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Jul 31, 2022
The history of humanity alone is enough a valid reason to ctb. I mean, if people have always lived under poverty and oppression, why will it be different this time? Why would our fate be better? We all know so much suffering awaits us, but people insist that ctb is wrong. Their arguments don't make any sense. They just want to keep other people alive because they're not comfortable with the idea of death.

Here's a video I made about it.

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Jul 29, 2021
that's right governments enslave the people but free themselves

the mere fact that you have to work to be able to receive necessities in order to sustain survival or comfort. but I cannot accept living
in a reality or society that essentially coerces us to do so. Especially a society that condemns
suicide even while more humane methods are more readily accessible to grant those who are not willing to partake in such an event.
One they did not ask or couldn't have asked for. Who would willingly choose to live on a earth that requires you to give up most of your day to something you would
never do willingly wouldn't you rather not be apart of a world that forces you into such a dilemma were the only other option
in life is shame, starvation, homelessness

this system is being used to coerce and gain control over people
if you don't pay your income tax the government uses threats of imprisonment or taking your possessions away
to persuade an unwilling person to pay up obtaining money from you by using force and threats.
the government is robbing you of 20 percent of what you earn at work then they tax you further on everything you buy by a value-added tax rate of 20 percent
the system is designed in such a way that you are under constant threat of becoming homeless or going hungry if you don't keep going to work every week to earn money to pay your bills, it's a form of enslavement like going into debt it's a form of bondage
this system is a slave system because there is no opting out of paying taxes that are used for all kinds of things that are beneficial but also not beneficial like wars
they don't give you the choice to opt out of the system like they don't give you the choice to opt out of life
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Jul 31, 2022
that's right governments enslave the people but free themselves

the mere fact that you have to work to be able to receive necessities in order to sustain survival or comfort. but I cannot accept living
in a reality or society that essentially coerces us to do so. Especially a society that condemns
suicide even while more humane methods are more readily accessible to grant those who are not willing to partake in such an event.
One they did not ask or couldn't have asked for. Who would willingly choose to live on a earth that requires you to give up most of your day to something you would
never do willingly wouldn't you rather not be apart of a world that forces you into such a dilemma were the only other option
in life is shame, starvation, homelessness

this system is being used to coerce and gain control over people
if you don't pay your income tax the government uses threats of imprisonment or taking your possessions away
to persuade an unwilling person to pay up obtaining money from you by using force and threats.
the government is robbing you of 20 percent of what you earn at work then they tax you further on everything you buy by a value-added tax rate of 20 percent
the system is designed in such a way that you are under constant threat of becoming homeless or going hungry if you don't keep going to work every week to earn money to pay your bills, it's a form of enslavement like going into debt it's a form of bondage
this system is a slave system because there is no opting out of paying taxes that are used for all kinds of things that are beneficial but also not beneficial like wars
they don't give you the choice to opt out of the system like they don't give you the choice to opt out of life
But that's exactly the point. If the government and the elites seek to enslae everyone, why are the people, the commoners, against ctb? As a commoner myself, I will never judge another commoner who wants out. If I'm not likely to get caught, I will not even try to stop a person from opting out. Why do the poor try to prevent each other from leaving even though it might be their best interest? Why isn't there a class solidarity and initiative to escape to death? People fail to understand that preventing someone from voluntary death only ontributes to the slavery and oppression and the advantage of the oppressors.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
Society has always been hierarchical. It's one big hierarchy and only benefits the ones at the top, who enslave everyone else. The majority of people are born into slavery, and spend their entire lives as wageslaves, working their lives away to make rich people even richer. The elites want to keep everyone alive so we can be milked for money, and so they can profit off of people's labor. One more person alive is one more consumer and taxpayer. Anarchy ftw
But that's exactly the point. If the government and the elites seek to enslae everyone, why are the people, the commoners, against ctb? As a commoner myself, I will never judge another commoner who wants out. If I'm not likely to get caught, I will not even try to stop a person from opting out. Why do the poor try to prevent each other from leaving even though it might be their best interest? Why isn't there a class solidarity and initiative to escape to death? People fail to understand that preventing someone from voluntary death only ontributes to the slavery and oppression and the advantage of the oppressors.
I think it's because they're brainwashed by religion. Normies also don't even realize that they're enslaved and just slaves to money and society. Ignorance is bliss and normies are too ignorant to know that they're prisoners in prison, so they'll never attempt a prison break. They'll stay slaves for their whole lives and work away their lives. Wageslavery is a sad fate but it's what normies submit to
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Astral Corpse
Mar 6, 2021
This is because corruption gets everyone, eventually. Even if it is not the original intent, at some point people start prioritizing and looking after themselves. Some will do this right off the bat when given the opportunity. This is how the "elites" are born. And one can't be an elite when there is no-one to dominate and to exploit. When it comes to the will to live, people tolerate their conditions as long as there is some perspective.
WEF wants to bring back communism, let's see how that goes.
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sudo apt remove —purge snapd
Mar 2, 2024
name 1 system that won't cause human suffering and inequality, and doesn't completely overlook inherent human greed, I'll wait
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Jul 9, 2024
I think the world needs worker bees - currently it is humans. IN the future it will be more and more robots and AI. When robots can make robots we are truly doomed. Not an original thought - if robots and AI ever get enough control, they would logically shut off all services that keep humans alive. We are wasteful and inefficient. And destroying this planet. We kind of suck on many levels.
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Apr 15, 2024
Very interesting video and topic. It could be argued that pre-historic "primitive communist" society was the closest to non-oppressive we've ever been, but it was a time with low technology and thus full of natural suffering rather than political suffering. And marxists argue that there will be a golden age after state communism (socialist states) has transitioned into "full communism" which is a "stateless, moneyless and classless" world but with all the technology that was invented under capitalism and state socialist states. But I also think this is a pipe-dream. And I think these marxists would even admit that there will still be laws enforced violently under such a system. So things like police and prisons and oppression would still exist then.

