

running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
Thinking of quitting the SSRIs and antipsychotics. I am so sick of not feeling anything. I need to learn to just deal with my emotions and not be reliant on drugs.

Has anyone gone off their meds? How has it worked for you?
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Going off drugs is not a good idea! When I was taken off them I relapsed big time it was a shitshow
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running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
I will taper off them, not go cold turkey. I just don't want to be dependent on them. I want to be normal :(


Archaon, Herald of the Apocalypse
Dec 24, 2022
Quitting my medication was the best decision I've made recently. What they prescribed me only made my anxiety worse. I would pace all day and night. Couldn't sit still for the life of me. Went days without sleep my racing thoughts and nervousness was so bad. Without my meds I've now been able to relax and watch shows/movies, even got back into gaming. I can sleep again without any meds needed. Hell, I could sleep through a whole day if I felt like it. While I'm still depressed and suicidal, I'm still a lot better off then when I was getting help from "professionals"

You're right about not wanting to be reliant on a drug to be happy. Those drugs chemically restructure your brain and just one missed dose can be disastrous. That is not a way to go about life. You may as well be one of those people who drink or smoke pot every day just to feel a little more alive.

Quitting cold turkey might not be the best idea though. You may want to slowly ween yourself off them especially if you've been taking them a while.
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Jul 23, 2022
Unless they're for mania or psychosis it might worth trying to get off them. Being reduced to an emotional husk doesn't make for a good life either and there's a sense if empowerment in doing it on your own (not that there's anything wrong with taking them).
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running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
Yeah. I don't have mania or psychosis. I'm on abilify to help with depression


Archaon, Herald of the Apocalypse
Dec 24, 2022
No way! Abilify was one of the meds I was taking too. Now I 100% recommend you quit that crap. The list of side effects is just insane. Googling Abilify and the top related search is "Abilify ruined my life". Many many people have been adversely affected by this drug.
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running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
I know! I've gained weight on it, got the "shakes". Planning quitting it too


Archaon, Herald of the Apocalypse
Dec 24, 2022
Weight gain is a very common side effect. I remember my doctor saying I could gain as much as fifty pounds just by taking this drug. And I did put on a lot of pounds in my short time taking it. As someone who exercises a lot, and cares about my physique this absolutely devastated me. I am "skinny fat" now. Still look the same but with a large deposit of fat around the stomach region. I lost the body I worked so hard for. I can't even bring myself back into the gym because of it. I stuff myself every day because this drug already made me a fat fucking bastard. My chances of being intimate with a woman, if I ever had one, are zero now because she'll see my chubby belly.

If you ask me, psychiatrists are little more than drug peddlers. Quack doctors whose sole purpose is to keep the big pharmaceutical companies in business. You don't need their help to get better. Help yourself. When's the last time you've come up with a plan? Actionable steps to improve your situation? Because no miracle drug is going to be able to fix all your problems. You do that shit yourself. After a while you'll look back and say, "hey, I really could do this on my own after all."
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running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
When did you quit abilify? Hopefully that's not something permanent
I hate psychiatry. They're all a bunch of quacks and drug peddlers
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Archaon, Herald of the Apocalypse
Dec 24, 2022
I quit it last year, probably like 6-8 months ago. Keeping track of time has been hard ever since I became a shut-in. The days are so short now.

Yes I believe it not permanent either. Thank you for that 😊. I just need to find the passion again to train hard and plan meals carefully. Unfortunately like you, and many others, Abilify has left me a feeling of nothingness. Empty inside

And I'm so glad we agree on that! I wish I could open more people eyes to the mental health scam with my time on this site. They are profiting off of our suffering. They're leeches. Included is the image I have in my mind when I meet one of these mental health professionals lol. Dr. Quack Quack I call them. Like Donald Duck! C12DD988 8BE2 42FD 8BB2 0639B2A08851
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Dec 14, 2021
Unless they're for mania or psychosis it might worth trying to get off them. Being reduced to an emotional husk doesn't make for a good life either and there's a sense if empowerment in doing it on your own (not that there's anything wrong with taking them).
You don't think there's anything wrong with tardive dyskinesia?
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Feb 10, 2023
Thinking of quitting the SSRIs and antipsychotics. I am so sick of not feeling anything. I need to learn to just deal with my emotions and not be reliant on drugs.

Has anyone gone off their meds? How has it worked for you?
i have been on and off meds. i stopped everything i was on a while back. went fine, was a little rough at first but that passed relatively quickly. im not a fan of antidepressants or antipsychotics personally, i think they do more harm than help
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dr pepper drinker
Feb 11, 2023
going off my meds is the worst thing i ever did, please reconsider!!! get in contact w ur doctor about changing your dosage or even changing the medication itself, but going cold turkey on your meds entirely can have physical health effects as well as mental, im sorry you feel this way, but please do not just quit your medication, talk to your doctor about finding another.

i understand how upsetting it can be to feel like youre entirely dependant on drugs, but remission is possible through therapy and following your therapist/doctors advise, please consider this and be careful :(
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running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
I wasn't going to quit cold turkey, just taper off


Jan 24, 2023
Thinking of quitting the SSRIs and antipsychotics. I am so sick of not feeling anything. I need to learn to just deal with my emotions and not be reliant on drugs.

