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Nov 8, 2018
First and foremost, I would like to apologize for calling people who are into guns "gun nuts". I know only two terms: "people who like guns" and "gun nuts". The latter fits better for a topic title.

After doing some reading and hanging out in the chat, I've learned that N is not an option for me. Not while I'm stuck in this country.
Plan B is a gun. A guy claims he could get me one. The most odd thing I noticed about him is that he seems to be supportive of my choice to maybe ctb. He's also highly religious. Some gentle prodding revealed that he is quite willing to get me a gun and some ammo. I'm assuming he's talking about either a 1911 (whatever that might be), or a standard 9mm glock.
There is, of course, some questioning to be done on the subject:
1) Assuming I get said gun, can I just stick it in a box and hide it somewhere until the need arises?
2) What would be the "shelf life" of said gun in a box? The box will be a sort of lunch box style thing, which I will proceed to wrap in duct tape to reduce contact with oxygen.
3) What is the shelf life of 9mm bullets (also stuck in a heavily duct taped box)?
4) I've tried reading stuff up on gun forums and found that guns need to be oiled. Couldn't figure out what oil is needed, though. Since I don't have a permit, and getting one requires several years, can I just use "rapeseed" oil, canola oil, sessamee seed oil or "liquid butter"? edible oils, basically.
5) Since guns need to be oiled, and that gun wouldn't be in use for quite a while, can I wash the oil off and re-oil it at a later date somehow?
6) How do I oil a gun? I'm picturing it as tying it to some string and dunking it in an oil bucket a few times. Pretty sure that's a stupid idea and I'm giggling at it.

Will add more questions as answers come by.
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Nov 5, 2018
Sorry but I am confused.

In another thread you said you had been in the army. So how do you not know about basic gun maintenance?
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Nov 1, 2018
As a gun nut, I'm fine with the term gun nut.

To address some details:

A "1911" is a pretty specific gun: the Colt .45 was the original iteration, but many companies manufacture them now. It is a .45 caliber (big) semi-automatic pistol.

Glock is a manufacturer. They make semi-automatic pistols in several calibres, among them the common 9mm, but also .45, .40, etc.

Either of those would do to ctb, but even if your supplier hands you something else, it may well work. The single most significant factor is getting something large enough to get the job done. A .38 revolver would be just fine, but something larger would be better: 9mm, .357, .40, or .45 are the most common calibers. A .32 or .380 will do in a pinch --but you'd better be aiming it properly, and you'd better be using hollowpoint ammunition.

Your plan for keeping the gun functional is admirable, but overkill. Get the gun, seal it in a ziplock plastic bag with a couple packets of silica dessicant (you can re-use the ones out of vitamin tablet bottles), and you'll be fine. You don't need to mummify it with duct tape. My guns live in the safe here in WA (a damp climate) without even that, and they are completely functional even years after their last use.

Unless you're burying it in the back yard, the ammo will be fine in the box it comes in for 20 years at least. Ammo is engineered to be shelf-stable. If you're really worried, put it in a ziplock with more of those dessicant packets. But whatever caliber you get, make sure you buy hollowpoint ammo: it delivers the kinetic energy of the bullet in the most effective manner.

Oiling the gun is good, but it's easy to go overboard and goop it up if you don't know what you're doing --then you'll need to disassemble it and clean it before use. Unless you're in a very damp climate, you're probably better off not oiling it before putting it in storage. If you feel you simply must oil it, you can use something like Tri-Flow, which you can probably get at a good hardware store or sporting good store (it's also used on bicycles and fishing reels), or fishing reel oil. If you're buying ammo, though, the same store will almost certainly have small bottles of gun oil.

If you do decide to oil it, stick to the basics: put a couple drops of oil on a rag and wipe down the entire outside of the gun; you want only a very light sheen, not anything that looks wet. Put a couple drops on a square of rag or paper towel and push it down the bore, so that it coats the inside of the barrel (make sure you remove this patch afterward). Wherever there are parts that you can make move, use a cotton swap to wipe just a tiny bit of oil onto the surfaces that move against each other. Do not go overboard with the oil. Less is more! If you use too much, you'll clog up the working parts and it won't function.
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Sep 23, 2018
Firstly if he has an illegal gun and gives it to you its probably been used in crime and been stolen from someone , all guns have a unique seal number and can be traced back to origin of purchase if caught you'll be involved in investigation of any crimes committed and the theft of the gun.

Apart from rare circumstances transfer of a gun ( assuming he's giving a gun he legally owns to you ) without the proper procedure and to someone who can't legally own one is a felony on both parties involved.

If you are determined to go ahead research and learn how to handle one either by a class , online , or if you know someone with expertise these are not toys. Also research how to do maintenance to keep it in good working order.

Make sure the gun works and is in good condition or this defeats your objective.

