

Hungry Ghost
Dec 9, 2018
I have a sudden urge to just go... but still have a few more affairs in order. My self sabotage plan is working. Therapy only serves to push me closer, death is the escape from the fact that my misery & life is all my fault even though it is the product of horrific abuse. I belive that I may have destroyed something so beautiful. This last year has been hell. I can't ever face or accept my wounds & the consequences of the actions I have taken. I have almost everything ready..... If I wanted to be truly fucked up... I could be posting a Goodbye post right now... but I dont want to leave my responsibilities in a disarray. Others should not have thier lives in total upheaval cause of my act. While obviously I can't eliminate it. I feel better reducing it as much as I possibly can.... The Anniversary of the Trauma is this weekend. I am in an emotional disarray... the ptsd is flaring & Im not fighting it... I welcome it as a helper to give me that final push... when Im gone the endless shame will finally be over & I wont have to deal with living, day in & day out as the crazy girl... the one who humiliated herself and I felt I had no control over my meltdown... There is not enough forgiveness in the world...
I failed god
I failed boy from last summer
I failed my husband
I failed myself
I failed this life...

Ill keep yall posted... I wanted to build a bag, but I dont want to.wait that long to procure & assemble... even though it would be best....
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Sep 15, 2019
How and when are you planning to go? I hope it won't be done on an impulse.

I think I'm ready to go. I'm planning on next Friday. No more distractions for me.
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Aug 18, 2019
Dawn ???
you did not fail god cos there is none.
you did not failed yourself, others did.
you did not failed life, others did it for you.
you did not fail your husband, he failed himself.
please don't rush into something sudden, I said that before and it seemed to work. Just try to calm down for a bit. Don't put all the blame on to yourself. It happened to you, you did not make it happen. OK?
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
Neither of us failed God.
God failed us by abandoning everyone to their luck all this time.
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Lady black

Lady black

35 male, central Europe, German speaking
Oct 22, 2018
Good luck!
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Mar 19, 2019
Neither of us failed God.
God failed us by abandoning everyone to their luck all this time.
This really comforts me. I love reading all the posts where people defy god and tell us we're gonna be okay, it helps my religiously traumatised ass to feel a bit less terrified. I did not failed god, and neither did Dawn, he failed us. Thank you.

@Dawn0071111 I believe I've read your posts here more than anyone else's and they almost always made me react and resonate in some way. I don't think I can have words to comfort you, I know that very few people could help me through my ptsd flares and it's a lonely road, but I want to tell you that some people are there and in a kinda same boat and you're not alone. I really feel for you. Whatever your decision, I'll be there to support you. I'm getting very emotional when I see you're hurt.
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Sep 30, 2019
I know this has been said a million times, but please don't do anything on impulse. My thoughts are with you. Don't worry about "getting affairs in order", just take care of yourself. Pamper yourself if you feel like it and get some sleep if you can. You did not fail anyone, your life is yours and yours only. I'm sorry if this sounds insensitive, but maybe you can "celebrate" the Anniversary of the Trauma as being one year past the trauma and still living and fighting. You're incredibly strong :heart:!
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Hungry Ghost
Dec 9, 2018
Dawn ???
you did not fail god cos there is none.
you did not failed yourself, others did.
you did not failed life, others did it for you.
you did not fail your husband, he failed himself.
please don't rush into something sudden, I said that before and it seemed to work. Just try to calm down for a bit. Don't put all the blame on to yourself. It happened to you, you did not make it happen. OK?

