

stuck somewhere between hell and earth
Mar 26, 2020
if only someone can tell me for sure that theres no hell after death, like its just that, lights off and i stop existing i would hang myself right now in a heartbeat (i mean, the rope is literally still hanging over here) its just that...this. this is the number one reason that held me back the most. hell. worser afterlife after death. im really really afraid of ending in a worse place after i ctb. im already a huge scaredy cat in the first place, gore vids scare me, people scare me, stares scare me, fucks sake i browse this site with all images disabled! been here for years now and its only just very recently that ive been brave enough to turn it on for a bit so i can see how to tie the rope & do the hanging posture correctly isnt that just fucking funny? i just want the pain to stop i just want the suffering to stop i just want to stop existing i just want to stop stop stop stop i just want to be gone but what if i ended up in a worser place than this? what then? death is irreversible, unless i guess if i can double triple ctb'd to the next place in that place and so on and so on hahahahaha fuck FUCK!!!! please can someone just tell me please can someone just asure me that death is just that, lights off, game over and nothing else no afterlife no worser place fucks sake even if its wonderful on the other side if there truly is heaven im willing to pass on that too i just want to stop existing i just want all of this to be over and thats it please....fuck fuck fuck why am i such a coward dumbfuck why...why is it this hard to want all of this to be over please anyone please just tell me that itll just be over please i dont want to be alive i dont want to i dont want to exist fuck why why why was i even born in the first place just why i just want it to a be over i dont want to end up anywhere else please please please
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Apr 15, 2024
I'm a Bible believing Christian and don't believe hell is a place where "souls" suffer for eternity. I believe the soul is a misinterpretation based on platonist philosophy, and that a human is just a body. I believe the biblical afterlife is a PHYSICAL resurrection on a physical new earth (like Scripture actually teaches). That said, eternal life (in the resurrection) is a free gift received by faith alone (Acts 16:31, Ephesians 2:8-9), so even if suicide is a sin, it is forgiven by Christ dying for your sins. Only unbelievers suffer "hell" but it is just a place where they are cast into, and then burn up and are gone (called annihilationism or conditional immortality). So when I die (possibly by end of this year by drinking SN) I will be an unconscious corpse until Christ returns and resurrects me at the end of the world.
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Mar 12, 2024
if only someone can tell me for sure that theres no hell after death, like its just that, lights off and i stop existing i would hang myself right now in a heartbeat (i mean, the rope is literally still hanging over here) its just that...this. this is the number one reason that held me back the most. hell. worser afterlife after death. im really really afraid of ending in a worse place after i ctb. im already a huge scaredy cat in the first place, gore vids scare me, people scare me, stares scare me, fucks sake i browse this site with all images disabled! been here for years now and its only just very recently that ive been brave enough to turn it on for a bit so i can see how to tie the rope & do the hanging posture correctly isnt that just fucking funny? i just want the pain to stop i just want the suffering to stop i just want to stop existing i just want to stop stop stop stop i just want to be gone but what if i ended up in a worser place than this? what then? death is irreversible, unless i guess if i can double triple ctb'd to the next place in that place and so on and so on hahahahaha fuck FUCK!!!! please can someone just tell me please can someone just asure me that death is just that, lights off, game over and nothing else no afterlife no worser place fucks sake even if its wonderful on the other side if there truly is heaven im willing to pass on that too i just want to stop existing i just want all of this to be over and thats it please....fuck fuck fuck why am i such a coward dumbfuck why...why is it this hard to want all of this to be over please anyone please just tell me that itll just be over please i dont want to be alive i dont want to i dont want to exist fuck why why why was i even born in the first place just why i just want it to a be over i dont want to end up anywhere else please please please
I don't believe in heaven or hell, but there are no absolute certainties. I'm going with the fact science has not been able to detect any possible afterlife or supernatural world. I just know there is no way to be one hundred percent certain. I'm with you if I had a way right now, i would end it all immediately. I'm so over trying to even exist in this misery, I can't take being alive anymore either.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
There's no hell, no afterlife , no reincarnation, none of that.

Read a book on neuroscience , evolution , or molecular cell biology to see what a human really is.

