

Jul 10, 2022
I just received my police visit, which I was kind of expecting anyway, from all the posts I've seen and all the messages from across the world where the police/cops/authorities come-a-knocking. I wanted to share a few things as this may help those who are very anxious with the fact of talking to officers.

- I originally was very blunt with the officers as I was going to be honest with them if they were honest with me, plus if you're going to knock on my door at 1:30 in the morning while I'm asleep I don't exactly get to be a very welcoming house host.

- As soon as I opened my door and I was greeted by two police officers, when they asked me my name I immediately said I know exactly where you are here and they replied with 'why are we here?' and I said because you got ole Kenneth.

- I asked why they decided to have this conversation very early in the morning, they claim they only just got the information now, I think that's horse shit as most officers go to houses where there are drug related issues in the early hours of the morning to try and catch you unprepared, which makes us sound like we are in the Italian mafia.

- They are more interested in if you actually have it and are more interested in confiscating it if you do, again I know it's going to be different from country to country but this is just based on my visit in the UK in England. One officer had latex gloves on as if she was going to pick up radioactive material, or she was gonna stick a finger up my arse (I kid, I kid) I mean, come on.

- They want pictures of the substance, the packaging that it came in (I originally posted the article on this website of Kenneth, being investigated) more than likely they're probably going to indict him or put some sort of charges against him in court, but I think they need evidence to stick to him, which is why pictures of the substance and having a list of people (hence all the welfare checks) so the prosecution can have a greater accumulation of people on the list of customers that bought from him, so if more people cooperate more than likely they may come back as they may feel they can use you in some way but that's way into the future.

- Currently at the moment I am doing okay in life. I have good days and bad days but I made the point to the officers that this whole situation is bigger than you think it is, it's not just about Kenneth and SN it's a whole kaleidoscope of issues that just can't get sorted. I said if you're going to leave today and leave a sheet of paper on here with mental health resources, It's a waste of time I know, in a weird way you mean well, but personally I punished myself, but I've also had to rehabilitate myself because there isn't that help for individuals and you have to find your inner strength because it's shit and all the services aren't very good.

- They claim they wanna make sure when they leave your place of residence that you're not gonna do anything to yourself way, I bought that stuff nearly 10/11 months ago you're a bit bloody late and also I tell you what I'm gonna do when you leave I'm gonna go to sleep, you muppets because it's half past one in the morning! They did laugh so I guess I'm a comedian now. Also, I think they do a little research on your background before they come, so they know a little bit more than you think.

- The common themes that I am seeing here is you will be questioned if you're getting mental health help that's up to you how you answer that if you are or you are not (I said no because it's not helpful), they also seem to ask everyone if you're employed or if you work which wasn't really elaborated on, all I possibly think is that's to do with if we're just a bunch of strange cultist on the Internet who don't get outside and that's the vision of suicidal people.

I know it seems that I showed a lot of attitude, but if you generally feel like you've done nothing wrong, then you've got nothing to worry about remember they're coming to you. All stations clearly have every single purchase, (how do you think they are going to deal with those that actually took it and died?)

All in all they don't really care about you. I don't mean that in a pessimistic way I think they are just going through the motions as this is an investigation now. We just happened to be a part of that investigation because that's linked to the product. I'm not gonna tell people what to do, but to a degree cooperating and showing them that you're okay, will just make him leave as soon as possible as they won't see any alarm. If you don't answer the door I'm pretty certain they will keep trying until you do whether it be later again. The sooner you play their game, the sooner they'll leave.

That depends on each country I'm just basing this on the UK. It is technically your legal right to not have to engage with them or let them in but at the same time, don't give them a reason to keep coming back. Yes, they still need a warrant to search your premises, or don't have to unless someone is in danger, but don't worry about that because the solicitor will just eat them up on a technicality for not providing a written warrant to apprehend evidence. (Again UK speaking here)

We will see how things turn out.

Anyways, stay strong people and don't let the bastards get you down. ✌🏽
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Hugh Class

Hugh Class

Apr 9, 2023
Geezus.... it must be miserable living in the U.K..... the cops have nothing better to do than bother people over SN packaging.

I spoiled living in Los Angeles. I walked past a dead homeless man laying in the grass by a very busy road the other day at 7am....and walked by the same spot at 3pm.... the dead body was still there... covered in flies. Lots of joggers, bicyclists and people in cars passed by.... nobody cares....neither does the cops here. Its sad....but at the same time, i dont like being harassed or bothered by cops. Back in the day.... the cops had nothing better to do but harass innocent people who were minding their own business. Times have changed.... alot.
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Rip Flower I'll never forget you </3 我想你花
Feb 8, 2021
I just got my fucking visit at 4am, these UK police are some absolute jackass. The officer was so full of shit, he didn't realise I was Sakura and I said "I'm tired I just want to go back to bed". Then the officer told me "Sakura is about to kill herself and you don't care". He was trying to twist my words. He was trying to make it seem like he spoke to Sakura and she told him she was going to harm herself. When I started questioning him all of a sudden he doesn't know anything about Sakura and he wants me to tell him about her 🙄. Eventually I got tired of it and told him I'm Sakura and im fine. I ordered sn 2 years ago and he's knocking down my door at 4am waking me up thinking I'm about to hurt myself.

