

Sep 1, 2020
Tbh it's pretty cold. I'm spirtual weeb or whatever (i believe in god, love etc) but damm man with all paradoxes and deja vu, nightmares in deja vu, (all other shit aswell that would be relatable at least somewhat for some of you in you people's context) that I've had with myself it was really hard. It's a complete fuckstrosity and I'd rather be 'above ground', out of this univers/dimension and to the people i belong. Yeah i guess i have held my ground when i needed to. But nightmares/bad dreams/'night terrors' etc are really something that will make you think not to be taken lightly at some point. Ya boi couldn't see and it's kinda like life now. But now i can see more than just my mobile screen and other tech. Fucking sucks bro. But um. At least i found out at some point there's gonna be stuff really good on the next plod of.. uh.. life. After.. Life.. yeah good. Glad i made my statement eventually. I'd also would love to chat about some level of pain and give guidance and shit. But suicide is a hard ass journey. Fuck. I'm glad I've separated the real fucking bad shit of dejashit out of my life... yes so far but working in nightmare or whatever rising above my own stuff,, demon etc. Sorting out my music i can just play in 2019-2020. Those were sweet. I'm glad I've got my music recompositions together bros and lasses, it's something that's really strived me to keep going. Just a shame I've been over it time again prelife included and so on and so forth. Childhood sucked teenhood sucked. I need death. I want out.
Gonna share a few tracks here aswell because fuck i hit something, it a bit woah it fast for some but to be honest.. it's just a fizzle for me. It's what I've needed. big step on moves, boppin it, whatever. Something to take me out of this diahrroea shit fart of a world and focus on myself. Personally good feelings for pop culture and the rest of it is barely here in this world tho.. pretty sure. But i couldn't give two shits about it tbh
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  • Love
Reactions: Alec


Apr 22, 2019
I think I feel a lot of the things you are feeling too. I'd rather be above ground too, with people I belong to.❤️
  • Hugs
Reactions: Michaelwaev


Sep 1, 2020

I think I feel a lot of the things you are feeling too. I'd rather be above ground too, with people I belong to.❤
Yeah buddy

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