
Aug 18, 2020
It is behind a paywall but I've read it. Sadly this is from one of my favorite news magazines. The story is about a predator who searched for mentally ill women and persuaded them into killing themselves. He was active in forums for people with mental illnesses and later also in suicide forums. I really doubt he was a member of this forum. He was also active in self help forums.
The articel is against suicide forums. They let one expert talk. They say only a few people find help in suicide forums. (The truth is the vast majority of people on this forum say how nice the people here are and how compassionate we behave).
The so called "expert" claims that the majority of suicide forum members are women. (I really doubt that on SS). Most of them did not really want to die and instead they hope that someone stops them from ctb.
Then he pretends that most people on suicide forums were predators who want to see other people in agony, are selfish-perverts with the sexual preference to humiliate/ kill other people. And most discussions on suicide forums were not about helping each other instead most of us would have the aim hurt each other.

FUCK YOU. You don't know us. Have you ever been in a suicide forum? Maybe he was in a pro-suicide forum??? I only know one German suicide forum and it was so vanilla. Method talks were forbidden. The atmosphere on SS is way better than anywhere else.
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Mar 21, 2021
Willst du sterben? JAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


May 8, 2021
I didn't read the article but it sounds like the perpetrator was convincing people to kill themselves, which I believe is not acceptable. On here we provide information and share experiences, but if anyone were to push someone else to kill themselves, that would be wrong.

What's sad is that this is always the type of story that makes it to the news. They never write about the many, many people that had a positive, helpful experience. For many people, forums like these give them a sense of belonging and feeling understood that they can't get anywhere else. Knowing the right information is also important to prevent suffering and for many people, knowing that ctb is an option is enough to keep them going.

But obviously, the killer-sadists make for a better headline and fit the governement's propaganda better than the stories from thousands of members whom the forum helped.
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Apr 24, 2021
There are predators everywhere. On every social media. Many people say that this site has helped them. I feel like I can be myself on here. We don't need to hide our feelings, struggles and failures. I find other social media sites toxic to be honest. Many agree that Facebook and Instagram are bad for mental health. People should be allowed to talk about their struggles without being censored, banned and mocked. You can't talk about it on Facebook, Reddit etc.
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lobster salad

lobster salad

overcooked :(
Aug 27, 2020
Here is another article in English, presumably talking about SS recently. Typical parent who ignored their child all the way until it was too late, then started hunting everything but themselves to blame for their loss. It's sad and what's worse it's that it's a common occurrence and behavior of parents and many normies
They say suicide forums are the evil because they don't want themselves to be seen as evil and poor listeners. They do this and destroy us and our support for the sake of protecting they're own ego. Selfish, so selfish and nothing else.
Edit sorry it's kinda unrelated I don't mean to hijack your thread but I don't want to make a separate thread just for this pathetic write up of bbc
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Aug 18, 2020
I didn't read the article but it sounds like the perpetrator was convincing people to kill themselves, which I believe is not acceptable. On here we provide information and share experiences, but if anyone were to push someone else to kill themselves, that would be wrong.

What's sad is that this is always the type of story that makes it to the news. They never write about the many, many people that had a positive, helpful experience. For many people, forums like these give them a sense of belonging and feeling understood that they can't get anywhere else. Knowing the right information is also important to prevent suffering and for many people, knowing that ctb is an option is enough to keep them going.

But obviously, the killer-sadists make for a better headline and fit the governement's propaganda better than the stories from thousands of members whom the forum helped.
I think he did not want to ctb. In the article it is written that he wanted to play hangman with his victims.
There are predators everywhere. On every social media. Many people say that this site has helped them. I feel like I can be myself on here. We don't need to hide our feelings, struggles and failures. I find other social media sites toxic to be honest. Many agree that Facebook and Instagram are bad for mental health. People should be allowed to talk about their struggles without being censored, banned and mocked. You can't talk about it on Facebook, Reddit etc.
I can only agree on that. If you talk on other platforms about suicide they shame and stigamtize you. He aimed also for women on self help forums. Why not ban team too government idiots!
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I mean the internet is bound to attract people with bad intentions due to the anonymous nature of it, that happens on most websites. Society attaches so much negative stigma to suicide. Most people on these websites are people who are suffering and life has treated them badly and they just want to share their views openly without judgement. Many people who haven't been there themselves just don't understand how these forums can be a support to people. I think the pro choice view is an important one and many other websites censor it. So this forum is needed.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
What does the media and society at large get from mislabeling suicidal people as mentally sick deviants?

Many of us have legitimate and rational reasons why we want to ctb.
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