After these bitch officers spoke to me they left. They REALLY want to speak to us about the SN. Like op said these officers don't care about you, play their game so they can feel satisfied & leave
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Petulant Child
Apr 4, 2023
maybe they don't actually care at all and are just trying to figure out how many people ctb after getting SN from IC delivered
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The glow is an illusion
Mar 22, 2023
I told them how I missed the delivery, they didn't check or pry further. When asked if there is any information they want from me, they said no. Fairly tame on my end but they did have a "caught with weed" attitude at the start.
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Don’t send pm without asking first
Oct 17, 2021
They are going to talk to some families of the deceased too oh god
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
Thanks @Againstthewind @PinkSakura 光 and @PurpleParadigm for telling us about your experiences. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
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Sep 6, 2021
You guys are lucky. Last year, the police burst into my flat and arrested me before they were even fully through the door for possession of N.

I spent the evening in custody and now have to abide by a community resolution order.
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Apr 5, 2020
You guys are lucky. Last year, the police burst into my flat and arrested me before they were even fully through the door for possession of N.

I spent the evening in custody and now have to abide by a community resolution order.
Sorry that that happened to you. That is unfair. What are they making you do as part of the order, if you don't mind my asking?


Jul 10, 2022
You guys are lucky. Last year, the police burst into my flat and arrested me before they were even fully through the door for possession of N.

I spent the evening in custody and now have to abide by a community resolution order.

I think I remember your case from last year, something to do with N right? West Midlands police on the hero complex. How are you doing these days?

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
You guys are lucky. Last year, the police burst into my flat and arrested me before they were even fully through the door for possession of N.

I spent the evening in custody and now have to abide by a community resolution order.
That must have been terrifying. I wonder if they even treat chronically ill people like that. (Sorry if you are chronically ill.)

SN isn't illegal though- in many places whereas I guess N is. I guess they can't actually arrest people OR take the substance without permission. I suppose UNLESS they find grounds to section the person. In which case- they probably try to do both.

Still, I'm sorry for your experience. It all sounds terrifying.
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Sep 6, 2021
Sorry that that happened to you. That is unfair. What are they making you do as part of the order, if you don't mind my asking?

They wanted me to contact my local mental health team and not to order it again or next time I would be prosecuted.

I think I remember your case from last year, something to do with N right? West Midlands police on the hero complex. How are you doing these days?

You have a good memory, yeah it was N. They didn't have the facilities to test for it in Surrey so it went to West Midlands Police and confirmed it was N. They were quite happy to prosecute me because I had admitted my guilt. It was either that or sign the community resolution order and be on the DBS list.

I'm sort of alright, started running again which helps clear my head a bit. Lost some weight as well..Thanks for asking. I hope you're doing okay too under the circumstances.

This living thing is a bloody pain in the arse.
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Apr 5, 2020
They wanted me to contact my local mental health team and not to order it again or next time I would be prosecuted.
I see, thanks for sharing. At least you weren't prosecuted, that's good to hear. Still, it's horrible that you had to deal with that situation.


Jul 18, 2022
I didn't get round to purchasing SN from IC but I did make an account on the site.

Should I be worried ?? Last thing I need right now is a visit (I'm in the UK)


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
The situation really is so horrible but it's not even surprising that things turned out this way. We do exist in such an anti suicide society after all where suicidal people are treat like criminals just for planning ways to die. But anyway thank you for sharing your experience in detail.


The glow is an illusion
Mar 22, 2023
I didn't get round to purchasing SN from IC but I did make an account on the site.

Should I be worried ?? Last thing I need right now is a visit (I'm in the UK)
If you didn't send him money I would say no. Either they use payment details or maybe electoral register would be my guess.


Rip Flower I'll never forget you </3 我想你花
Feb 8, 2021
I told them how I missed the delivery, they didn't check or pry further. When asked if there is any information they want from me, they said no. Fairly tame on my end but they did have a "caught with weed" attitude at the start.
Same here!! When I first refused to let the officer in he literally said "I'm not going to charge you for your weed" which is stupid because I don't smoke 🙄
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The glow is an illusion
Mar 22, 2023
Same here!! When I first refused to let the officer in he literally said "I'm not going to charge you for your weed" which is stupid because I don't smoke 🙄
Mine commented I seem to be doing fine because I had McDonalds on my kitchen counter which I just brought in. No officer, I get takeout often now because I'm not fine, I use to cook. When I opened up and explained my situation the officer acted very apologetic though, apologised for interrupting my meal/sudden disturbance. They were young lads, also I'm very near London so maybe better training. Still needs work though, lots of work.

It looks like you got very unfortunate with the Police officer lottery, they really sound like manipulative assholes.
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Little bundles of futile hope we are
Apr 18, 2020
All of this is a going to bring a whole new level of scrutiny to SS.
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