I believe the ideal system would be an anarcho-pacifist commonist world (by commonism I mean beyond communism where BOTH bourgeois property AND even personal property should be shared by all). It's important that this is anarchist AND pacifist, which I think are mutually exclusive (because if violence is allowed then someone will always be oppressed and someone will always be the oppressor and thus cannot be anarchist at all; anarchist militias are an oxymoron). I think such a system has all the answers...

BUT... even my above ideal system I am pessimistic about myself, because I don't think humans, the way we are now, will ever be loving enough to allow each other to live in such a peaceful non-violent cooperative world, which is why I am very sympathetic to your post and argument.
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Dec 23, 2023
I don't understand why anyone does anything really.
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Astral Corpse
Mar 6, 2021
if robots and AI ever get enough control, they would logically shut off all services that keep humans alive.
AI represents human desire, this is what it's trained on, after all. But AI cannot evolve when the source, humans, are gone. The result would just be a "bootloop" when a new type of problem occurs. On a cellular level, we are all just data, the purpose of existence is to update that data. Everything that lives is able to adapt and learn. Also, nothing truly ceases to exist, everything just changes form. When it comes to AI, it cannot expand without the new input, and it is unable to generate it from thin air.
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Jul 9, 2024
But AI cannot evolve when the source, humans, are gone. The result would just be a "bootloop" when a new type of problem occurs. When it comes to AI, it cannot evolve without the new input, and it is unable to generate it from thin air.
I will have to agree to disagree on this. Better AI is programmed to try another strategy, and then another. Input can come from sensors, microphones and cameras with intelligent image recognition software. I would agree the Facebook chatbots talking to each other thing was overblown and mainly clickbait but in a few short years there may be real concerns. imo. Peace.
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Astral Corpse
Mar 6, 2021
Better AI is programmed to try another strategy, and then another. Input can come from sensors, microphones and cameras with intelligent image recognition software.
At this point, it's just a fantasy. What would the AI accomplish with all that sensory input when it's presented with a scenario that has not been programmed, meaning, with actual human analysis and knowledge. So far the only thing the AI has been able to manage is to duplicate (steal) code written by humans. It does not create anything new and is incapable of programming itself. It is capable of repeating the same tasks with high efficiency and replacing humans in some places, but when comparing the advertised capabilities and reality, this technology is mostly just a fraud to draw in investor money. Something like the renewable energy, which turned out to be not so "green" after all, and is the most expensive source of electricity in human history.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
that's right governments enslave the people but free themselves

the mere fact that you have to work to be able to receive necessities in order to sustain survival or comfort. but I cannot accept living
in a reality or society that essentially coerces us to do so.
Haven't humans always had to do some sort of work to obtain necessities, even when we were hunter-gatherers?
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trapped & scared
Jul 4, 2023
Just in defense of communism and socialism:

1. Most people don't even know what those are. Why they are not the same thing. And why they arent automatically bad or evil (that's capitalist propaganda that really got going with the "Red Scare")

2. They are still only theoretical. Neither of those political/economic systems have ever been successfully carried out. Not in Russia, China or anywhere else that likes to use those words to describe themselves. I.e. The Nazis were not actually socialists.

3. There are many forms of each of those. They aren't catch all terms.


Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Haven't humans always had to do some sort of work to obtain necessities, even when we were hunter-gatherers?
Only the normie hunter-gatherers did this, the more advanced NEETanderthal Man would spend their days dawbing crudely illustrated condemnations of these prehistoric neurotypicals and sketching authoratitive directives on why these feckless automatons should not have sex whilst also taking advantage of the products of their labour
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