There is no real shelf life make sure the weapon is clean and oiled correctly , water ruins guns store in a dry place in your case where no one will find it if necessary and you have to bury the weapon hypothetically make sure the elements arent exposed to it make sure it's clean oiled and in a tight waterproof seal something like multiple zip locks and an outer cases with a good seal for example. You can buy cleaning kits at any gun store without suspicion and learn how to clean correctly via the same resources as above and use only gun oils .

Bullets again make sure they are in working order and not damaged beware though bullets have serial numbers too corresponding to the box they where bought the weapon you receive again my have been used in a crime and the bullets you have could have the same serial number that a casing has at a crime scene. In most states you can buy your own ammo or go to a gun range hire the gun with the relevant calibre and pocket what you require the range will automatically assume all bullets where shot down the range.

You don't dip the gun in oil you have to disassemble it clean and all the working parts then resemble and make the weapon safe again I stress that you learn how to use handle and clean before you go forward.

Simply though if you ca legally get one just do that it doesn't take years to get a permit see your states gun laws online and use resources like the NRA they have lots of info online what you need.

Hope this helps but I'd be weary of someone so eager to break the law and face serious consequences to help you knowing your intentions as well be extremely cautious
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Nov 1, 2018
bullets have serial numbers too corresponding to the box they where bought
I know this has been discussed, but I heard that it has never been implemented --at least not in the US. There's too much ammo used to make it practical, and the paperwork to keep track of all the ammo sold and traded was prohibitive. Do you have a link to information?
I'd be weary of someone so eager to break the law and face serious consequences to help you knowing your intentions as well be extremely cautious
This is a very good and relevant point. You can get youself into a lot of trouble with a blackmarket/illegally purchased gun. Be careful.

Where are you, @Compodulator? You may have easier/safer options for obtaining a gun depending on where you live.
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Sep 19, 2018
Most "gun nuts" are pro-life lol.

I wanted a gun for one reason only - to destroy the nut incased inside my skull.
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Nov 8, 2018
Sorry but I am confused.

In another thread you said you had been in the army. So how do you not know about basic gun maintenance?

I have, yes, but the idf is very different from other armies I heard of. Basically, everyone has a gun, but maybe 70% actually use it.
Technically, I was a paratrooper. Technically. The IDF is sort of like boyscouts with guns. Keeping that name for my potential band!
Basically, every parent wants their child to be a mighty warrior. Problem is, not every kid wants to be a mighty warrior. Most don't. I didn't for sure. Every morning I picked up my gun from the armory and every evening I handed it back for some cleaning and oiling and whatever. Despite being officially registered as a paratrooper, I was more like a janitor.

I know this has been discussed, but I heard that it has never been implemented --at least not in the US. There's too much ammo used to make it practical, and the paperwork to keep track of all the ammo sold and traded was prohibitive. Do you have a link to information?

This is a very good and relevant point. You can get youself into a lot of trouble with a blackmarket/illegally purchased gun. Be careful.

Where are you, @Compodulator? You may have easier/safer options for obtaining a gun depending on where you live.

I'm currently in Israel. "Currently" is a big word, admittedly. Under current circumstances, the chances I'm getting out of here are very slim.
Last edited:
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Most "gun nuts" are pro-life lol.

I wanted a gun for one reason only - to destroy the nut incased inside my skull.

Same here, I just need to get past the red tape to obtain my firearm, then I can check out about any time.
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Nov 1, 2018
I'm currently in Israel.
I know exactly nothing about firearm laws in Israel, so I'm not going to be of much use to you. All I can suggest is that you're over-thinking the idea of gun maintenance. If you're just storing it for an eventual suicide, all you need is one bullet and a gun that functions once.

For example, I have my grandfather's 1928 pistol loaded with a single hollowpoint round. It lives loose in the back of a deep kitchen drawer, out of sight but where I can reach it very quickly in case someone arrives to try and prevent my eventual ctb with eb/N2.
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Mar 23, 2018
Wish guns were an option the UK
same, they make it so damn difficult. To go with a shotgun mouthwash is my idealistic ctb fantasy, though chances are extremely slim since I live in the uk.
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Billy The Human

Billy The Human

Sep 14, 2018
Being in the US all I need to do is goto Walmart but the only reason I have not done so is because if I did I'd already have peace by now and that may sound silly but just the act of buying one for me is no different then to try and convince yourself to jumb off a bridge
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Nov 8, 2018
Being in the US all I need to do is goto Walmart but the only reason I have not done so is because if I did I'd already have peace by now and that may sound silly but just the act of buying one for me is no different then to try and convince yourself to jumb off a bridge
That's one of the reasons I want to immigrate. You can go to Walmart to pick up a pack of cigs, pizza rolls, some condoms and a brand new 9mm all in one convenient trip. Lol
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