After death is non-existence forever

boggles my mind that people believe so many things without any evidence . you can read a book on the biolgogy of cell , evolution , or brain science and test things yourself and you see the details all fit together and sub details and parts to many levels. i always need to see how things work or I don't believe them . i don't believe in anything without evidence or that i can't see how it works the details. It's easy to say an abstract general idea . when when you get to the details or how it works , or how to get something done is when you see it break down and what it really means or how impossible it is. for many things a general abstract idea is meaningless. that includes afterlife, soul , simulation, multiverses, reincarnation etc.

All organisms all life descended from a single cell. the following is just a few paragraphs of evidence of which there is 1000's of books of evidence , experiments , microscope images , etc. The ancestor of humans is a single cell.


Evidence of common descent of living organisms has been discovered by scientists researching in a variety of disciplines over many decades, demonstrating that all life on Earth comes from a single ancestor. This forms an important part of the evidence on which evolutionary theory rests, demonstrates that evolution does occur,

There has been little doubt as to whether life on Earth arose from a single ancestor. This has been supposed from areas such as the universality of DNA and the commonality of central intermediary metabolism in cells.
Theobald has extended this inference to a formal test of whether UCA is a better explanation than independent sources of life. His results show a clear outcome of the hypothesis from which the question can be
Did life evolve from a universal common
ancestor? Yes, yes it did.

A remarkable uniformity exists in the nature, assembly, and utilization of the basic molecular components of all living organisms. The degree of similarity in the genetic information stored within the DNA, biomolecules, metabolic pathways, and other cellular and biochemical processes point toward the genetic continuity and common ancestry of living organisms

Molecular biology
Like structural homologies, similarities between biological molecules can reflect
shared evolutionary ancestry. At the most basic level, all living organisms share:
• The same genetic material (DNA)
• The same, or highly similar, genetic codes
• The same basic process of gene expression (transcription and translation)
• The same molecular building blocks, such as
amino acids
These shared features suggest that all living things are descended from a
common ancestor, and that this ancestor had DNA as its genetic material, used
the genetic code, and expressed its genes by transcription and translation.
Present-day organisms all share these features because they were "inherited" from
the ancestor (and because any big changes in this basic machinery would have
broken the basic functionality of cells).
Although they're great for establishing the common origins of life, features like
having DNA or carrying out transcription and translation are not so useful for
figuring out how related particular organisms are. If we want to determine which
organisms in a group are most closely related, we need to use different types of
molecular features, such as the nucleotide sequences of genes.
Homologous genes
Biologists often compare the sequences of related genes found in different
species (often called homologous or orthologous genes) to figure out how those
species are evolutionarily related to oneanother.
The basic idea behind this approach is that two species have the "same" gene
because they inherited it from a common ancestor. For instance,humans, cows,
chickens, and chimpanzees all havea gene that encodes the hormone insulin,
because this gene was already present in their last commonancestor.

In general, the more DNA differences in homologous genes (or amino acid
differences in theproteins they encode) between two species, the more distantly
the species are related. For instance,human and chimpanzee insulin proteins are
much more similar (about 98% identical) than human and chicken insulin proteins
(about 64% identical), reflecting that humans and chimpanzees are more closely
related than humans and chicken

The origins and evolution of the ribosome, 3–4 billion years ago, remain imprinted in the biochemistry of extant life and in the structure of the ribosome

As the molecular mechanisms of life have become clearer, the underlying similarities among organisms are more impressive than their external differences. For example, all living organisms store genetic information in nucleic acids (usually DNA) using a common genetic code, transfer genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein, employ proteins (and some RNAs) to catalyze chemical reactions, synthesize proteins on ribosomes,derive energy by breaking down simple sugars and lipids, use adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as their energy currency, and separate their cytoplasm from the external environment by means of phospholipid membranescontaining pumps, carriers, and channels.Retention of these common molecular mechanisms in all parts of the phylogenetic tree is remarkable, given that the major groups of organisms have been separated for vast amounts of time and subjected to different selective pressures. These ancient biochemical mechanisms could have diverged radically from each other in the branches of the phylogenetic tree, but they worked well enough to be retained during natural selection of all surviving species.The cell is the only place on earth where the entire range of life-sustaining biochemical reactions can function, so an unbroken lineage stretches from the earliest cells to each living organism.
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May 8, 2024
@KillingPain267 What about demons here on this earth? I played a ouiji board in my younger, stupid years and I can tell you that board moved on it's own. It was demonic. I've heard many other accounts like this. There are evil spirits. I am told by my priest that if I try to end my suffering here in this earth, which is physical, neurological and mental, that I will suffer in the fires of hell.

