- Nov 1, 2021
- 122
This is my final plan. It's a bit long, but if anyone reads it through, and has any thoughts or suggestions, please comment! I would appreciate any feedback.
The basic plan, in short:
My goodbye note will be in the scheduled email, and a copy will be printed and left at my house too. So, either way, they'll get it. The note is brief and basic, but I felt like it's just common courtesy, and I didn't want to leave without saying a word. Leaving a short note just feels right.
So, that's the plan in short. In addition, I'll also do the below preparations during the last few days, or on the last day. In fact, some of these, I have already done.
In addition to my goodbye letter, I'll prepare some other documents too:
The basic plan, in short:
- In the evening, set a scheduled email to my family, to be delivered the next day, during the day. If I'm unable to go through with the plan, I'll cancel the email in the morning, before it's sent.
- I'll have a handwritten note on my body too, stating that it's a suicide, and with instructions for who to contact. So, my family will be contacted either by the scheduled email, or by the police, based on the note I'll have with me.
- At around 2:00-2:30 AM, go into the woods, not far from my house, and do the act at around 3:00 AM. Method: Full suspension hanging. My chosen location is near a small trail, and has very low traffic during the day, and no traffic whatsoever at night.
My goodbye note will be in the scheduled email, and a copy will be printed and left at my house too. So, either way, they'll get it. The note is brief and basic, but I felt like it's just common courtesy, and I didn't want to leave without saying a word. Leaving a short note just feels right.
So, that's the plan in short. In addition, I'll also do the below preparations during the last few days, or on the last day. In fact, some of these, I have already done.
In addition to my goodbye letter, I'll prepare some other documents too:
- I'll leave notes at my house, which will have all the necessary information regarding my assets, bank accounts, my property etc. Things that might be useful during the inheritance process.
- I've made a will, and a copy of it will be at my house, and another will be registered with the Central Registry of Wills (There is such a thing in my country).
- Do some cleaning during the last few days. Hoover, tidy up a bit, throw away food etc.
- On the last day, turn off the main switches for gas, electricity and water.
- No need for everything to be immaculate and spotless, but leave things in good order.
- Cancel all direct debits, automatic payments and online subscriptions, so any services I use will be automatically cancelled by the time the next payment is due.
- Lock / freeze my credit card (with the option to re-enable it if I can't go through with the plan).
- Set phone SIM card to ask for PIN.
- Lock my phone with a passcode and switch it off on the last day, before I go. (A switched off phone is harder to break / unlock.)
- PC and hard drives are fully encrypted, inaccessible.
- Shred all paper notes, diaries and those sort of things with a paper shredder and discard everything.
- Delete social media accounts. (There is usually a grace period, so re-activation is possible for a couple of weeks if I fail.)
- Set Gmail account to go inactive and self delete after 3 months.
- Do a test run. Go to the location, at the planned time (3:00 AM), tie the rope and everything. Go through everything exactly the way as if I was doing it live, so that I get familiar with the process.
- Test the rope and the setup thoroughly whether it's strong enough. Go to the location, tie the rope, use the knots I plan to use, tie a noose close to the ground, step in it with my foot, and bounce on it with my full body-weight.
- By the time I'm doing it live, I should have an exact, written down, step-by-step plan of what needs to be done on the very last day, up to the point I jump. I should be able to go through that plan mechanically, point-by-point, without thinking too much. At the time, I'll be under stress, and I won't have the mental capacity to make complex decisions, so this is the way.
- Don't take my phone with me and don't call anyone for any reason on the last day or before the attempt. It's a mistake, and will likely result in a failed attempt. (The only exception is if I change my mind, and don't want to do it anymore.)
- Don't drink alcohol, don't take any medications or drugs. Have a clear head, and be well rested on the day and before the attempt. It means more willpower, more mental energy, and higher chance of success.
- It's a known phenomenon that near death, people can hear voices, have hallucinations, see deceased loved ones etc. If this happens, know that it's just my mind playing tricks on me, and don't be scared or surprised. (A bit of a stretch, and has never happened to me, but want to be prepared for everything.)