Your too sweet hun.. stop making it hard for me...lol..... A part of me knows a lot of it wasn't my fault.... but I have to drown out that part otherwise I might have to stay here and deal with life and I can't because I'm scared and spoiled. :( My husband will be the onyl true victim in my whole story. The boy from last summer is the one a fell in love with but we had stupidly opened our marrige rather than divoricng then.... but he has been kind and supportive.... we have just lived like room mates for years stuck in a deep rut and i didn't deal with my restlessness the right way and I met a boy and the whole fucking thing destryoed me.
Neither of us failed God.
God failed us by abandoning everyone to their luck all this time.
I agree. One of the best things about my trauma is that it began my deconversion process. I am not athiest, but because of the indoctrination it will take a while for all the beliefs to shift internally..... But yeah------- I guess its just massive false guilt
This really comforts me. I love reading all the posts where people defy god and tell us we're gonna be okay, it helps my religiously traumatised ass to feel a bit less terrified. I did not failed god, and neither did Dawn, he failed us. Thank you.

@Dawn0071111 I believe I've read your posts here more than anyone else's and they almost always made me react and resonate in some way. I don't think I can have words to comfort you, I know that very few people could help me through my ptsd flares and it's a lonely road, but I want to tell you that some people are there and in a kinda same boat and you're not alone. I really feel for you. Whatever your decision, I'll be there to support you. I'm getting very emotional when I see you're hurt.

@Elias OMG honey... your so sweet... why yall making it hard for me to board my bus? LOL. I only feel like I have 2 or 3 humans left in life and only one I can feel close to... and I am soooooooo alone I can't take it much longer and I feel so guilty about leaving behind an opportunity. I just feel like more could come from my death than my life. I'm just so tired and I feel more like since my problem lies in personality and deep inner woundedness in my ability to relate its just so hard.... I'm still in love with this boy from last summer and if I worked very hard I'm sure somewhere in the world I could find happiness and meaning and purpose... but I feel so old and worn out and the long road of recovery is just not anything that appeals to me. I think I would do all that hard work just for another dissapointment. I'm a big immature baby, trust me its the truth. Honestly, I just need an easy way out. I feel so guilty because I'm not the person with persistent physical pain, I'm not disfigured (well physically), I'm not in country where I have to worry about war--- I am a suburban housewife, who grew up in 27 foster homes, married to a man I never loved and for the first time felt love at age 39, then the guy was really fucked up and all my shit surfaced and I had a massive ptsd, Narcissitc abuse survovor potential bpd flare (just a guess i have never been formally dignosed) I am really fucked up.... I'm just lazy yall..... tired and sad too.... a lot of sadness.... a lot of anger.... a lot of sadness...... so much sadness... so much bitterness.......
Good luck!

Thank you :)
I know this has been said a million times, but please don't do anything on impulse. My thoughts are with you. Don't worry about "getting affairs in order", just take care of yourself. Pamper yourself if you feel like it and get some sleep if you can. You did not fail anyone, your life is yours and yours only. I'm sorry if this sounds insensitive, but maybe you can "celebrate" the Anniversary of the Trauma as being one year past the trauma and still living and fighting. You're incredibly strong :heart:!

No its not insensitive at all. I really appreciate this. It is my life, it such a new concept for me. To feel like I own my life..... That I can do what I want with it..... I dont think that I am strong...... I believe I am very weak.... I guess I just don't value strenght anymore, its doesn't seem to do anything for me except to keep me in a state of perpetual suffering...... I'm so sad.

