
Feb 2, 2020
I always thought maybe I had something to contribute, I love music, writing, creative stuff I guess.

Well i had a pretty cool opportunity recently where a production company asked me for a spec script, I sent it over having worked on it for a while. Turns out that really it wasn't good enough. This was my last bit of hope. I don't blame them it was me who didn't manage it and over estimated my own ability.

Dunno why I'm even writing this, but yeah, I have tried as people have asked of me. I over estimated myself and feel really stupid.

Gonna give up from now, I think. I was barely hanging on as it was.
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Reactions: disillusionment, DunnoWhyButYeah, GenesAndEnvironment and 10 others


I am done as of 4-21-2023. Somewhere I am no more
Apr 29, 2020
I'm so very sorry. What was he script about?
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Feb 2, 2020
Thanks for the response, it was my inability not the producers fault if it all comes across that way. It was a drama/comedy about a group of friends who accidentally get embroiled in a criminal enterprise, and spend the series balancing staying alive/figuring a way out of it.

Very generic tropes I guess, I did try my best with it. Was worth a go for sure, just didn't work out and I don't have any energy left for life.
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Reactions: LastFlowers, demuic and Dead Meat


I am done as of 4-21-2023. Somewhere I am no more
Apr 29, 2020
I understand. It's so hard. What was the heist?
fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
dont give up!! if this producer wanted to look at your stuff,it means people think you have talent. just make it better,or do another story! keep writing. the guy they hired isprob some asshole who has less talent--but works harder! hey write a story about ctb!
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I am done as of 4-21-2023. Somewhere I am no more
Apr 29, 2020
Write about what it's like to feel down all the time. Capture it and make the audience understand about the feeling of deep depression.
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Jan 22, 2021
Don't give up. If there's something we definitely need it's more entertainment. Jk Rowling tried every punisher before Bloomsbury published harry potter. They weren't a big company now look at her. Don't waste what you've got keep on trucking. Like someone else said someone wanted to look at your stuff. Nobody wants to read my crappy poems and short stories x
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Oct 4, 2018
Scaretolive, do you know how many times famous writers books and scripts were turned down before they became famous!?
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Feb 2, 2020
Thanks for the kind words people but I honestly don't think I have the ability to do it and thought I did. I wanted to have a backdrop of class struggle kind of escaping normal life and being miserable but yeah lol not happening now
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I am done as of 4-21-2023. Somewhere I am no more
Apr 29, 2020
I understand; not your feelings specifically but I empathize with wanting to be discovered and rise. I just know that most authors and people in the film and music industry fail a whooole lot before a single break happens. And it's usually a process of tiny refinements to gradually improve and not a "big break". Your pain, emotional feelings are real. I'm just making sure that the down and suicidal ideation isn't completely related to rejection by an industry that's entirely built on huge piles of people submitting their best work for free then choosing the top morsels out of the list.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Thanks for the response, it was my inability not the producers fault if it all comes across that way. It was a drama/comedy about a group of friends who accidentally get embroiled in a criminal enterprise, and spend the series balancing staying alive/figuring a way out of it.

Very generic tropes I guess, I did try my best with it. Was worth a go for sure, just didn't work out and I don't have any energy left for life.
That's one of the worst things, to work so hard on something, especially something that incorporates a hobby or serious ability you love and try to have pride in-only for it to be rejected. I'm the type of person who wouldn't even try, for fear of that rejection. So I give you credit for having the moxie to even submit something to critical eyes.
I've heard other writers describe this rejection, comparing it to giving birth to/raising a child, cultivating their personhood, then sending them off into the world, and having the world turn them away. It's basically a part of you, or at least that seems to be the case for most people who do this type of work. I don't want to be the bearer of empty platitudes, but this does seem to be the type of thing that the majority of professionals (and amateurs alike) have to do over and over and over again, before they finally find success and praise. I'm not saying I wouldn't just sink into my own piteous puddle of despair in your position, but if possible, I would suggest trying again and using any criticisms to further develop your work.
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Reactions: FuneralCry, ScaredToLive and Tintypographer


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Almost everyone fails at this sort of thing, no? Even entrepreneurs fail a vast majority of the time iirc. If you like writing and think that what you write is good then just see it as a hobby and keep sending them in for shits and giggles, maybe something will happen in time.

If you actually want to make money off of it you're going to need some connections, I believe.