

Oct 9, 2022
Especially not when you already want to die. It's a heavy burden. Normies who say it's a privilege to age have never experienced the degenerative effects that come with aging I think. Not to mention life expectancy has become way too long imo. It should be shorter. Instead we prolong it until we are decaying living corpses.

I'm still relatively young and I hope I can ctb before I get too old. Dying young is a lot better than dying old and frail.
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Aug 28, 2023
i agree. a while back i had an argument with someone who got mad at me for 'not taking care of myself', and they said that if i continued to live a certain way i wouldn't live a long life. a pretty funny argument to me because i'd much rather be gone sooner than be stuck here for many years. i don't understand their point and they don't understand me.
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Feb 3, 2024
I have a friend that actually thinks aging is beautiful. I love her to death but no matter how much she explains it I just will never understand that point of view. I think a lot of people really underestimate the torturous physical and mental decay that comes with getting old
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May 11, 2024
I have a friend that actually thinks aging is beautiful. I love her to death but no matter how much she explains it I just will never understand that point of view. I think a lot of people really underestimate the torturous physical and mental decay that comes with getting old
Everyone assumes they'll be one of the healthy ones and surrounded by a doting family.
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Apr 15, 2022
I think it's completely relative. It all depends on whether you have some/most of the good things in life - someone to love and who loves you back, children who love you, maybe grandkids, enough money in the bank accumulated through a lucrative career, good health, good friends, security, people who need you, etc.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
i agree. a while back i had an argument with someone who got mad at me for 'not taking care of myself', and they said that if i continued to live a certain way i wouldn't live a long life. a pretty funny argument to me because i'd much rather be gone sooner than be stuck here for many years. i don't understand their point and they don't understand me.
The reason why I want to ctb is because I *don't want* to live a long life. I want to die young, and there should be nothing wrong with that. Why do people equate long with good and value quantity over quality? It never made any sense to me
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dying flower

Jan 6, 2024
The reason why I want to ctb is because I *don't want* to live a long life. I want to die young, and there should be nothing wrong with that. Why do people equate long with good and value quantity over quality? It never made any sense to me
I feel exactly the same, l am 67 and have outlived both parents and my only sibling. I don't want to be a burden on my children and a care home isn't in the equation so l will decide what happens to me 🙏
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Betrayed by my only friend, nothing left to lose
Oct 1, 2023
Yep, same here, even if my quality of life somehow improves drastically I'm still going to kill myself when I'm 50 to prevent myself from suffering with diseases that come with old age
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I want to achieve eternal oblivion
Jun 5, 2024
Agreed, I prefer to die young to avoid those future disappointments and sufferings because I know life will never get any better for me.
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Mar 8, 2024
Especially not when you already want to die. It's a heavy burden. Normies who say it's a privilege to age have never experienced the degenerative effects that come with aging I think. Not to mention life expectancy has become way too long imo. It should be shorter. Instead we prolong it until we are decaying living corpses.

I'm still relatively young and I hope I can ctb before I get too old. Dying young is a lot better than dying old and frail.
I agree
I feel exactly the same, l am 67 and have outlived both parents and my only sibling. I don't want to be a burden on my children and a care home isn't in the equation so l will decide what happens to me 🙏
I can only imagine how you feel. I'm 42 , my family is all broken, no kids , I never wanted to bring children into this world, I'll have noone when I'm older, I have joint degeneration as it is now, I can't imagine living beyond 50 , not even close.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I definitely think it should be a choice. Some people actually are lucky enough to enjoy good health into old age. If they want to live then- great. But, we shouldn't be forced to. I've witnessed how people have to live in (relatively good) nursing homes with deteriorating health and honestly- it terrifies me thinking about ending up like that. I hope I'll do all I can to end things before they get to that point.
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Autistic & miserable
Jul 18, 2022
and people wish for A.I to prolong their life even more!
im always feel like im in a parallel universe when i read the comments under A.I videos.
there are really people that wish to prolong their life for hunderts of years …like why???
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losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
Why do people equate long with good and value quantity over quality? It never made any sense to me

