

Jun 6, 2020
I had reluctantly joined a prayer line that a friend suggested. Now, I am not very religious but, well, I figured I would do it. And I ended up clamming up and feeling even more depressed

All my life I see how fucked up religion really is. the Bible, churches, I feel everything nis fake and a sham. People flaunt themselves to seem better and more superior but in reality they are just fakers who abuse others and are in for money and power. Oddly enough, I am currently in a christian based club. I wonder if a part of me wants to be close to god, but with all the abuse I suffered I doubt god is actually real. If he was, then why are so many people being abused and not being saved or helped?
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Aug 10, 2020
All my life I see how fucked up religion really is. the Bible, churches, I feel everything nis fake and a sham. People flaunt themselves to seem better and more superior but in reality they are just fakers who abuse others and are in for money and power. Oddly enough, I am currently in a christian based club.

In my experience with religious people, the people who put their faith on display are usually the worst, for them religion is just one social ladder to climb and it's all about appearances. The quiet believers who focus more on the inner stuff and less on the social acting are better, more authentic people, but they are not that easy to find.

If he was, then why are so many people being abused and not being saved or helped?

I, for one, have never found a satisfying answer to this question. It appears to me that if one wants to have faith in God, the only solution is to ignore the question. Yeah, I know, it's a lousy solution but it worked for me for more than a decade.
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Jun 6, 2020
I am mainly in a christian club for the people. ive made some connections I like. Its just the religious aspect that hurts. Like, on one hand I want to talk about my conflicting feelings about god but everyone is such a believer I just keep quiet.
I guess my stance is that, in theory, I believe in a God sort of. Im more a science person personally. However, I believe that our lives should be dictated by us. Not by some God that probably doesn't exist
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Narcissist Gay NEET-cel
Mar 4, 2020
If God exists then he is likely too complex for any of us to even come close to understanding him
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
"God works in funny ways, man."
from Steambath by Bruce J Friedman
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I was brought up RC taught by nuns and priests, I don't believe in anything mentioned in the bible, I believe in the spirit world I don't care now I go to church weddings and christenings and I just think was that priest a pedophile if you have any doubts type pedophile priests and nuns into YouTube and be prepared for a shock.

The Chinese government are rewriting or have rewrote there bible, that's like Boris Johnson or Donald Trump rewriting the bible saying buying anything made in China is a sin, lol.

On a different note if there is a superior being and they say you may ask one question you've always wanted an answer to and you say why was there so much suffering on Earth and they reply, Good can't exist without Evil, how gutted would you be, lol.




Jun 15, 2020
I am a pastor, and i want to ctb. GOD IS REAL. I have 100 percent faith. Feel free to message me anytime.
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Jul 14, 2020
I had reluctantly joined a prayer line that a friend suggested. Now, I am not very religious but, well, I figured I would do it. And I ended up clamming up and feeling even more depressed

All my life I see how fucked up religion really is. the Bible, churches, I feel everything nis fake and a sham. People flaunt themselves to seem better and more superior but in reality they are just fakers who abuse others and are in for money and power. Oddly enough, I am currently in a christian based club. I wonder if a part of me wants to be close to god, but with all the abuse I suffered I doubt god is actually real. If he was, then why are so many people being abused and not being saved or helped?
Yes, it all just feels like a pretend show where the real motives are hidden and the surface is an ersatz morality used to prop up certain structures of power and further the interests of a privileged elite.
Have you read the French writer La Rochefoucault? He exposed the cynicism, hypocrisy and egotistical motivations of human behavior in his maxims and aphorisms.
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Nov 25, 2019
An omnipotent, omniscient, all-good being cannot exist. Either god is unworthy of your belief or devotion, or god is inherently illogical and cannot be reasoned about, let alone believed in.

God is just a cover story for child molesters.
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Jul 14, 2020
If God exists then he is likely too complex for any of us to even come close to understanding him
Yes, if by 'God' you mean the 'thing' that created the universe, then it also created quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, general relativity, possibly superstrings, parallel universes, consciousness etc, so how can we possibly hope to comprehend a thing with that amount of creative power and intelligence?

It's probably so complex and powerful and beyond human understanding that it doesn't even care about the ephemeral suffering of creatures on the planet called earth (the evidence overwhelmingly favors this). In which case, we shouldn't really care about such a god, either.
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Suicide is self expression
Dec 31, 2018
All my life I see how fucked up religion really is. the Bible, churches, I feel everything nis fake and a sham. People flaunt themselves to seem better and more superior but in reality they are just fakers who abuse others and are in for money and power.

That's correct, the sphere of Christendom all the denominations are corrupt and are just there to soothe people's guilty conscious by making it seem like they are good with God.

I wonder if a part of me wants to be close to god, but with all the abuse I suffered I doubt god is actually real. If he was, then why are so many people being abused and not being saved or helped?

If a man tried to stab you and God magically intervened to prevent it from happening, there would be no free will. Furthermore, the sufferings are necessary, otherwise you would never bother to turn to God and seek after a solution to your sin problem. The more fabulously wealthy, successful and healthy you are, the less likely you will ever bother to give God the time of day. It is only when you are stricken with some life threatening circumstance that you will turn your attention away from this world and towards God. This is why poor countries are usually highly religious.

