

Remember me for me, I need to set my spirit free
Jul 2, 2020
English is not my first language so I'm sure there's gonna be plenty of mistakes. I hope it's not too sappy, I just really wanted for the people close to me know how much I care. Writing this was really intense but also kinda relieving in some way.

Hey there, it's x. If you are reading this note, I am dead or otherwise unavailable to stop this message from being sent. I have scheduled this note to be sent 72h after my attempt to minimize the chance of false alarms.

I am sorry to hurt you all this way. I truly believe this was the only option for me.
I want you all to know that there was no way for you to stop me and you should not feel like you were responsible in any way. I made this decision while sober and rational and it was not something out of impulse. I did not want to be stopped. I am grateful for each one and all the memories I've had with you. You were the brightest light in my life even when I was at my lowest.

xxx, thank you for everything! I'm glad that I got to meet you. With you around, I knew I had someone who truly cared and who was always there for me. You helped me hang on for a little longer when I felt like I was at the end of my rope. With you around I felt like I could truly be myself even when who I was was a broken mess. I'm sorry for putting so much of my troubles on you. I hope future treats you kindly, I know you've been going through a lot and I'm sorry for adding to your burdens. Thank you for being my best friend.
I love you, bro.

xxx, please don't blame yourself. You were always there to listen to my worries, you were always there looking out for me. I'm grateful for how much you cared. I was always looking forward to the times we would watch shows or do karaoke or just eat cake, and you helped me see something good in myself. I'm sorry if you feel that you are in any way responsible for this but just know you're not. I'm sorry that I couldn't be there for you more. I know you've gone through some rough things and I want you to know you are strong. And I hope you can keep continue being the strong and the fun xxx you always are.

xxx, you're a really cool dude. You were basically my first friend in xxx and I don't know if I would have kept playing if I hadn't met you. I wouldn't have met all these great people if I hadn't met you. Playing with you was always fun and when you occasionally opened up about yourself and your interests I was really happy about it. I'm sorry if I ever got on your nerves or if I was too annoying. I know you have a lot of ideas and ambitions and I hope you get to actualize them.
Thanks for all the fun times we had.
I'm glad you're around too.

, I know I always gave you a rough time with all the pick up lines you used on me and all but it was always fun to see what you would come up with. Listening to your wild ass stories was always a ride. I hope I could help you at least a little bit when you were having a rough time and I'm glad you saw me as someone you could confide in. Please take care of yourself, your body needs rest even if don't feel like going to bed. I know you're a really caring person who wants to look out for others but you need to also look out for yourself. Thank you for brightening up my days.

xxx, you're such a energetic and fun person to be around. I believe you have a bright future ahead of you. The drawing you did was really good and I hope you continue drawing! Please also make sure to get plenty of rest, I know you're young and and you don't like to be told what to do but sometimes I do really get worried. Also kick zzz's ass for me if he doesn't sleep enough. I wish you the best.

xxx, when I got really drunk I remember telling you that it's okay to just be there sometimes. You don't always have to be upbeat and energetic. I hope you keep that in your mind. People just want you around, and even if you're not constantly cracking jokes you're a great person. Thank you for listening when you did. Thank you for telling me you'd be there for me. I really appreciate it. You know my regrets. I'm sorry it ended like this.

xxx, the conversations we would have when it was the two of us I really cherish. I was really happy when I managed to make you laugh, even though you practically laugh at everything. I think that's one of my favorite things about you. I hope you can always keep laughing in the future. Best of luck with your studies!

xxx, it's been a while since we've talked. I just want you to know that even if we weren't always in contact that regularly, I would often think of you and hope the best for you. You introduced me to xxx, and still when I remember the times we would just joke about and do dumb shit in game it makes me really happy. Even if some of the memories maybe bittersweet, I hope you can remember them fondly too. We've both have been through some pretty rough times. Please be kind to yourself and don't give up on yourself. I believe in you. Thank you for being in my life.

xxx, I'm sorry I never ended up sending you the candies like I promised. I hope you get to try them someday. I know it was frustrating to be my friend sometimes, but you still stuck by my side. You were there for me when I was really hurting. You made me laugh when I felt like there was no reason to go on. You always made me feel included in when I felt like I was out of place. I'm truly grateful for all of those things.

xxx, thank you for being my internet mom basically. Everytime someone hurt me you were ready to kick their ass. Thank you for all those silly memes and cat videos. I'm sorry that I was really distant at times, that was on me and not on you. I know life is really difficult sometimes and it's frustrating and painful but I want you to keep going.

And to everyone, I love you! I would mention each one of you individually but that would take me a year or two. Thank you for being in my life. Please take care of yourselves, both physically and mentally. You matter and you are loved, even if you don't feel like it sometimes.

I hope you find the happiness that you deserve.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
This is a good note and glad that you are able to say your goodbyes to the people you care about. I wish you peace in whatever you decide to do. :hug:
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Jun 26, 2019
Your note is beautiful. You are clearly a caring and beautiful person. Such a shame life has given you shit. Wherever you are, I hope you are at peace with yourself. Your note is done. You can relax, and move forward with what is next.
Love and hugs (((:heart:)))
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Jul 19, 2020
These are indeed beautiful messages to some people for whom you obviously care about. It's clear they care about you too. You end your note with these words:
You matter and you are loved, even if you don't feel like it sometimes.

I hope you find the happiness that you deserve.
May I ask, why is it that you don't feel the same way about yourself?

(To be clear, I'm not trying to change your mind. I just want to understand how you came to this point. I ask myself questions like this all the time.)
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Remember me for me, I need to set my spirit free
Jul 2, 2020
These are indeed beautiful messages to some people for whom you obviously care about. It's clear they care about you too. You end your note with these words:

May I ask, why is it that you don't feel the same way about yourself?

(To be clear, I'm not trying to change your mind. I just want to understand how you came to this point. I ask myself questions like this all the time.)

When it comes to myself I can get the message on a rational, conscious level but I've never been able to truly embrace it mentally. For me my self worth has always been a lot tied to how I benefit others and I think a lot people in general have a hard time being as loving and forgiving for themselves as they are for others (which is why it's also important to tell people around you that you do love and care about them) I just can't see myself as a person who is worth anything. I know my friends love and care for me and I cherish that, but I can't find anything lovable in myself. And sadly I don't think love is enough to save someone who is as fucked up as me.

Also I think for me happiness is dying. I can't image myself being happy and content when I'm alive.
  • Aww..
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Reactions: Lost1804 and Wisdom3_1-9


Jul 19, 2020
When it comes to myself I can get the message on a rational, conscious level but I've never been able to truly embrace it mentally. For me my self worth has always been a lot tied to how I benefit others and I think a lot people in general have a hard time being as loving and forgiving for themselves as they are for others (which is why it's also important to tell people around you that you do love and care about them) I just can't see myself as a person who is worth anything. I know my friends love and care for me and I cherish that, but I can't find anything lovable in myself. And sadly I don't think love is enough to save someone who is as fucked up as me.

Also I think for me happiness is dying. I can't image myself being happy and content when I'm alive.
I hear that loud and clear. I'm very sorry that you've come to feel that way. You sound like a really wonderful person who deserved much better.
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Reactions: Lost1804 and catsarecool

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