

Mar 28, 2019
There is no final decision yet and the highest court just heard the different positions of the pro-choice / pro-life debate, but it seems from what is known, that the highest court will legalize assisted suicide. Which means that doctors can prescribe a dieing patient nembutal legally soon.

Interestingly, the highest judges already declared that "suicide is a basic right" and banning assisted suicide would mean, that this basic right would be interfered with. Somebody argued that in countries with assisted suicide, the suicide rate would be higher. The judge said "yea, this just means more people use their fundamental right" :hihi:

Of course they are talking about sick people which are about to die anyways. Also the judges accepted the idea that "preventing suicide can be considered a moral concern". So there is still acknowledgment that pro-life stance is virtuous. But still, I enjoyed hearing about the perspective of the highest judges in Germany that suicide is a basic right and that it must be protected. This is an important step. At least a handful of people will benefit.

Article in German:
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Apr 5, 2019
Good. It really should be ones own decision and right. Limitations should only be about ensuring that the person knows what is happening, and is not somehow being forced.
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Oct 6, 2018
One step forward!
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Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
Ahh im sooo happy about that. Well done Germany. The UK is still decades behind when it comes to this matter.
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Distracting myself through Life
Apr 7, 2019
Good News :)
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Jan 7, 2019
There is no final decision yet and the highest court just heard the different positions of the pro-choice / pro-life debate, but it seems from what is known, that the highest court will legalize assisted suicide. Which means that doctors can prescribe a dieing patient nembutal legally soon.

Interestingly, the highest judges already declared that "suicide is a basic right" and banning assisted suicide would mean, that this basic right would be interfered with. Somebody argued that in countries with assisted suicide, the suicide rate would be higher. The judge said "yea, this just means more people use their fundamental right" :hihi:

Of course they are talking about sick people which are about to die anyways. Also the judges accepted the idea that "preventing suicide can be considered a moral concern". So there is still acknowledgment that pro-life stance is virtuous. But still, I enjoyed hearing about the perspective of the highest judges in Germany that suicide is a basic right and that it must be protected. This is an important step. At least a handful of people will benefit.

Article in German:
This is awesome for all Germans but it'll never happen in America, our politicians are just in it for money and power. So if they can't gain either of those, forget about it.
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Dark Soul

Dark Soul

Nov 4, 2018
Sehr gut !!! Einen Schritt vorwärts. Das bedeutet aber nicht, daß man soetwas wie die "Patverfü"für das Verbot psych. Diagnostiken etc. außer Acht lassen darf.

A good news today. :)
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Mar 28, 2019
This is awesome for all Germans but it'll never happen in America, our politicians are just in it for money and power. So if they can't gain either of those, forget about it.

But it has already happened in a few states in the US e.g. Oregon. And Germany will have the same problems as the US-states I think. People about to die will have to go from doctor to doctor to beg for Nembutal, collect reports and wait for a green light from institutions. Politicians will not listen to the judges declaring "suicide is a fundamental right" and make it just available for a tiny fraction.

Now pro-choice looses its most important argument (painful deadly diseases) and cases like us are dependant on the goodwill of the society, which thinks suicide is something sick that must be prevented. Who will liberalize the law further? Nobody.

Most people who support the medical model want to get nembutal when they are in the same position, e.g. about to die painfully. They are in a good position, sitting on their couch and working. They will not change the laws for people who are fed up with their life, because most people will not get into this situation.
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Jan 7, 2019
But it has already happened in a few states in the US e.g. Oregon. And Germany will have the same problems as the US-states I think. People about to die will have to go from doctor to doctor to beg for Nembutal, collect reports and wait for a green light from institutions. Politicians will not listen to the judges declaring "suicide is a fundamental right" and make it just available for a tiny fraction.

Now pro-choice looses its most important argument (painful deadly diseases) and cases like us are dependant on the goodwill of the society, which thinks suicide is something sick that must be prevented. Who will liberalize the law further? Nobody.

Most people who support the medical model want to get nembutal when they are in the same position, e.g. about to die painfully. They are in a good position, sitting on their couch and working. They will not change the laws for people who are fed up with their life, because most people will not get into this situation.
True, it has been "legalized" in some states but the criteria one has to meet in order to take advantage of the law only includes a tiny fraction of those who want access to a peaceful, humane way to die, including most of us here on this site. I don't think the US will ever make it legal for people with chronic, debilitating mental health conditions, just physical ones.
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Mar 28, 2019
True, it has been "legalized" in some states but the criteria one has to meet in order to take advantage of the law only includes a tiny fraction of those who want access to a peaceful, humane way to die, including most of us here on this site. I don't think the US will ever make it legal for people with chronic, debilitating mental health conditions, just physical ones.

Unfortunately, I think it's the same case with Germany. Only a tiny fraction will benefit.
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Mar 7, 2019
There is no final decision yet and the highest court just heard the different positions of the pro-choice / pro-life debate, but it seems from what is known, that the highest court will legalize assisted suicide. Which means that doctors can prescribe a dieing patient nembutal legally soon.

Interestingly, the highest judges already declared that "suicide is a basic right" and banning assisted suicide would mean, that this basic right would be interfered with. Somebody argued that in countries with assisted suicide, the suicide rate would be higher. The judge said "yea, this just means more people use their fundamental right" :hihi:

Of course they are talking about sick people which are about to die anyways. Also the judges accepted the idea that "preventing suicide can be considered a moral concern". So there is still acknowledgment that pro-life stance is virtuous. But still, I enjoyed hearing about the perspective of the highest judges in Germany that suicide is a basic right and that it must be protected. This is an important step. At least a handful of people will benefit.

Article in German:
As a US citizen I endorse this thread. LOL
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