Hebrews 11:6 KJV said:
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
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it gets worse
Aug 7, 2020
I'm an atheist and see no good reason to believe in a god and even if there were an omnipotent creator of the Universe then I would still not believe that out of the billions of galaxies, solar systems and planets out there us talking primates should have the arrogance to consider ourselves special and deserving of his attention. As for religion, there are those who are conditioned from birth to follow it ("We're a Christian family."), others who need it because it's important for their identity ("I'm a proud Christian and this is a Christian country."), others who cling to it because they've hit rock bottom and are desperate for recovery/redemption ("I used to be a drug addict but I've been saved by Jesus.") and lastly the ones who think they have good reasons to believe until they educate themselves on their religion's sacred texts' problems and learn about science (biology, paleontology, geology, cosmology, etc.)

Why are so many people suffering and being ignored by their god despite their cries for help? Well, the religious do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify him blatantly disregarding them but the harsh reality is that their god either isn't real or simply doesn't value them unlike the selected few whose prayers he allegedly answers.
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Jul 9, 2020
Spirituality is very real, but the problem with organizing is that centralizing power corrupts the message and purpose. Another BIG problem with worshiping anything is that it denies the divinity in all of us, implying that anything is better than anything else, creating top-down pyramid structures. Nobody likes pyramid schemes.


Feb 14, 2019
I was forced into a christian school from k-12 grade. I suffered religious abuse there that was the reason around age 13-14 why I wanted to commit suicide. I was bullied by other kids since I was different and the classes were small I stood out, teacher did nothing and I was touched inappropriately by male church leaders. They found my suicide drawings and said I was demon possessed going to hell and tried to perform an exorcism on me. The abuse I endured in the "caring accepting" christian school still bothers me. Needless to say I'm not a christian I'm an atheist. I'm not trying to upset anyone or put down anyone's religion but I never found a more hypocritical, homophobic, racist, bigotry filled group if people. As a child I said to myself if god is real he is a sadist...why do innocent people suffer?...why is suffering, pain, illness or anything bad even a thing if god was all knowing and loving. Just my personal opinion and experience.. not trying to upset anyone.
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Life sucks and then you die.
May 10, 2019
Spirituality is real - we live in Satan's world. Life is inherently bad. Life is death. We are the walking dead, living in an evil reality. We have not been truly born yet - true birth happens after we die. This life we are living isn't our real life - our real life starts after we die the final death.

After we die, there isn't anything. No sound, sight, or color. It doesn't all "go black" and we don't go "into the white light". There isn't black, or white. That's what God is. That's why God can't help us. God happens after we die.

Satan's world consists of this world of senses. We have senses, and senses are evil. God's world does not consist of any senses. When you die, you become God - that is, you enter a state of non-being where you have no senses or feelings, it is timeless, eternal, silent, and complete peace.

While you are alive in this world of senses, you are oscillating between pain and pleasure. We exist on a roller coaster of good and bad. After we die, the roller coaster finally stops and we rest in a state of peace that never ends. Pleasure can't exist without pain.

It seems sad that there isn't pleasure after you die, for example after you die you'll never have an orgasm again or taste pizza. But really it's a good thing - because when we die, our pain stops. No more physical pain or heartache from lost love. Trust me, I have dedicated my life to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. After we die, there is eternal rest, and infinite peace - and it will be infinitely better than this evil life we currently find ourselves in.


Jul 9, 2020
I was forced into a christian school from k-12 grade. I suffered religious abuse there that was the reason around age 13-14 why I wanted to commit suicide. I was bullied by other kids since I was different and the classes were small I stood out, teacher did nothing and I was touched inappropriately by male church leaders. They found my suicide drawings and said I was demon possessed going to hell and tried to perform an exorcism on me. The abuse I endured in the "caring accepting" christian school still bothers me. Needless to say I'm not a christian I'm an atheist. I'm not trying to upset anyone or put down anyone's religion but I never found a more hypocritical, homophobic, racist, bigotry filled group if people. As a child I said to myself if god is real he is a sadist...why do innocent people suffer?...why is suffering, pain, illness or anything bad even a thing if god was all knowing and loving. Just my personal opinion and experience.. not trying to upset anyone.
I was raised Christian, went to church every Sunday, and was even in the choir! That all changed when I went to Catholic HS, which completely killed it for me. For the next 17 years I was a devout atheist, and routinely criticized people for anything they believed outside the 5 senses. That all changed at the start of this very year when I began climbing down a rabbit hole, discovered some cool and not so cool things (some of which made me so sick, I was put in the hospital). I've had several experiences that have 100% convinced me that there exists something outside the 5 senses. I have many leads but am stuck at the moment, and am glad I am taking my time, because people have told me that the next step I want to take could end up badly for me. I think I have plenty of time to discover what I want. I'm pretty sure I have a good idea about how the Universe patterns itself, but I want to experience it myself.
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