I just want to lose all the weight I gained from trauma binging all year (65 pounds!) , do the hobby I love and have a cute boyfried who loves me. But I seem to be male kryptonite.... I dont know what it is about me....... Only love can keep me here but I know that is the wrong reason to stay. Everyone says that I cant find love till i love myself so Im well fuck that I guess i will never find love then, or that you only find it when your not looking but I'm not really interested in anything else to be honest so to spare myself all the heartache that is to come Ive got to crush these damaged butterfly wings...
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Sep 29, 2019
I don't really have the words to comfort you, but I just want to say thanks, your post and replies always help me to feel a lot better, I don't think you have failed to anybody in the contrary, they have failed you, I don't know you but in this forum you always showed nothing but love and care, I'm really sorry you're suffering right now, I don't think age matter to start or change something, but I kind of understand you in the way of seeing the road of recovery not appealing, wish you the best and I support you in whatever decision you take :hug:
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Hungry Ghost
Dec 9, 2018
I don't really have the words to comfort you, but I just want to say thanks, your post and replies always help me to feel a lot better, I don't think you have failed to anybody in the contrary, they have failed you, I don't know you but in this forum you always showed nothing but love and care, I'm really sorry you're suffering right now, I don't think age doesn't matter to start or change something, but I kind of understand you in the way of seeing the road of recovery not appealing, wish you the best and I support you in whatever decision you take :hug:
Thank you so much for your honest words. .. Im foing to start fasting tonight throughout the weekend. Im so happy I am able to contribute to any sense of well being you have from a post or reply.... The ptsd is bad tonight... tomoroow is 1 year anniversary & i want to go... Im scared as shit too naturally... It s the same feeling like taking nasty medicine to get better.... yeah 40 isnt all that old. But I would be starting from scratch in every area of my life... and Im alone..... theres nothing left for me here.... your a darling
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I’ll be watching...
Aug 6, 2019
Thank you so much for your honest words. .. Im foing to start fasting tonight throughout the weekend. Im so happy I am able to contribute to any sense of well being you have from a post or reply.... The ptsd is bad tonight... tomoroow is 1 year anniversary & i want to go... Im scared as shit too naturally... It s the same feeling like taking nasty medicine to get better.... yeah 40 isnt all that old. But I would be starting from scratch in every area of my life... and Im alone..... theres nothing left for me here.... your a darling
I have always enjoyed your posts here Dawn, and I wish you peace during this difficult time. What is your planned exit method?
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Sep 25, 2019
I know I'm straight up a stranger to y'all but I always recognize your icon when you post & I'm just sorry to hear you're feeling so awful. Echoing others here, you definitely haven't failed anyone but I'm sorry you're feeling guilty as hell on top of everything else.

& For the record, PTSD can kick rocks. Take care.
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Everything Must Cease.
Sep 30, 2019
Wow,this community is lovely,I've never met you but I would fight for your choice to die peacefully even if it meant my life
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Hungry Ghost
Dec 9, 2018
I have always enjoyed your posts here Dawn, and I wish you peace during this difficult time. What is your planned exit method?
I have always enjoyed your posts here Dawn, and I wish you peace during this difficult time. What is your planned exit method?

C0.... But I think I really should not sell myself short & do the Exit Bag.... we will see I keep going back & forth.....
I know I'm straight up a stranger to y'all but I always recognize your icon when you post & I'm just sorry to hear you're feeling so awful. Echoing others here, you definitely haven't failed anyone but I'm sorry you're feeling guilty as hell on top of everything else.

& For the record, PTSD can kick rocks. Take care.
Thank you so much... the guilt is crushing .. just woke up from dreams about trauma boy.... I am devastated everyday... the flare, the SHAME...
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Sep 24, 2019
I'm so sorry it had to come to this, Dawn... You seem to be a lovely, sweet, caring person.
Why are you feeling so ashamed and guilty? Are you comfortable enough to share what happened? If not, that's OK, just ignore my post... I don't want to pry or be intrusive...
Again, I'm really sorry. I hope you can find peace. :heart:


Jul 22, 2019
Thank you so much for your honest words. .. Im foing to start fasting tonight throughout the weekend. Im so happy I am able to contribute to any sense of well being you have from a post or reply.... The ptsd is bad tonight... tomoroow is 1 year anniversary & i want to go... Im scared as shit too naturally... It s the same feeling like taking nasty medicine to get better.... yeah 40 isnt all that old. But I would be starting from scratch in every area of my life... and Im alone..... theres nothing left for me here.... your a darling
40 is still young. Forty is the new " 30".


Just trying to catch a bus!
Oct 18, 2019
Dawn I'm sorry you're struggling. I can't imagine your pain and suffering. I'm a new member. My heart goes out to you. I hope everything gets better for you.

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