Has anyone gone off their meds? How has it worked for you?
For me, stopping meds has only ever helped me because meds had zero positive effect on me and lots (lots) of adverse events. Had SSRIs/SNRIs been at least a tiny bit effective against my depression, I may have considered weighting the pros and cons more, but as they didn't seem to have any kind of positive effect, it was a no-brainer. However, antipsychotics, I don't think I'd have continued in any case. I haven't tried abilify, but life under quetiapine or risperidone was just awful. Constantly feeling dizzy, empty, tired, stunned, emotionless, unable to reason clearly is definitely not something I'm considering for my life, even if it had had a significant effect on my worst depressive symptoms (which it had not anyways).

I stopped my meds abruptly numerous times because I was so sick doctors would never acknowledge their inefficiency, how unbearable some side-effects were and sometimes even deny that some side-effects were indeed attributable to them. They would never agree to changing the drugs or lowering the dose, even after many months of extra-suffering induced by them. If anything, they would sometimes add new medications over the existing ones (which was supposed to "potentiate" the effects), but that just made me even more miserable. Yet, if you were to stop, I would really urge you to to not do it abruptly like stupid me. Most of them have withdrawal symptoms (which are poorly documented by the way, but do exist). You'd experience flu-like symptoms and possibly stronger depression for a few days or weeks (and that can be easily prevented).

Now, that's for my case, but people have many different experiences. Have you been able to discuss those adverse events with your doctors? If they're understanding, they could maybe help you try out something else? As for the weight gain, most of the time that can be fairly well mitigated just by changing eating habits (because the weight gain is mostly due to the ways those drugs affect your appetite in the first place). Also, I noticed some side effects of SSRIs (especially the shaking stuff) do fade out after a few weeks (not sure if that was also the case with neuroleptics because I was so overwhelmed by them I didn't even care). Did you take these meds for long enough that you're confident their effects on you are stable? Abilify seems really intrusive (and it's the reason why I've always refused it so far), so maybe you could suggest to your doctor that it's really not something you're willing to continue, especially at such dose (which I suspect will meet a complete lack of empathy and understanding unfortunately, but I really reckon that should be your primary option).

Don't worry, almost no adverse events of those drugs are permanent if you did not take them for many many years. I had some sexual dysfunction with SSRIs that kept going on for a few months (if not years) after stopping. There are documented cases of permanent sexual dysfonction, but they only affected mens (not womens) who had been taking SSRIs over very long timeframes. I'm not aware of other permanent side-effect, although they may exist.

Also, in my country, I've noticed that not taking meds is often seen as a greatly aggravating circumstance when you're threatened to be put in a ward. Refusing meds, or stopping them, or not taking them is often interpreted as a "mental inability to consent to healthcare" and "not clear-thinking", which for some reason seem to justify being imprisoned and tortured in a ward 🤷‍♂️ . So beware of that.
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running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
I've been on SSRIs for like 10 years. I haven't "liked" or wanted to date anyone while being on these things. I would say my sex drive is 0.
I was planning to taper off them. I just don't feel anything. Everything is dull
I have a form of PTSD and have gone through therapy where I feel I've let a lot of stuff go. I'm sick of the meds.
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Jun 28, 2019
I've been taking Abilify since a couple of weeks. Already having side effects, and by what you say, it will get a lot worse :aw: Dang it. But the only way not to take them would be to lie to the doctors and risk becoming psychotic again.
Maybe taking a lower dose, only when needed?...
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
Going off drugs is not a good idea! When I was taken off them I relapsed big time it was a shitshow
I experienced exactly the same
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Jan 22, 2023
I am not a doctor nor a medical professional, but I think its a good idea to talk to your doctor before you go off medicine. I would highly suggest you not suddenly stop your medicine. This is an anecdote, but every time I go off my medicine, I feel better for a few days, but I always feel worse eventually.
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running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
I don't know. I'm going to try it, see how I feel. Everybody's different. I have propranolol and Xanax as a back up in case I freak out lol
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Archaon, Herald of the Apocalypse
Dec 24, 2022
Definitely different for everyone. I for one quit cold turkey. Stopped taking them one day and never looked back. Didn't really feel any negative effects only positive ones. I wouldn't recommend self medicating yourself with old prescriptions. There is probably a reason they stopped you on those and gave you Abilify instead.

I got some propranolol hidden away too, for SN purposes.
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Aug 18, 2020
I have bipolar and psychosis and without the medication I relapsed. I went through hell. I will never repeat that mistake.
I am no professional only laymen and it probably depends on your condition. But there are a lot of different medication for different illnesses. For me it costed a lot of energy and time to find some which had "acceptable" side effects. But it was worth the struggle at least for me. I went through hell but I am okay with the current ones.

I would talk to my therapist about it. At least with my current one we always talk about important decisions. I could quit one of my several medication months ago. Very slowly and my psychiatrist supported me and gave me advices. It was dangerous. I don't know all your details but I would suggest to talk with your therapist about it. The support of mine gave me strength to that time.
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Jan 25, 2023
Thinking of quitting the SSRIs and antipsychotics. I am so sick of not feeling anything. I need to learn to just deal with my emotions and not be reliant on drugs.

Has anyone gone off their meds? How has it worked for you?
Look at Kanye/Ye. He's spiralling--grandiose, delusional, irrational, puerile. But maybe he was always that way. I suspect he was. I would follow the medical regimen. As for West, he was kicked out of Fantasyland for driving everyone nuts with his narcissism and "divine revelations".


running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
I don't want to be a walking anxiety disorder anymore. Or a major depressive disorder. Fuck these labels. There's nothing wrong with me. And I think the same rings true for many of us. We are human beings with real human emotions. I don't want to be numbed by some pill.
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