

Jan 28, 2019
just watched the show "i shouldn't be alive" an episode where this guy went paddling in the river in winter and then his boat got capsized and he was stranded in the middle of the canyon. he was dealing with hypothermia and as i was watching it i was fantasizing about how peaceful it would be to go that way. (minus the physical injuries he took)

the guy was talking about trying to stay awake and not sleep cause if he fell asleep he would have died. the whole scenery of him laying there in nature, thinking about various events in his life, just daydreaming about things and getting ready to die. doesn't even sound that painful physically.

when you are no longer shivering you know the end is near. then crawl into a hole and just fall asleep.

if you wanna watch it check it out:
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Reactions: not4us, Sunset Limited and Mr.VLADIM1R


Sep 30, 2019
That seems like torture to me. You have to freeze your ass off until your body cant take the cold anymore.
Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
This could be peaceful with benzos + alcohol + betablockers but i don't know.


The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Nah, I jumped off a bridge in winter. I only managed to spend a few minutes there, slowly drowning, before being fished out, and by them I was shivering uncontrolably, my limbs were literally white, even my jaw clenched so hard I wasnt able to separate my teeth. And afterwards I got pneumonia.
Maybe if you took something to knock you out really good before jumping into the water?
sleepy dog

sleepy dog

Sep 13, 2019
I have thought of freezing but it seems like torture.

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