I heard some people can see god with some, and get peace.
I'm guessing they are talking about psychedelics. Multiple different types of drugs fall under that category, but the main ones (and the most well-known and popular of the bunch) are LSD (also known as "Lucy"), psilocybin mushrooms (also known as "shrooms", "magic mushrooms", and "mushies"), mescaline, and DMT. Depending on where you live they can actually be pretty easy to get your hands on since you can order them online or even find them at music festivals. You can even go online and order a kit to grow your own shrooms or just go foraging for them. In parts of Canada, you can also go to shrooms dispensaries to buy them irl. You can also order the bark needed to extract your own DMT online.
It's important to note that you shouldn't use those types of drugs (and probably just hallucinogens in general) if you or your family have a history of dealing with things, like psychosis since there might be a risk of them causing an onset of it. Also, you shouldn't use them unless you are in a good headspace since there is the risk of having a bad trip. You'll also need a trip sitter to watch over you the first time around in order to avoid having anything go wrong. Shrooms are generally recommended to first-time users due to their effects not lasting as long compared to something like LSD (6-8 hour trip vs 10-12 hour trip) and because they are less potent compared to something like DMT (DMT trips are pretty short compared to shrooms trips but they are also more intense, at from what I've heard).
They generally don't seem to cause brain damage and aren't toxic, so you should be fine, physically speaking. However, bad trips can be traumatizing and some even develop PTSD from them. Along with that, there is also the risk of developing
HPPD as a result of psychedelic use. Psychedelics can also intensify your emotions, so if you are already feeling like crap then they may worsen it. As a result, it's not uncommon for many to actually recommend against using them if you are suicidal since they lead to you acting on impulse and harming yourself.
You also shouldn't use them if you are taking SSRIs since that might reduce their effects.
You can find more (probably much better) information on them by reading the
psychonautwiki page on psychedelics.