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Jul 29, 2023
Anyone on here ever taken something like gender studies or feminism or something like that?

The way I understand it is that its aim is to deconstruct social norms (and wield them as tools).

If we could fully manipulate them properly and if it were like a tool then necessarily there would be experts and non-experts and therefore (though not exclusively) it would instantly become a political tool. Political policy could then exist and so become another system to be manipulated.

However this brings up a curious problem. Let me frame it first. Most people don't know a lot of things especially something like economics or math. According to basic economic theory highly fluid borders or open borders are a great way of boosting growth and prosperity. Yet most people would balk at the idea or worse. If we apply something similar to gender studies then in the political world idea X from expert gender professor is better than public opinion Y. Maybe most men should wear dresses since it'll lead to a better world or something. Or something more realistic. Males should become more comfortable cuddling and hugging and holding hands with each other (to reduce male loneliness and free women from such a burden). This was true in the past so maybe it should be encouraged by the government.

Well anyway I'm just curious if something like that exists. Ideas from gender studies or feminism experts that are highly unusual in the public but which would improve the world while staying at least somewhat realistic. Or if someone has recommendations for some interesting reads on something like that.


Kill me
Nov 26, 2023
Took a class on it, was really more a history lesson than anything:
Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

May 9, 2024
Gender studies is pretty interesting. Before dropping out, I took a gender studies course as an elective and I enjoyed it. My major was completely unrelated though (won't say what exactly it is but it involves a lot of math). I really liked the discussions that we did in class, and when I go back to school I'll consider taking another gender studies course if I need to take more electives.

I know people who used a gender studies major as a stepping stone to law school. However, I would generally only recommend doing gender studies as a minor or as a joint major, with a major that leads to better job prospects without needing a masters or PhD. If you or your parents have all the money in the world though, then what I said is irrelevant.