
trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
I'm going to the hospital tomorrow for a gastroscopy and I'm quite anxious/scared about it. Several people have told me they had it done and it wasn't painful but I always am in pain when I get these things done and I just know there is a high likelihood of something not going right. I am a nervous wreck. Plus I don't have a lot of trust in my local hospital it's very poorly run. It was in the news that they were sued recently for several cases of negligence and will have to pay compensation in the millions. My biggest fear is choking on the tube they put in your mouth. I just know it's going to be rushed and shoved down my throat. I have aspergers so going into hospital is extremely stressful. It is for most people but when you have autism I feel like it's stress/anxiety/fear x100.

sorry for the rambling
rant over /// :notsure:
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May 31, 2019
I'm sure everything will go according to plan. Try not to get too stressed about it. I understand hospitals and procedures are very much anxiety inducing but it will be over before you know it. I also know people who have had this done and it all went to plan. And it was irish hospitals too.
Thinking of you :hug:
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
I'm sure everything will go according to plan. Try not to get too stressed about it. I understand hospitals and procedures are very much anxiety inducing but it will be over before you know it. I also know people who have had this done and it all went to plan. And it was irish hospitals too.
Thinking of you :hug:
Thank you so much LonelyLight :heart:
I guess I'm also afraid of nothing being found. I've had stomach/abdominal issues for a while now and I'd rather have something wrong so I can sort it out. Don't care if its terminal illness at this point. They might suggest doing another test like a colonoscopy which I don't think I have the strength for. Sorry for rambling thank you again for your kind well wishes.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Try and think an hour or so past the procedure. have something planned to look forward to. Just focus on that and the procedure will be over in no time.
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Remember. I am ALWAYS right.... until I’m not
Apr 28, 2019
Had it done, and I was on Oxygen. It's nothing. You will be fine. Hey. Ask for ice cream. It's a good excuse and ice cream cures all! ;)

Keep us up to date. We will be here.
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
Try and think an hour or so past the procedure. have something planned to look forward to. Just focus on that and the procedure will be over in no time.
This is good advice thank you :hug:
I'll probably be there all day though and night though my hospital is slow slow slow. But I guess I could look forward to getting home and sleeping...
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Sep 13, 2019
It's really nothing to worry about. If offered the sedative it's worth it as you wont remember anything that happens, but it's fine without.
The ice cream advice is worth a shot as well.
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Apr 15, 2019
I have to do a colonoscopy next week and am not looking forward to it either. Mainly because I can't have any solid foods the day before. But during the procedure I will be knocked out on fentanyl, so that part doesn't sound so bad.

For gastroscopy I believe they also sedate you, to a lesser degree though. You may be semi-conscious but probably too drowsy and relaxed to care what's going on.

They are both very safe procedures and complications are rare.
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
Had it done, and I was on Oxygen. It's nothing. You will be fine. Hey. Ask for ice cream. It's a good excuse and ice cream cures all! ;)

Keep us up to date. We will be here.
Thank you for the reassurance Jean :hug:
You didn't feel anything at all? No pain/discomfort? Were you diagnosed with anything and how are you now? Sorry if those are personal questions.

and as for ice cream in hospital? I'd be lucky to get a glass of water in a clean glass without someone's lip stains on it!


May 31, 2019
Thank you so much LonelyLight :heart:
I guess I'm also afraid of nothing being found. I've had stomach/abdominal issues for a while now and I'd rather have something wrong so I can sort it out. Don't care if its terminal illness at this point. They might suggest doing another test like a colonoscopy which I don't think I have the strength for. Sorry for rambling thank you again for your kind well wishes.
Ramble away my dear, it's totally understandable as I said. And yes I hope it brings answers for you tomorrow, something that can be taken care of easily. If you find yourself sitting around waiting tomorrow, feel free to PM me, we can chat, it might help :hug: all the best again x
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Aug 27, 2018
I had that procedure done about a year ago and it doesn´t hurt but it´s very uncomfortable especially because I also have aspergers and my psychiatrist think my throat problem is because I have a phobia of eating which makes me afraid to swallow food so getting a tube like that down was such a horrible experience considering I can´t even swallow pills and have to chew my food for 3-5 minutes till it´s liquid.
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
I have to do a colonoscopy next week and am not looking forward to it either. Mainly because I can't have any solid foods the day before. But during the procedure I will be knocked out on fentanyl, so that part doesn't sound so bad.