Totally agree & I think it is because most people don't think too much about this. So just go with the commonly held view that long life = good life. It's simliar to how most people believe ctb'ing is a sin...but when you ask them why they couldn't tell you. Love this chat about longevity from 11.16 onwards;

Gabor Mate an 80 year old agrees it is quality of life over quanity. Only clever people question these things, the stupid people just act like sheep & ASSUME long life = good life. I'm very tempted to live fast, take lots of drugs & ctb when the fun stops. Gabor Mate also thinks drugs can lead to spirtual experiences (see from 26.37 onwards below);

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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
It's beyond my comprehension how anybody could wish to be old , a decaying walking corpse wracked with constant pains.

It's beyond my comprehension how anybody could wish to be trapped in a decaying small animal body that is really 30 trillion monstrous cells with an additional 30 trillion bacteria and other microorganisms inside and on you even face mites living on your face : all this is hidden.

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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Yes, the thought of suffering until old age is terrifying to me, I find it disturbing how humans can exist for so long and suffer so unbearably yet not die, I see nothing appealing about prolonging this meaningless and undesirable existence, I'll always see permanently not existing as preferable to reaching the hell that is old age.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
and people wish for A.I to prolong their life even more!
im always feel like im in a parallel universe when i read the comments under A.I videos.
there are really people that wish to prolong their life for hunderts of years …like why???
The ones that want to live for hundreds of years are Brainwashed
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Apr 18, 2023
Especially not when you already want to die. It's a heavy burden. Normies who say it's a privilege to age have never experienced the degenerative effects that come with aging I think. Not to mention life expectancy has become way too long imo. It should be shorter. Instead we prolong it until we are decaying living corpses.

I'm still relatively young and I hope I can ctb before I get too old. Dying young is a lot better than dying old and frail.
Getting old doesn't necessarily scare me... But... Never having a family, never accomplishing anything, never doing any exciting, wasting my life... That scares me. I worked my ass off in my twenties to get into medical school and then when in it still worked my ass off. I was the victim of crimes and illegally forced out... Now all that work was for nothing. Even to employers it's basically like it didn't happen. The only job I have been really able to get was working in a factory. I think I was the only one there with a college degree let alone having spent time in medical school. Probably one of the very few not on drugs... The only pre-req was seemingly have a pulse. That's despite 500+ apps... Feels like my life was stolen from me and now I am essentially homeless. So just never having a life scares me the most. I feel like I wasted it studying.
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Mar 4, 2024
I have a friend that actually thinks aging is beautiful. I love her to death but no matter how much she explains it I just will never understand that point of view. I think a lot of people really underestimate the torturous physical and mental decay that comes with getting old
That sounds like something a masochist would say. Aging is the break down and withering of cells. Slowly decaying as each chemical reaction is made. Your whole body is different approx every 5 years (all the cells are) but this process gets worse each time.

Logical anyone saying that aging is beautiful sounds completely nuts. If she said "getting stuck at age 40 and you never age at all and can choose when to go" would be a pretty logical statement. Ask her if it's beautiful at age 85 when he joints are shot to shit, bones wittle, knees weak, moms spaghetti (lol), organ failure, shitting herself, unable to walk, and on and on and on to ♾️.
I definitely think it should be a choice. Some people actually are lucky enough to enjoy good health into old age. If they want to live then- great. But, we shouldn't be forced to. I've witnessed how people have to live in (relatively good) nursing homes with deteriorating health and honestly- it terrifies me thinking about ending up like that. I hope I'll do all I can to end things before they get to that point.
Good health is old age is an oxymoron. All you need is some cancer cells to decide to "switch on" and that's it. It can't be controlled or stopped. A lot of cells lie dormant. Had it with cancer at age 21 and I wasn't doing drugs, went to the gym, no alcohol, etc. just bad genes from parents (the cancer I got is hereditary even though my parents don't have it - must be further down the line).
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