
Dec 14, 2020
I've decided that I definitely want to be unconscious when I CTB as my method is painful. But I want to be properly unconscious-not just asleep, but medically unconscious where I physically can't wake up or feel anything that's happening.

Would it be possible to have some nitrogen gas attached to an oxygen mask on my face via a tube, and have that knock me unconscious by breathing it for long enough? I've searched for this, but all I can find is stuff about using the nitrogen gas itself as a method of dying. I'm not intending to die by nitrogen. My plan is this:

1) Attach an oxygen mask to my face. Have a tube going from that oxygen mask to the nozzle of a nitrogen gas tank.

2) Fall asleep

3) Have a timer activate and cause the nitrogen gas to begin flowing

4) Have a second timer activate the hydraulic press, crushing my brain

Would nitrogen being pumped into an oxygen mask like this knock me truly unconscious, such that I can't wake up, and won't feel what's happening? It's very important it doesn't wake me up and doesn't let me feel anything. If not, are there alternative or better ways to ensure unconsciousness before death? Preferably, methods that could be activated while I'm already asleep.

Sorry if this has been discussed before, but searching is only bringing me stuff about the nitrogen itself being used to CTB.
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Mar 2, 2021
Why do you want to crush your head with a hydraulic press?


Dec 14, 2020
Why do you want to crush your head with a hydraulic press?
You can look at my profile and view my previous two threads for a bigger explanation (especially the one about MWI), but the short answer is: I need a method that has a 100% chance of killing me. I'm terrified about the chance of survival. And completely flattening my brain surely has a 0% chance of survival.

If you want to ask more about my views on MWI and how it relates to CTB then please do so in the thread I made about it previously, I don't want this thread to get caught up in that as well.


Mar 2, 2021
It would knock you out if you did it correctly. It's one reason why I'd never choose this method


Oct 8, 2018
Breathing in Nitrogen alone will cause death.
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Mar 7, 2021
You are absolutely overthinking it - if you have the gas what is the point doing anything else other than using that as the ctb method. The talk of it needing to be 100%, nothing is 100% certain. The massive set up that your plan entails could easily have something go wrong in the mechanics. With the gas, the only fails will be if the gas has leaked or is too small, or your mask comes off during the process, but these can all be prevented sufficiently before the act by doing checks and positioning yourself correctly.

Plus, how much energy have you got in a suicidal state? I can't even get out of bed let alone do all that prep!
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Dec 14, 2020
You are absolutely overthinking it - if you have the gas what is the point doing anything else other than using that as the ctb method. The talk of it needing to be 100%, nothing is 100% certain. The massive set up that your plan entails could easily have something go wrong in the mechanics. With the gas, the only fails will be if the gas has leaked or is too small, or your mask comes off during the process, but these can all be prevented sufficiently before the act by doing checks and positioning yourself correctly.

Plus, how much energy have you got in a suicidal state? I can't even get out of bed let alone do all that prep!

This doesn't line up with descriptions of using nitrogen gas to CTB that I've read in guides. They make a very big deal about doing the "exit bag" method, which isn't just an oxygen mask on your face connected to a nitrogen tank, but is a whole process where you have to squeeze all the air out of the bag so that it's flat and crumpled, then inflate it with nitrogen, and then place your head inside. In particular, there's a lot of emphasis on the fact that you have to exhale fully and get all the air out of your lungs first, or else it might not work. Which makes me think that me falling asleep with a mask on and having it eventually activate a nitrogen tank like an hour later wouldn't kill me, as my lungs would definitely be full of air. I'd be breathing normally the whole hour that I'm asleep for.

Websites like lostallhope say that there is a chance of failure with this method, and that there are people who have survived but with brain damage, which sounds like a nightmare.


Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
You are absolutely overthinking it - if you have the gas what is the point doing anything else other than using that as the ctb method. The talk of it needing to be 100%, nothing is 100% certain. The massive set up that your plan entails could easily have something go wrong in the mechanics. With the gas, the only fails will be if the gas has leaked or is too small, or your mask comes off during the process, but these can all be prevented sufficiently before the act by doing checks and positioning yourself correctly.

Plus, how much energy have you got in a suicidal state? I can't even get out of bed let alone do all that prep!
I think it isn't worth trying to explain to this person, people have already tried.

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