front of me

front of me

Aug 3, 2023
Trees fight through their roots, mushrooms emit toxins, all organisms want to live and have defense mechanisms simply because they want to live, Reduce eating meat be a good thing and I also take it but it doesn't solve the underlying problem
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Aug 12, 2023
The day I see a tree calling out for its baby as it's taken away on the back of a truck, I'll agree..
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front of me

front of me

Aug 3, 2023
The day I see a tree calling out for its baby as it's taken away on the back of a truck, I'll agree..
And can you kill a disabled person who does not move and is paralyzed? If yes, I will agree


Aug 24, 2023
I guess you're trolling since the plants are the main diet.
If this aims to discredit veganism, knowing that to produce meat you have to use a lot of plants to feed animals so using more food to produce less food, it's stupid.
Besides, plants grow back.
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
The day I see a tree calling out for its baby as it's taken away on the back of a truck, I'll agree..
Read The Fir Tree. Trees are alive and have feelings


Apr 5, 2020
most vegans (and myself too) believe that moral consideration is based on having sentience. our current best guess is that no plant is sentient.
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
I have read that fairytale..You know it's not a biographical account of a real tree right???
Anderson's stories are nature's scripture giving us insights into it's world.


Jul 10, 2023
Yeah, you're right but they don't have a conscience, or at least we don't know if whether they have one or not, yet. And researching about that isn't a priority so we'll never know. But, if vegans took into consideration what you just said and stopped eating plants, what else would they eat, then? Even if they do have a conscience and feel what we're doing to them, granted, the underlying problem is solved but now theres an even bigger problem to deal with, what will we eat? Plants only have their defense mechanisms because of evolution, I think.
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only help i want is with ctb
Jul 9, 2023
Even if that's the case, eating meat means harm to many plants as well. Eating the plant is hurting one plant alone, while eating an animal involves harm to the animal, plus harm to all the plants which that animal ate over its life.
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real human being

real human being

full of broken thoughts
Jan 28, 2022
So to me this isn't a big problem because I don't believe that killing animals for food is immoral under all circumstances, rather I am opposed to the particular circumstances of factory farming, where animals live short, isolated, bleak lives full of immense suffering without ever even seeing sunlight to then be brutally killed.

I don't have too much of a problem with hunting animals for food like predators do in nature (while minimizing suffering of course) or raising animals in good conditions where they can live good healthy lives before being killed for their meat or while being used for their eggs or milk. So the same thing would apply to plants.

There is also, of course, the important distinction that plants seemingly aren't sentient, while animals are. Though, I don't really know what sentience is (and neither does anyone else I think) so I can't say for sure.
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My time stops now.
Sep 9, 2023
My opinion is that fruits (and some crops and their derived products) are the best food for morality, because they naturally fall off and are sure to have no feelings or sentinent.
Then come the naturally dead animals, not those raised for the human's appetite. They completed their free life before they become human's food.
Next are the vegetables, reasons are explained by other members.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
True. Sadly, no matter what we do, we will likely be destroying nature somewhere. It's not just what we eat, it's what we wear, our belongings, where we live. The chemicals used to maintain our modern way of living are likely killing off everything else.

Thing is- I'd be happy to die right now. So would a lot of us. I haven't procreated anymore consumers into this world. But- I don't massively want to suffer and I certainly don't want to screw CTB up. Plus, while I feel bad about it all- I don't want to upset my last remaining family members with my suicide.

While I feel awful about the damage I personally inflict upon this world, I also feel resentful for being put on this earth to then be made to feel guilty about polluting it! I feel desperately sorry for the younger generations. From the moment they arrive, they'll be hearing about how f*cked this planet is and how it's now up to them to save it.
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"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
Ultimately we are all just poo

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