Psychologically I was a suicidal cliche.. throwing things out, tidying computer etc.. writing notes and making sure everything was in order.. I was convinced it was the end.. I think it was my first ever 'crisis' even though I've thought about and wished for death for a long time. It was scary as hell and felt out of my control.
When it came to exit time I just had the words 'NO' in my head and visualised a positive future and pulled back. Since then I've stayed the same, less panic and 'crisis' but perpetually stuck between wanting to die and staying alive purely because of the chronic guilt I feel for the people I love and know. However, it just feels like a matter of time. Hoping for a recovery, as my depression and anxiety are usually situational even though without them I have a stack full of issues, and, without sounding too self pitying I've lived through some pretty horrific circumstances in my lifetime which no amount of therapy and medication can change. But I can't see a way out this time.