I am in immense pain and suffering, physically, mentally and neurologically where I don't feel like I can go on, and yet I am also terrified of hell. I am a Christian but admittedly have been struggling in my faith. Even still, I believe and am struggling to know whether God would have mercy, because He knows how much I am suffering so much.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I can't reassure you for sure but I reason myself that the threat of hell is an incredible tool for scaring the shit out of people. So that they just submit to human laws. While that isn't proof it doesn't exist, it makes sense why those in power would invent it.

I also once watched a YouTube video that proposed that the link of suicides going to hell came about at a specific time and for a specific reason. According to the video, back in the day, peasants slaving away in the fields under terrible conditions would be assured their reward would come in heaven. Some of them started taking the short cut and killing themselves to get there early. So- the link of suicides going to hell supposedly came in to deter them. Really annoyingly, I've tried so often to find this video again but can't. Still, it makes a lot of sense to me.

How can anything be the word of God if we keep re-interpreting it anyway? Surely, religious law can't be that flexible. So, I have doubts about religion and the existence of God in general. I think it very conveniently aligns with a lot of civil laws. So that- if the threat of prison and punishment isn't enough to deter people from commiting crimes or rebelling against authority- perhaps a burning lake of fire will do the trick.

Plus, honestly, I think if there is a God- I'm already screwed. They already know how I feel about them and I get the impression they don't like me much either. Plus, I definitely don't want to live in another world they've created and mismanaged. Maybe other management would be a change at least! I feel kind of sorry for Lucifer if 'he' really is a fallen angel. Kicked out of heaven for having the wrong opinion. Why does anyone think God is reasonable? I feel like, either way, we're screwed if there is a God. I'm so hoping for nothing now.
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Apr 15, 2024
@KillingPain267 What about demons here on this earth? I played a ouiji board in my younger, stupid years and I can tell you that board moved on it's own. It was demonic. I've heard many other accounts like this. There are evil spirits. I am told by my priest that if I try to end my suffering here in this earth, which is physical, neurological and mental, that I will suffer in the fires of hell.

I am in immense pain and suffering, physically, mentally and neurologically where I don't feel like I can go on, and yet I am also terrified of hell. I am a Christian but admittedly have been struggling in my faith. Even still, I believe and am struggling to know whether God would have mercy, because He knows how much I am suffering so much.
Well, I did the same when I was 16 and although nothing happened with the board, I do believe spirits are real (like angels and demons and of course God Himself who is a Spirit). I just don't believe HUMANS consist of "body, soul and spirit" (but that a human is just a body). That said, keep in mind that I'm a Protestant, so I believe forgiveness comes by faith alone (see Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:28). So even if I sin (by suicide for example... if that's a sin) Christ sacrificed Himself and died for my sins (1 Corinthians 15:3-4), so I will receive resurrection after the end of the world, no matter what (since all my sins are covered by the blood of Christ).

John 6:40: "And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and BELIEVETH on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day."


Jul 30, 2020
Are you able to get away from your religious family and associates? I had a look through your past messages, and I get the impression that your being scared of so many things has its roots in your upbringing, especially its religious aspects. (I'm not a psychiatrist. That's just how it appears to an ordinary person.)
If you can get away from those people, it might help you get past your fear of hell. It might also help you start dealing with your fears of so many other things.
I also think that therapy would help you, despite your bad experience in the past, provided you can find the right therapist and provided you can do it without your family and associates getting involved.
My own view, incidentally, is that hell does not exist.
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May 8, 2024
Well, I did the same when I was 16 and although nothing happened with the board, I do believe spirits are real (like angels and demons and of course God Himself who is a Spirit). I just don't believe HUMANS consist of "body, soul and spirit" (but that a human is just a body). That said, keep in mind that I'm a Protestant, so I believe forgiveness comes by faith alone (see Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:28). So even if I sin (by suicide for example... if that's a sin) Christ sacrificed Himself and died for my sins (1 Corinthians 15:3-4), so I will receive resurrection after the end of the world, no matter what (since all my sins are covered by the blood of Christ).

John 6:40: "And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and BELIEVETH on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day."
So you are saying that the board did not move for you?

