used to be so nice and shit, but it honestly got me no where. And many women will adamantly disagree with what the red pill promotes to make themselves look better. But a woman's words mean nothing when her actions consistently prove the exact opposite. My man Rhino went onto the Whatever Podcast and had an amazing conversation, I'd say it's worth the watch. And The "It's Complicated" channel also asks some really good questions to girls. There are other self improvement channels such as Hamza who has helped many men's lives. In moderation, the red pill helps. Red pill channels get young men on a journey of self improvement where they begin to workout, eat healthy, read more books, develop new passions, develop their personality, etc. Say whatever you want about it but I'd say it's a net positive to society. And in the process, they turn from a needy boy into a confident man. I'd say that's good. It helps boys become real men in a world where all other media demonizes masculinity and indoctrinates us all into becoming docile men. It's wild, not just in the news, but TV shows too. You've got Family Guy, The Simpsons, Leave it to Beaver, The Sopranos, Malcom in the Middle, Jimmy Neutron, Everybody Loves Raymond, (I could go on, trust me), in all of these shows the father is either portrayed as incompetent, troubled, or deranged. It's honestly so weird why all these TV shows do this. And not just fathers, but in many other shows the male protagonist is depicted as a feminine man who simps for his more aggressive female partner. Media is the best way to indoctrinate and influence people.. as to why this is so heavily promoted, I'll leave that up to your imagination, but the red pill is one of the last movements defending the young men who want to reach their potential and become masculine men. I would argue that self improvement is the main focus of red pill, having a better dating life is just one of the effects. Although some red pill creators focus heavily on the girls (mainly to get the attention of these simp ass mfs and finally get them onto the self improvement journey).
The black pill on the other hand is different. "Wheat Waffles" is one of the more popular black pill content creators. I've watched a few of his videos, and there is some truth to what he says. But overall the black pill is overly negative to it's own detriment. If you never go outside and all you do is read statistics that prove how your slightly below average height means you're absolutely worthless to all women, then subconsciously you'll start to internalize that belief. I know many men in my life who are masculine, confident, and strong, despite being below average in height. Even god damn Iron Man is short and look at how cool he is. The black pill is so heavily focused on all of these external things, and yes, while it is good to looks max, style max, etc, etc, when you do it solely based on your desire for physical intimacy, that is pretty cringe. Plus it makes men focus so much on just "getting women" as if they are something to conquer whereas in reality they are actually people who must be nurtured and loved. This objectification of women and putting such a heavy focus on getting women is weird and honestly even counterintuitive. The black pill creates this false dichotomy as if your entire attractiveness is based off looks, height, weight, testosterone levels, fashion, etc. They treat it like a video game where each stat must be maxed. And sure these things may initially attract someone but that alone won't keep them, personality will. It puts too much focus on external and not enough on internal. Plus the black pill is way more negative than actual reality, you can come to that conclusion by just going outside and touching some damn grass.
I agree with the red pill much more. That being said if you take too much of any pill you will eventually overdose. So don't do that. Learn what you can from the red pill if you want to but after that you must go outside and touch grass.