For gastroscopy I believe they also sedate you, to a lesser degree though. You may be semi-conscious but probably too drowsy and relaxed to care what's going on.

They are both very safe procedures and complications are rare.
Thank you for your reassurance :heart:
I feel for you a colonoscopy is so much worse and more invasive. I didn't know a hospital gave you fentanyl to knock you out? Excuse my ignorance but I thought that was like a street drug? Or am I wrong?
Ramble away my dear, it's totally understandable as I said. And yes I hope it brings answers for you tomorrow, something that can be taken care of easily. If you find yourself sitting around waiting tomorrow, feel free to PM me, we can chat, it might help :hug: all the best again x
You are so kind :hug::heart:
Thank you so much.
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I think I'll take a dirt nap.
Oct 13, 2019
It's going to be okay. These things are really scary and I understand where you're coming from.. I'm going for one myself on Dec 3rd and I'm a bit nervous also. Please keep us updated on how it goes and how you feel. I'm here to talk if need be. x
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
I had that procedure done about a year ago and it doesn´t hurt but it´s very uncomfortable especially because I also have aspergers and my psychiatrist think my throat problem is because I have a phobia of eating which makes me afraid to swallow food so getting a tube like that down was such a horrible experience considering I can´t even swallow pills and have to chew my food for 3-5 minutes till it´s liquid.
I'm so sorry you went though that I fully expect it to be very uncomfortable too I also have quite a tight/lump in my throat type of feeling. Do you have any digestive problems that causes your fear of eating?


L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I've had this done. You can and should request a sedative, which will just help calm you down and make you less aware of what's going on. It should not be painful , but it might be a little uncomfortable if you're not good with the sort of thing. But it's a pretty quick procedure, and I think you'll be fine. Tell them you're super anxious about it and they'll accommodate you. If you're anything like me, the time leading up to it is the worst part because you freak yourself out.
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Aug 27, 2018
I'm so sorry you went though that I fully expect it to be very uncomfortable too I also have quite a tight/lump in my throat type of feeling. Do you have any digestive problems that causes your fear of eating?
No they checked for that and my stomach was fine, I have done almost all medical tests to determine a physical course for my throat problem so a clinic for eating disorders refered me to a psychiatrist because they thought it was an autistic trait to be extremely aware of that problem especially because I have had food stuck in my throat at least 5 times as a child where my dad used the heimlich meneure to save my life every time so I have become extremely aware of my swallowing problem/throat problem at least that is the doctors theory.

Also to this thread I forgot about you could get drugs before the procedure I am sure that would help calm you down a lot I also have anxiety especially relating to my throat problem and still I said no but since you don´t have that problem I think it would be best you take it.
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Apr 15, 2019
Thank you for your reassurance :heart:
I feel for you a colonoscopy is so much worse and more invasive. I didn't know a hospital gave you fentanyl to knock you out? Excuse my ignorance but I thought that was like a street drug? Or am I wrong?

Well it's manufactured by pharmaceutical companies, and is one of the strongest opiates in existence. Like 100 times stronger than morphine. They used IV fentanyl to put me to sleep during my knee surgery earlier this year, and it was very pleasant. Was completely unconscious during the procedure, and felt really nice for the rest of the day.