I have also been hoping for His mercy too but what about committing murder....murder of oneself and not making amends for it before death? I'm afraid because I have passed the limit of the amount of suffering I can endure....I know God knows this but why doesn't He heal me, instead of leaving me to suicide and hurt other, the ones who love me? There are quotes about asking for things in His name and yet, I have not received healing, despite all the prayers.


Jul 30, 2020
So you are saying that the board did not move for you?

I have also been hoping for His mercy too but what about committing murder....murder of oneself and not making amends for it before death? I'm afraid because I have passed the limit of the amount of suffering I can endure....I know God knows this but why doesn't He heal me, instead of leaving me to suicide and hurt other, the ones who love me? There are quotes about asking for things in His name and yet, I have not received healing, despite all the prayers.
If you think salvation is by faith alone, read Matthew 25: 31-46. (Just a helpful suggestion from an atheist.)


May 8, 2024
I can't reassure you for sure but I reason myself that the threat of hell is an incredible tool for scaring the shit out of people. So that they just submit to human laws. While that isn't proof it doesn't exist, it makes sense why those in power would invent it.

I also once watched a YouTube video that proposed that the link of suicides going to hell came about at a specific time and for a specific reason. According to the video, back in the day, peasants slaving away in the fields under terrible conditions would be assured their reward would come in heaven. Some of them started taking the short cut and killing themselves to get there early. So- the link of suicides going to hell supposedly came in to deter them. Really annoyingly, I've tried so often to find this video again but can't. Still, it makes a lot of sense to me.

How can anything be the word of God if we keep re-interpreting it anyway? Surely, religious law can't be that flexible. So, I have doubts about religion and the existence of God in general. I think it very conveniently aligns with a lot of civil laws. So that- if the threat of prison and punishment isn't enough to deter people from commiting crimes or rebelling against authority- perhaps a burning lake of fire will do the trick.

Plus, honestly, I think if there is a God- I'm already screwed. They already know how I feel about them and I get the impression they don't like me much either. Plus, I definitely don't want to live in another world they've created and mismanaged. Maybe other management would be a change at least! I feel kind of sorry for Lucifer if 'he' really is a fallen angel. Kicked out of heaven for having the wrong opinion. Why does anyone think God is reasonable? I feel like, either way, we're screwed if there is a God. I'm so hoping for nothing now.
The Catholic Church has not changed its teachings....
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Apr 15, 2024
So you are saying that the board did not move for you?

I have also been hoping for His mercy too but what about committing murder....murder of oneself and not making amends for it before death? I'm afraid because I have passed the limit of the amount of suffering I can endure....I know God knows this but why doesn't He heal me, instead of leaving me to suicide and hurt other, the ones who love me? There are quotes about asking for things in His name and yet, I have not received healing, despite all the prayers.
Yes, the board didn't move. I've never experienced anything demonic except for the cruelty of humans.

God doesn't heal us of everything because He allowed us humans and this world to be left to their own devices... for a while. He did that in order to give people more time and chances to choose to believe in Him. Peter 3:9: "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

All the healing comes in the resurrection (forgiven believers will receive a new body, and brain obviously, that can never experience pain, sorrow, sin or death anymore).

I also feel like I'm at the end of pain tolerance, but most of that pain was caused by the sin of other humans (people bullying me, my ex leaving etc.), not by God. God only allows us humans to hurt each other... for a while. But at the second coming, there will be a judgment.

That said, I am questioning whether suicide is even a sin. The argument that it's murder seems sketchy to me, and more like tradition. Murder is obviously bad because you end some ELSE'S life and will. But Saul and Samson ended their own lives and are still described as being saints who will receive mercy and eternal life despite their shortcomings. But even IF suicide is a sin, it is forgiven by Christ's blood through faith. Keep in mind that forgiveness occurs the moment you trust Christ as Savior, and He forgives even FUTURE sins you do (otherwise you would have to ask forgiveness like every minute). Hebrews 10:10: "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
The Catholic Church has not changed its teachings....

I don't know enough about it but- this touched me so much...

Partly because I can really relate to that poor boy's pain losing his father. My Mum died when I was 3. But, I found the pope's response so beautiful. Is it doctrine though? Maybe you can advise? In Catholicism, do non believers get into heaven?

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