

Mar 25, 2023
I've had a drug OD where I thought I died and I felt at ease because I was tripping balls. I find it a very strange experience, I was reborn, reincarnated and met god. That poor paramedic has had too many people ask them what timeline they're in by the look they gave me when I asked.

I'm really interested to hear about these experiences.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
There was a thread about it some time back. The majority of people who went through clinical death had no experience at all. A minority have had profound experiences (I once read the percentage is about 15%), but tend to be ignored since most people are dogmatic about reductionist materialism.

I can recommend the NDERF for further reading.
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Apr 15, 2023
I had a seizure off laced drugs and I don't remember anything between taking them and then waking up.

I also almost drowned and for some reason I don't remember any pain. Only a lot of panic and the need to scream. Of course, it could be that I wasn't far enough into the drowning process! Also this was a long time ago so I could have maybe "forgot" the pain.
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