It is also resold on the street though, because it makes you feel so good.
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
It's going to be okay. These things are really scary and I understand where you're coming from.. I'm going for one myself on Dec 3rd and I'm a bit nervous also. Please keep us updated on how it goes and how you feel. I'm here to talk if need be. x
It's going to be okay. These things are really scary and I understand where you're coming from.. I'm going for one myself on Dec 3rd and I'm a bit nervous also. Please keep us updated on how it goes and how you feel. I'm here to talk if need be. x
Thank you!! :heart: :hug:

I know it's a pretty common procedure but I'm still scared as hell. Also am worried that nothing will show up and I will have gone through it for nothing or will have to get another test like a colonoscopy which I dread. I'm a chronic worrier.

if you don't mind me asking why are you getting one? I'm sorry if this is personal and you dont want to say. Please keep me updated how you get it on also.
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I think I'll take a dirt nap.
Oct 13, 2019
Thank you!! :heart: :hug:

I know it's a pretty common procedure but I'm still scared as hell. Also am worried that nothing will show up and I will have gone through it for nothing or will have to get another test like a colonoscopy which I dread. I'm a chronic worrier.

if you don't mind me asking why are you getting one? I'm sorry if this is personal and you dont want to say. Please keep me updated how you get it on also.

I'm getting mine done because I consistently choke on my food, even if I've chewed it lots. Solids do not do well with me.. Could be a small throat problem. I will also be given fentanyl.
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
I've had this done. You can and should request a sedative, which will just help calm you down and make you less aware of what's going on. It should not be painful , but it might be a little uncomfortable if you're not good with the sort of thing. But it's a pretty quick procedure, and I think you'll be fine. Tell them you're super anxious about it and they'll accommodate you. If you're anything like me, the time leading up to it is the worst part because you freak yourself out.
Thank you for your advice I definitely will request a sedative. I wish I could be knocked out though.
No they checked for that and my stomach was fine, I have done almost all medical tests to determine a physical course for my throat problem so a clinic for eating disorders refered me to a psychiatrist because they thought it was an autistic trait to be extremely aware of that problem especially because I have had food stuck in my throat at least 5 times as a child where my dad used the heimlich meneure to save my life every time so I have become extremely aware of my swallowing problem/throat problem at least that is the doctors theory.

Also to this thread I forgot about you could get drugs before the procedure I am sure that would help calm you down a lot I also have anxiety especially relating to my throat problem and still I said no but since you don´t have that problem I think it would be best you take it.
To choke that many times on food doesn't seem like it could be an autistic trait. I've never heard of not being able to swallow as an autistic trait. Sounds a lot more like a serious digestive problem? I really hope you find a solution it sounds horrible to have to go through that every day.
Well it's manufactured by pharmaceutical companies, and is one of the strongest opiates in existence. Like 100 times stronger than morphine. They used IV fentanyl to put me to sleep during my knee surgeryI
Well it's manufactured by pharmaceutical companies, and is one of the strongest opiates in existence. Like 100 times stronger than morphine. They used IV fentanyl to put me to sleep during my knee surgery earlier this year, and it was very pleasant. Was completely unconscious during the procedure, and felt really nice for the rest of the day.

It is also resold on the street though, because it makes you feel so good.
Oh I see. I don't have a lot of knowledge on opiates or on the drugs they use in hospital. Not sure if they use Fentanyl here where I live. I've never heard a doctor mention it.
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Aug 27, 2018
To choke that many times on food doesn't seem like it could be an autistic trait. I've never heard of not being able to swallow as an autistic trait. Sounds a lot more like a serious digestive problem? I really hope you find a solution it sounds horrible to have to go through that every day.
No I didn´t explain it well enough as you probably know people with aspergers or autism can obsess over certain stuff usually hobbies we would be doing a hobby at 140% like back when I bodybuilded I worked out 6-7 days a week, was on a diet and I would spend hours every day reading about it and watching documentaries about bodybuilding and just obsessing over it so with my throat problem it´s an obession too just at a different focus, so I have this possible trauma from choking as a child so I obsess over it so extremely much, I don´t know if that made a little more sense.
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
Thank you for your advice I definitely will request a sedative. I wish I could be knocked out though.
Yeah, I don't really understand why they don't do that. I recently had an endoscopic ultrasound, and I was knocked out for it. They aren't too different from what I know, but I guess that's why I'm not a doctor.
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
I'm in hospital now going to get an IV sedative it's not morphine based or a general anaesthetic, and it's not fentanyl like a couple of people mentioned getting here. I'm always wary/scared to be injected with anything in case It makes me sick.

Still afraid and I am on my own. Probably won't be in long though. :notsure:
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the invisible girl
Nov 6, 2019
Hei @mediocre, relax as well as you can and let them do their work. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself. It's normal to feel some kind of anxiety and nervousness, but know that you can rant and vent here afterwards and you will be heard and supported.
Even if you are alone there physically, know that we're all with you and wishing you all the best. <3
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Nov 8, 2019
You couldn't have it under general anesthesia? That's how it's been done to me due to anxiety
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
I'm going to the hospital tomorrow for a gastroscopy and I'm quite anxious/scared about it. Several people have told me they had it done and it wasn't painful but I always am in pain when I get these things done and I just know there is a high likelihood of something not going right. I am a nervous wreck. Plus I don't have a lot of trust in my local hospital it's very poorly run. It was in the news that they were sued recently for several cases of negligence and will have to pay compensation in the millions. My biggest fear is choking on the tube they put in your mouth. I just know it's going to be rushed and shoved down my throat. I have aspergers so going into hospital is extremely stressful. It is for most people but when you have autism I feel like it's stress/anxiety/fear x100.

sorry for the rambling
rant over /// :notsure:

Please don't worry so much about it. Idk where you live but in America they call in an endoscopy. I've had them done lots of times since I have had ulcers. They will put you to sleep before they put the tube down your throat. You won't even know it was there when you wake up. Don't worry. You aren't going to choke. I understand you feel things a hundred times more. But just know that you can be assured a hundred times more that you're not going to feel a thing. It only takes about 15 minutes. Just wondering is there another hospital you can go to?
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Nov 8, 2019
Please don't worry so much about it. Idk where you live but in America they call in an endoscopy. I've had them done lots of times since I have had ulcers. They will put you to sleep before they put the tube down your throat. You won't even know it was there when you wake up. Don't worry. You aren't going to choke. I understand you feel things a hundred times more. But just know that you can be assured a hundred times more that you're not going to feel a thing. It only takes about 15 minutes. Just wondering is there another hospital you can go to?

In America they always put to sleep for that? In France they don't unless there are mental or physical reasons
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
In America they always put to sleep for that? In France they don't unless there are mental or physical reasons
Oh absolutely. I mean they're putting a big long tube in your mouth with a camera on the end of it and checking out your stomach and instestines. How do you do that awake?
Thank you for your advice I definitely will request a sedative. I wish I could be knocked out though.

To choke that many times on food doesn't seem like it could be an autistic trait. I've never heard of not being able to swallow as an autistic trait. Sounds a lot more like a serious digestive problem? I really hope you find a solution it sounds horrible to have to go through that every day.

Oh I see. I don't have a lot of knowledge on opiates or on the drugs they use in hospital. Not sure if they use Fentanyl here where I live. I've never heard a doctor mention it.
I highly doubt they would use fentanyl since it's so powerful and there's a big crisis in the world having to due with it.
I can't believe they don't put people to sleep in other parts of the world for this. Man that is just cruel. I mean your throat has to be relaxed to put a tube down it and I wouldn't be able to relax if I as awake. I don't see how anyone could
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
So I am back from hospital now. It was nowhere near as bad as I imagined it to be. The whole thing took about 5 minutes. I got an IV sedative in my arm and a numbing throat spray and had to lye on my left side. They put a mouth guard in to protect my teeth. I was awake the whole time. I coughed and choked a little bit on the tube but I didn't feel the camera go down into my chest and stomach. The sedative didn't really do much either I didn't feel any different. Tbh now that I've had it done it would have been really unnecessary to be knocked out for it.

They said I have a haitus hernia which they said was no big deal and can be handled by eating smaller meals and acid medication. Both of these things I already do but still have pain so may have to consider surgery in future. May have to get a colonoscopy too because I don't know whether the pain is coming from my stomach or bowel. The doctor told me that a lot of the times a haitus hernia is not noticeable and not usually very painful? I don't know if I agree with this. I have constant pain and 24/7 nausea and I already know the medication doesn't work.

Does anyone here have a haitus hernia?
I want to again thank everyone for your well wishes and advice :heart:
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Nov 8, 2019
You can be proud of yourself for doing it awake! :happy:
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